Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

It's Halo man!'s Halo...

(trust me, play the game and be drawn in to the magical kingdom of bungieland...)


Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

its hard to quanitfy. I have been hyped since the reveal at E3 2013.

As soon as I started playing the Alpha I got this feeling.. you know the feeling? Halo:CE, Modern Warfare, World Of Warcraft this is gonna be a game changer big feeling.

Its really hard to explain but its some of the most fun I have had with a video game in a LONG time.


Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

No. It's that simple. You have to play it to get it. Once you do then you'll get it. No amount of explaining it is going to help you understand.
Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

It's addictive like a MMORPG and fun like a FPS. Also, it looks and sounds beautiful
Just locked into the PS4 beta. Really awesome of them for giving 3 keys to each person. Pretty much everyone on GAF who wants to play should be able to.

7 days is too long of a wait. I need it now.
Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

IMO it was this combination of things:

1. Halo-esque gameplay: Smooth, fluid, map design was outstanding in PvP.
2. Scope and scale: HUGE environments, lots of variety in enemy types, great art design.
3. Just a smidge of RPG elements: Upgrade your armor, guns, special abilities

Those combined form one tasty dish.


Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

Play it.

It can speak for itself and is worth your time.


Alright Beta here I come!

Is there a sandbox element? I keep on seeing that city in the pics, can I go everywhere in it? Can I go to the Traveler? Can I jump in a ship and go to Mars?


3 keys per pre order is amazing!

I was going with the PS4 beta, since all my friends are on Xbox One but didn't pre order.. Now I changed to Xbox One and we'll play together. :)


All set to go on the PS4 for the 17th. I really liked the Warlock in the Alpha but I think I am going to play a Titan in the Beta. *My dualshock is ready!*
Alright Beta here I come!

Is there a sandbox element? I keep on seeing that city in the pics, can I go everywhere in it? Can I go to the Traveler? Can I jump in a ship and go to Mars?

edit: instead of my half assed attempt to explain what Destiny is.. Im gonna go with this guy.

Unfortunately, no-one can be told what Destiny is... You have to play it for yourself.

This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.

You refuse the Beta key; the story ends, you go back to reading impressions and believe... whatever they want you to.
You take the Beta Key; you stay in the Beta thread, and I show how awesome Destiny is.

Remember; all I'm offering is the truth.


its hard to quanitfy. I have been hyped since the reveal at E3 2013.

As soon as I started playing the Alpha I got this feeling.. you know the feeling? Halo:CE, Modern Warfare, World Of Warcraft this is gonna be a game changer big feeling.

Its really hard to explain but its some of the most fun I have had with a video game in a LONG time.

I told everyone this is the real deal :D

Evil Beaver

Did I read the description correctly when I went to choose my platform? It said that it will provide me with 3 keys.

So 3 separate keys that I can give out to whomever I want?


Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.
Unfortunately, no-one can be told what Destiny is... You have to play it for yourself.

This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.

You refuse the Beta key; the story ends, you go back to reading impressions and believe... whatever they want you to.
You take the Beta Key; you stay in the Beta thread, and I show how awesome Destiny is.

Remember; all I'm offering is the truth.



Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

it's not a specific thing - more of a general feeling, it's just a game where you can get genuine sense of fun


Finding it hard to choose a class to go forward with in this game. I'll try and get some solid palytime with both the Hunter and Warlock during the beta (having alpha'd with the Titan)... but then there's those damned subclasses that are nearly secret.


Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

for me personally... about 2 hours worth of content in the alpha turned into over 20 hours played. i had a ton of fun just exploring the environment and seeing what was behind every nook and cranny. not to mention, the gameplay itself felt like a much more refined, organic take on Borderlands, one of my favorite series of the last gen.


Will be skipping this I only have a PS3 and will not play it with shitty graphics... Plus I'm getting DAT WHITE PS4 soo I wont get to play til Sep 9th :********(
Given my own experience, I'm surprised of the balls of Bungie to do early access altogether. This thread will be an aggressive echo chamber, up until about 2 weeks after release.
Just locked into the PS4 beta. Really awesome of them for giving 3 keys to each person. Pretty much everyone on GAF who wants to play should be able to.

7 days is too long of a wait. I need it now.

at least you only have to wait seven days I'm one of the second class citizens on xbox so I'm stuck waiting for the 23rd.

Does anyone know if I preorder another copy If i can add a second code to my account for the ps3 or would I be better off making a second bungie account for it?

never mind looks like a few posts above me answered my question I'm gonna grab a second code from amazon now for the ps3 beta at least that will tide me over till the 23rd.
at least you only have to wait seven days I'm one of the second class citizens on xbox so I'm stuck waiting for the 23rd.

Does anyone know if I preorder another copy If i can add a second code to my account for the ps3 or would I be better off making a second bungie account for it?

You can! Use amazon to get a code.
Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.
Opposite here. Was super hype before Alpha but the Alpha turned me off a bit. I spent over 25 hours playing and I still enjoyed a few aspects of it, but I don't think its nearly as good as some say.


Known issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. You won't miss a thing. You'll have your code before it's time to start downloading on the 17th. I am told.


Why Europe is always last ?

Will be skipping this I only have a PS3 and will not play it with shitty graphics... Plus I'm getting DAT WHITE PS4 soo I wont get to play til Sep 9th :********(

By the way, any officials screens from Bungie for the PS3/360 version ?
Can someone explain what makes this game so great? Before the Alpha people were like 'meh', and after the Alpha they're like 'FJAHGBAKVJAKEJHRBFHDFBGKABAKFG'.
Genuinely curious.

Destiny is a very personal journey and it is what you make of it. Reading impressions and watching videos don't really help to demonstrate what your experience may be when you sit down in the tower or join an event with your buddies. And really, this is true for most games to an extent.

Don't want to sound preachy here; for a long while, I was apathetic about the game. It has always sounded good on paper, but what we've seen and been told didn't line up for me. Playing it wasn't so much a 180 for me as it was a reassurance in and restoration of my previous expectations. It took a couple hours to click, but when it did I knew that this was the game I had been wanting to play for so long.

You just gotta play it. You'll either come away filled with the Traveler's light, or be unphased yet. But at least you'll have a better idea of the game. And it's better with friends, so stick around!

Unfortunately, no-one can be told what Destiny is... You have to play it for yourself.

This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.

You refuse the Beta key; the story ends, you go back to reading impressions and believe... whatever they want you to.
You take the Beta Key; you stay in the Beta thread, and I show how awesome Destiny is.

Remember; all I'm offering is the truth.

haha this post
Given my own experience, I'm surprised of the balls of Bungie to do early access altogether. This thread will be an aggressive echo chamber, up until about 2 weeks after release.

Bookmarking this post. Ah, yeah, I remember you. You were the one who was "afraid" of the "manufactured hype". Well, we'll see I guess.

Your own experience may not have been good, but can you deny the ridiculous turnaround of public opinion on Destiny since the Alpha? You can't. And therefore why should Bungie need "balls" to do another early access? Seems like an easy choice for them to make, given the positive response to the Alpha.
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