Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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My notices from alpha

Mega lighting bump
More detailed textures
Less aliasing
Slightly less stable framerate
Better lighting / more colorful
Better music
Much better voice acting
More punch to sound effects, especially ships breaking into the atmosphere
More speech from enemies
Better AI.

When I soloed that first Darkness zone at lv 2 against lv 5 enemies they were slowly squeezing me in from both sides. Had melee strikers coming in from that right corner with grenades hitting my left and constant ranges fighters on that side with the main boss slowly making his way toward me. Would never of own but I hit lv 3 and unlocked my fusion rifle. Got up close to the boss which surprised him
And pushed him back against the barrage
From my pulse rifle. Was a hella fun battle full of near deaths


So I finished like 6 of the story missions and I'm about to enter The Crucible.

I take back everything I said about this game looking generic . The fun simplicity of the gameplay reminds me of Halo CE (which I still play on the PC from time to time).

Some bad things though:

Graphics still haven't wowed me. I know its cross-gen and that was always going to be be an uphill battle, but I was really hoping to be wowed the same way KZ SF, Second Son and Watch Dogs (during the day) did when I started playing those games.

Maybe its just me, but I've yet to see a situation where the co-op brings anything unique, though that might just be because all the people I've played with so far are content with just doing their own thing and not giving a damn about actual teamwork.

Not enough customization for your character's appearance, though being a huge fan of the Soul Series' character character creation perhaps I've been spoiled by them.

With the current available skillset there isn't much you can do for teamwork. Everyone at this point is a damage dealer with no utility. The best you can do for your team is revive if they are down and act as a meat shield if they are really hurt, which people seem to be doing.

Once the buffs and shields come into play, I suspect we will see more team play. Even then those things will probably end up providing a minor bonus at best.
Inside of the Golden Chest at the end of the Strike...



PvPed for about an hour.

Its not bad now since everyone is around the same level but I can see the meta game get dangerous down the road. ESPECIALLY if you are rolling with a full team that knows what it is doing


......and I'm going to bed. Still at 78 percent unFUCKING believable. Can't believe it took so long to d/l I can't even play before work. Fucking bollocks.

btw tried the DNS trick - still slow. Restarted - still slow and this is on a CRAZY fast connection.


First impression - I was kinda let down with this beta, was hoping to see some radical different content, but its pretty much the alpha with cutscenes. Few things I noticed in comparison to the alpha:

  • Shotguns nerfed? (it feels like it to me, maybe spread or distance)
  • Melee nerfed? (doesnt feel like I was one-shotting as much)
  • Enemy packs more dense
  • Enemies hit harder
  • Enemy health reduction? (they melt with an AR now!)

That new PVP map on venus is awesome though, my favorite so far. Hope they raise the level cap or unlock some of those missions on the Moon, whats the point of showing them if they wouldn't.
Still installing. After 8 hours, still installing, on a 100MB connection. By the time this gets done the beta will be over. -_-

Same here except on a '50'MB connection. Was going by smoothly for the first hour where it looked to be finishing up in another hour and 15 minutes, and then barely anything the past several hours after returning from being 2 hours out.

Just turned off the system and seeing if the speed has improved. So far it doesn't seem like it.


......and I'm going to bed. Still at 78 percent unFUCKING believable. Can't believe it took so long to d/l I can't even play before work. Fucking bollocks.

btw tried the DNS trick - still slow. Restarted - still slow and this is on a CRAZY fast connection.

Yeah, the issue has to be server side. Did the DNS trick here. I'm getting 100mb download speeds on my computer, like 25 on the PS4. I've almost got a gig after taking like 15 minutes.


Not feeling the PvP. It doesn't help that I keep running into dudes who seem like they just want to get on a vehicle and run people over.

I guess I've just always been a fan of the gun vs. gun aspect in multiplayer shooters.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
the ps4 just shit the bed on the machinima twitch stream!

"what the fuck?"
"i'm so bummed"


Blah =/ I'm kinda sick of the Venus and Moon maps. Was really, really looking forward to having four maps in the rotation, but if there's more than those two I've been ridiculously unlucky tonight. Off to explore I guess, even though I want to be increasing my Crucible rank x.x
Not feeling the PvP. It doesn't help that I keep running into dudes who seem like they just want to get on a vehicle and run people over.

I guess I've just always been a fan of the gun vs. gun aspect in multiplayer shooters.

the vehicles are way overpowerd without being able to highjack them and why does no one have a mic? Very disappointed in the pvp.


Not feeling the PvP. It doesn't help that I keep running into dudes who seem like they just want to get on a vehicle and run people over.

I guess I've just always been a fan of the gun vs. gun aspect in multiplayer shooters.
Moon map is the only one with vehicles, luckily. Plenty of turrets around though to tear them apart.

I thought there was some new maps to try out but it's been the same as the alpha thus far.

REV 09

Yeah, the issue has to be server side. Did the DNS trick here. I'm getting 100gb download speeds on my computer, like 25 on the PS4. I've almost got a gig after taking like 15 minutes.
Those are the speeds I was getting post DNS as well. Prior to the trick it was horrible, it took 1.5 hours to hit 5%....then I started getting about 1% per minute afterwards. It may have been coincidence. Read about it on another forum and a handful of people said it helped them.


Anyone have an explanation for why the Transferring Game Content is taking long for others and fast for some? For me it took like... Minutes, so fast I didn't even notice, however for my friend, it's been going on for over 40+ min.


Played for a few hours, really fun, couldn't find anyone to play co-op with though, tried inviting some randoms and playing with GAF, but no luck today. Still fun singleplayer though, and PVP seemed interesting.


Glad they took out some of that snow in old Russia. That crap was just annoying.

Love the new and improved robotic Dinklage.


hide your water-based mammals
Game is good. Better in co op. Unfortunately the friends I showed up for were already playing at higher level so I stopped at the 4th mission.
Reached level cap. Finished all the beta story missions. Played about 5-6 games in the Crucible (and lost all but one game). So far the game is alright. So far the story missions have all felt the same except in a different area, with sometimes harder enemies, and with a different bit of story or lore presented to you at the end. At least that's what I've gathered from the Beta so far.

I wish I could play the game for longer periods because this low shit FOV is destroying my eyes and giving me a slight headache.
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