Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Any word from the devs how the console version did saleswise?
Maybe the Pillars of Eternity devs will get the console thirst too if they see that there is a decent crowd for these RPGs or did they completely outrule a port?

Damn, console port begging as a former PC guy -_-


Any word from the devs how the console version did saleswise?
Maybe the Pillars of Eternity devs will get the console thirst too if they see that there is a decent crowd for these RPGs or did they completely outrule a port?

Damn, console port begging as a former PC guy -_-
Everything is possible but I don't think we'll see a console version any time soon.


I'm lvl 15 now and i feel that Bairdotr is not the huge help anymore.
I still value her special arrows but her normal attacks/skills are all not really great or don't do good dmg. She has a lot of DEX, PER and Expert Marksman 4 i think (at work atm). I have a rather good epic bow with the best damage/attribute combo i have found so far.
She also has 1 Point in Air element for healing (regeneration).

My team: main guy Knight/Tank (2 hand weapon), main girl Wizard Pyro/Geomancer, Jahan with air / water skills and Bairdotr as mainly Ranger.

So any tips to fully utilize her? Don't tell me about arrows, as i use them frequently (i always forget i have grenades too).
Are some good master skills coming up? Last skill was the sweeping cone rapid fire shot but since she is mostly away from the tough action, it doesn't seem so good. Should i craft a Bow or Crossbow and then put points into only one of them for dmg increase? I think i have only 2 point in Crossbow and 2 in Bow since my focus was to lvl up expert marksmann as fast as possible. Scoundrel is Dex too but it doesn't seem that it is a good combo with Ranger (use of daggers, close combat etc..)

Wow, not agreeing with shady Brandon in Silverglen locks you out of a good chunk of quests (Trolls Bounty) / use of tenebrium.
Divinity Original Sin: EE is on sale for 50% off on Steam right now, and the sequel hits early access this week.

I'm inspired to restart, I played 65 hours through the classic version, but need to get through this game to be ready for part 2!! It looks amazing.

Never did try co-op though, still dying to give that a shot.


Divinity Original Sin: EE is on sale for 50% off on Steam right now, and the sequel hits early access this week.

I'm inspired to restart, I played 65 hours through the classic version, but need to get through this game to be ready for part 2!! It looks amazing.

Never did try co-op though, still dying to give that a shot.

I tried replaying through the game, but lost steam. I think these sort of games are just far too dense for me to replay them more than once.


enhanced edition is 70% now with PS+. but with so many games coming out, and my attention span that seems to get more limited by the year, I'm not sure if I have the will to invest time in this.

I quit playing Last Guardian because I found it too passive. I am more of a, "i have a few hours to spare, so a few games of Overwatch" are more fun than single player games at the moment. I did finish Resident Evil though, so a good game is a good game, and I'm a sucker for RPG's, and a Soulsborne fanboy.

But then again: I still have Deus Ex to complete (again: it's nice, I really liked the original, but it's more 'fun' to quickly pick up a game of Overwatch) and Mass Effect is coming out.

So yeah, it's cheap now (15 euros) but i still doubt a bit whether I will play enough of it to be worth my money. And time.
i'm very LTTP but i'm stuck at the Braccus Rex fight

how the hell should i beat the fucking 4 horsemen? tried with rain and fire resistance boost but they wreck me easily


i'm very LTTP but i'm stuck at the Braccus Rex fight

how the hell should i beat the fucking 4 horsemen? tried with rain and fire resistance boost but they wreck me easily

Fight from a defensive position. Use the doorway as a choke point. Work on your kill order. Burn consumables like a mother.

Or cheese the living shit out of the enemy with explosives.

The Braccus fight is one of a handful of really tough boss battles in the game.
Fight from a defensive position. Use the doorway as a choke point. Work on your kill order. Burn consumables like a mother.

Or cheese the living shit out of the enemy with explosives.

The Braccus fight is one of a handful of really tough boss battles in the game.

i tried with the door/chokepoint but my main pg, a tanky board and sword fighter couldn't handle all the attacks

i'll try stacking consumables and maybe dabble with crafting


i tried with the door/chokepoint but my main pg, a tanky board and sword fighter couldn't handle all the attacks

i'll try stacking consumables and maybe dabble with crafting

Whoa there! You..haven't been crafting?

My good man, there's an entire world of upgrades awaiting you.


i tried with the door/chokepoint but my main pg, a tanky board and sword fighter couldn't handle all the attacks

i'll try stacking consumables and maybe dabble with crafting

You can also just leave the fight and go on with other quest lines, then come back later when you're higher level. I think I finished the entire next quest line before finally looping back to that fight since his opening salvo just one-shotted my entire team.


Hope someone may help with cyseal

I just want to get out of cyseal and wear better looking armor

Haven't done much quest, not yet solved the murder case in cyseal

Am level 5 at hard difficulty, not the hardest

Should I do main quest to progress to new area

Or please advise if I should keep going north, east, or West, and will open up new area

Or is there any NPC I need to talk to, and just follow that quest line
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