Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Wow. All this time I was under the impression that Destiny was coming to PC, but apparently not.

I need more friends with PS4's....
I would love to use one of my extra keys to get the Xbox One beta to compare between X1 and PS4.

How would one even do that?

All my other extra keys will go to GAFers one we have a thread for that.


Nice thread. I wonder if the official Destiny logo should be somewhere in the OT?

Side note, you know you have Destiny on the brain when the polycoms in your meeting rooms start to resemble the Destiny logo



Quick question for those in the EU PSN with a preorder.
Has Sony charged the cards/ funds yet for the preorder? I preordered the game and it's in my download list and etc ... but they have yet to charge my account or remove funds from my wallet. This normal?


I would love to use one of my extra keys to get the Xbox One beta to compare between X1 and PS4.

How would one even do that?

All my other extra keys will go to GAFers one we have a thread for that.

Redeem both codes on the same Bungie account, when the emails go out asking you to pick a console you will be able to pick two if you have entered two Beta codes

Q: I own both a PlayStation and an Xbox. Can I claim multiple codes if I want to play the Destiny Beta on multiple console platforms?

Yes. You may claim as many as four Destiny Beta download codes – one for each supported console. Each will require a separate pre-order at a participating retailer.


Just put in for joining DestinyGAF on Bungie! Starboard is user name.

I'm going into this game blind...and on purpose.

LE pre-ordered!


formerly Oynox Slider
Destiny Dax Delivers!


Anyone got a beta code yet via a psn preorder? I know it's coming. Well, I hope it's coming. But I'm nervous it's not!
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