Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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This is when the Beta will go live:

A great guide to downloading the Beta if you're having problems:


Welcome to the Destiny Beta!

This post will hopefully answer some of the questions you might have about the Beta for the first game in Bungie’s next big franchise, Destiny (which is also the name of the first game).

No problem. It’s like the Alpha Q&A all over again.

Can we start asking questions now?


What is Destiny?
That can be hard to explain. Destiny is probably best described as a “shared-world shooter” where you can experience the entirety of the game with other people if you so choose. If you want to play through the story missions and explore on your own, you can do that if you want.

That sounds awesome! What’s specifically in the Destiny Beta?

(This section will be updated when Bungie releases that information. Expect Old Russia again.)

How do I get in the Beta?
You gotta preorder your version of Destiny from a participating retailer. You’’ll receive the beta key either on the physical receipt or it will be emailed to you.

Hm. Does that mean I have to buy the whole game just to get into the Beta?
Nah. Some places, like Amazon, don't require you to put any money down when preordering games.

I’m not sure what console I’m going to use to play the Beta.
You’re in luck! The code isn’t console-specific. When you redeem your beta code on, all you're doing is placing your reservation. Then, when the time comes on July 10th, you'll be able to select what console you want on You need to create an account on You'll get an email notifying you of the ability to choose.

I pre-ordered but I didn’t get my code. What’s up with that?
First off, make sure they're on Bungie's list of beta code givers. Next, you need to contact your retailer regarding receiving your beta code (probably their customer service department). It's your retailer's job to make sure you get your code, that's why they're on Bungie's list.

Can I still pre-order at this point and get into the beta?
As far as we know, yes, you can!

I have my code. What do I do?!
Redeem it! Again, you will need to create/own a account with a verified email address. And again, you'll get a separate email with a DOWNLOAD code after choose your platform of choice afterwords.

How does this all work out with digital pre-orders?
In theory, everything should be the same and can be resolved the same way. Seeing as how the digital version wasn't announced until this past Monday, information in this regard is a bit hazy. I'll update this post when we know definite things. See Edit 7 at the bottom of this post.

When is the Beta?
The public beta will be released in two waves. The first being on the Playstation 3 and 4 on July 17th. After that the Beta will be down for maintenance from July 21st to the 22nd to prepare for the Xbox (360 and One) launch, which will be on July 23rd. Your codes will go out at 10am PDT of the day the beta is supposed to go live on your respective platform. Or you can sign in to your Bnet account and get it there.

How long is the Beta?
The Beta will last until July 27th at 11:59pm PDT.

Is there an NDA on the Destiny beta?
As with the Alpha, there is no NDA. Go ahead and post videos, host livestreams, tweet, comment, share screenshots, and do all the things that you do to share your experiences.

Can I download two version of the demo with one code?
No. If, on, you choose a PS3 version of the demo, you’ll only be able to download the PS3 version. You'll need another code to download another version.

Speaking of Playstation, will I need PS+ to download the Beta on the PS4?
As far as I know, yes, but in the full game you won’t need PS+ to play story missions, exploration, or the Tower, and you don't need PS+ for the PS3 version of the Beta...I think.

Will there be cross-platform play? As in, if I’m on the PS3, can I play with someone on the PS4?

For more information, visit Bungie’s Official FAQ on Destiny's Beta (clicky).

That all sounds good. So, getting back to the game, are there classes?
That’s right! There are three. You can also choose from three races: Human, Awoken, and Exo.


Hunters are the most maneuverable of the three, with a jump that can be upgraded to a triple jump. You get a throwing knife that can be upgraded, and your “super” is either a pistol that fires three very powerful rounds, or an “arc blade”, depending on the focus you choose. You also get a cape.


More like a “mage” than any other class, the Warlock offers players a glide for their jumping and they have magic grenades in that use the Traveler’s light instead of something mechanical. Their two potential supers: a nova bomb or an ability to supercharge other players in the field. And you get a trench coat.


The Titan is the heavy here. Their armor is more durable than that of the Warlocks and Hunters, but they are slower. They have a lift jump and their two supers can either be a smash-like attack or a bubble shield to offer protection for yourself and allies.

For more information on the classes, IGN has a pretty good Destiny Wiki and here's a post by NeoGAF user super-famicom with some great Youtube videos.

I didn’t read all that. Can you sum it up?

Hunter goes bam bam bam (or kachunk!)
Titan goes SMASH (or bubbly-bubbly)
Warlock goes kabooooom (or surf’s up)

Oh okay. Which class is the best?

Because I said so.

I’m convinced! Will we be able to port our characters over from the Beta to retail release?
Don’t bet on it.

Oh. Well, are there any tips I should know about before heading into the game?
NeoGAF user broony wrote just such a post for your needs.

You should also know you can dance.

I can?!

Yup! You’re also dead. In the game.

It’s fascinating. From looking at the grimoire cards available in the Alpha, some players were able to piece together the fact that your Guardian died and has since been resurrected by a Ghost (the Peter Dinklage guy). When the Beta comes out, you’ll be able to do your own sleuthing on the subject, as there will likely be the same grimoire cards available. In the mean time, you can order and read the latest edition of All My Friends are Dead to learn how to cope with this depressing reality.

That’s what I said. Oh! Also, if it makes you even more excited, NeoGAF user broony will be running a charity for Child’s Play during the Beta with the goal of raising $777. There will be prizes! The thread will go up on Monday. Squeal with anticipation.

Edit: Thread is up!

That sounds fantabulous!
It is. Also, if you were wondering, there’s also a group called DestinyGAF you can join on You have to make an account on first, though, then join the group. Because clans – yes, there are clans – will have a max of 150 members, the clans for GAF will have to be sorted out. is receiving a major upgrade on July 10th, and will hopefully reveal some information about how clans will work in the Beta, and beyond.

