So I finished like 6 of the story missions and I'm about to enter The Crucible.
I take back everything I said about this game looking generic . The fun simplicity of the gameplay reminds me of Halo CE (which I still play on the PC from time to time).
Some bad things though:
Graphics still haven't wowed me. I know its cross-gen and that was always going to be be an uphill battle, but I was really hoping to be wowed the same way KZ SF, Second Son and Watch Dogs (during the day) did when I started playing those games.
Maybe its just me, but I've yet to see a situation where the co-op brings anything unique, though that might just be because all the people I've played with so far are content with just doing their own thing and not giving a damn about actual teamwork.
Not enough customization for your character's appearance, though being a huge fan of the Soul Series' character character creation perhaps I've been spoiled by them.
Nah I haven't.Oh jeez, don't tell me you've already played it?
Thanks, ladies, let's do it again some time. <3
fusion rifle is becoming a logical choice. u know what to do deej
wish it was more like a sentinel beam than a shotgun
Man, this game would have been so much better at 60 frames. My god. What a damn shame. =/
Thanks, ladies, let's do it again some time. <3
Still installing. After 8 hours, still installing, on a 100MB connection. By the time this gets done the beta will be over. -_-
......and I'm going to bed. Still at 78 percent unFUCKING believable. Can't believe it took so long to d/l I can't even play before work. Fucking bollocks.
btw tried the DNS trick - still slow. Restarted - still slow and this is on a CRAZY fast connection.
Not feeling the PvP. It doesn't help that I keep running into dudes who seem like they just want to get on a vehicle and run people over.
I guess I've just always been a fan of the gun vs. gun aspect in multiplayer shooters.
Moon map is the only one with vehicles, luckily. Plenty of turrets around though to tear them apart.Not feeling the PvP. It doesn't help that I keep running into dudes who seem like they just want to get on a vehicle and run people over.
I guess I've just always been a fan of the gun vs. gun aspect in multiplayer shooters.
Those are the speeds I was getting post DNS as well. Prior to the trick it was horrible, it took 1.5 hours to hit 5%....then I started getting about 1% per minute afterwards. It may have been coincidence. Read about it on another forum and a handful of people said it helped them.Yeah, the issue has to be server side. Did the DNS trick here. I'm getting 100gb download speeds on my computer, like 25 on the PS4. I've almost got a gig after taking like 15 minutes.
The new ghost voice is so much better
Any PS4 crucible fireteams in action? Invite please The_Reckoning
Any PS4 crucible fireteams in action? Invite please The_Reckoning
There was a chest at the end of the strike... -_- ?Inside of the Golden Chest at the end of the Strike...
They're...they're so colorful...can't resist.HUG THE SPIKY BALLS DO IT NOW
When can I play Crucible? I'm level 4 and it's not letting me queue.
There was a chest at the end of the strike... -_- ?
Yea I really do love it. In PVP though give me a shotgun.
Not in the mood to hear kids screamingThe lack if voice chat in the crucible is super disappointing not fun at all. Terrible competitive experience.
in the area where you fight Sepiks Prime (the end of the Strike) there is a chest..drop down and go to the right and it's there