Edit: July 10th has come and gone. Looks like Bnet won't be updated until the Beta comes out.

What to do with GAF clans will be sorted out in another thread that has yet to be created; don’t talk about clan creation business here. Additionally, there's a thread dedicated to requests for joining the group: use that. Also, no code-begging; make another thread for that too. Edit: Thread for code-begging.

Here's one of the admins for DestinyGAF:
...for future reference people please apply in the DestinyGAF request thread and mention your Bungie id in that thread after applying in

Roger that. One more thing: Can I ask questions in the thread that are answered in this post?
You can in that you’re physically capable of doing that and I can’t stop you. But be warned that if you do, I will nag you.

Have fun, all!

(Thanks to Mr. Tiemen for the banners)

Edit 1: Take a look at Trouble's awesome Destiny propaganda posters!
Edit 2 (July 10): Console selection is imminent:
Edit 3: Deej commented on what's going on July 10th
Thanks, Dax!

The plan for today is for anyone who is holding a Beta code to select their console (PS4, PS3, Xbox ONE, or Xbox 360). At that point, we'll assign a code to your account in our database. That code will make its way to you on the day when your wave is scheduled to begin. You will find it in your email inbox, or on your Profile page on under Redeemed Codes.

This is a Beta, so we'll learn as we go. I'll make the rounds to provide updates as they become available.

Love this thread. Can't wait to see all this eager energy channeled into the wild.

Soon, friends. Soon.
Edit 4 (July 10): Console selection seems to be up and running, but apparently European users can't choose anything until the 17th.
Edit 5 (July 10): It looks like each pre-order code gives you three beta download codes.
Edit 6 (July 10): Bungie seems to be aware of the problem with EU players:
Edit 7 (July 10): For those who pre-ordered the digital versions, you won't be given a pre-order code. You'll download it directly. Clicky:
Edit 8 (July 11): As good of an explainer as you'll probably find on the codes you can enter on
Edit 9 (July 12): Bungie says all regions are now able to select their consoles!
Edit 9 (July 12): You'll get your download code when the Beta is supposed to start for your console: Look for it on or it will be emailed to you:
Edit 10 (July 15): is currently down at 7pm EDT for maintenance.
Edit 11 (July 16): Bungie's website has been updated! Download the app:
Edit 12 (July 16): Read this post on what you do with the PSN purchases
Right going to copy and paste this for every new page because it is getting ridiculous.

Did you preorder a physical copy or a digital copy that was not through PSN?

Then you should have your code from your retailer and have entered it at You will get your code for PS3/PS4 from at this time:

Did you preorder digitally on the PSN store?

Then you will AUTOMATICALLY have it added to your library by Sony. No additional steps required, no codes given. It will pop into your library.

When will it pop in my library if i preordered from the PSN store?

If you are in the EU it should be there already. If you are from anywhere else, it will pop up when Sony is ready (gets off their ass). It likely will not pop up till a few hours prior to this time:
Great OT. Really looking forward to this beta.

AUS/NZ GAF represent. Less than 6 days…



Speaking of Playstation, will I need PS+ to download the Beta on the PS4?
As far as I know, yes, but in the full game you won’t need PS+ to play story missions, exploration, or the Tower, and you don't need PS+ for the PS3...I think.

and yes this is right - PS+ only required for online features for PS4, not required at all on PS3 and Xbox Gold required for ALL features on 360 and One (atm - still TBC but that is what it states for beta).



Finally a new thread to lose our minds in while we wait for another 7 long agonizing days to pass...
*scratches out his own eyes*
Been updating people in the other Destiny threads so I thought I would do the same here.

Don't be down! There is still a chance to grab a Ghost or Limited Edition!

Current Update!
Xbox One Limited Edition back in stock on Amazon USA!

- Best Buy has yet to post the SKUs
- GameStops may still be taking pre orders in your area

- Amazon Canada has yet to post the SKUs (although sometimes they never get them like The Witcher 3 CE)
- Future Shop and Best Buy have all versions still available
- EB Games may still be taking pre orders in your area

Will do my best to post links as they become available like yesterday! They came back in stock on Amazon USA yesterday as well.


Press -
Woo! It's here!

@Dax you forgot to mention which class is the best (Warlock) in the FAQ to help those who haven't played the alpha. ;)

Platform can be picked later, right? Aw yiss! Wonder how the breakdown will be.
I played mostly titan in the alpha and loved it. I know my buddy I will be playing with most of the time wants to play a hunter. I am thinking of trying a warlock in the beta.


Vacillating between warlock and hunter for my first beta character. Vacillating, I say!

I played a titan in the alpha. I *did* enjoy punching dudes but I gotta branch out, don't want to just be that guy who punches dudes.


Will there be a separate code begging thread again? Should have at least one exta Beta code.

This was useful for the alpha, but i don't see the point for the beta. People can do the "Amazon trick". It's easy, free and without any obligation.


I’m not sure what console I’m going to use to play the Beta.
You’re in luck! The code isn’t console-specific. When you redeem your beta code on, all you're doing is placing your reservation. A separate email will be sent to the verified email address of your account – you need to create an account oon Bungie's website – where you will be able to select whichever platform you'd like to play the beta on July 10th.

Is it known when those emails go out though, I still have the good old message in my profile that says emails are being sent out.

I got confused as to why this was posted so early, but then I realized it's because Playstation owners get the beta next week.

Enjoy, I'll be waiting for Xbox beta ;~;


Thanks Dax for the OT! I miss all you guys I played with in June and can't wait to do it again.

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