Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Is there a lot of loot in the beta like there is in Borderlands? Bc if there isn't then I think the game is a fail.

It's only a beta
so we don't know the final listing but I wouldn't hedge your bets on it having as much loot as Borderlands. Or anything on that level. It's pretty tame to be honest.


Is there a lot of loot in the beta like there is in Borderlands? Bc if there isn't then I think the game is a fail.

The difference between these games in terms of loot is its much more exciting in Destiny (keep in mind its beta, so not everything is available). In BL, you become numb to the loot you get because of how often you find it. Also, this game has more customization and meaningful talents compared to BL and its uninteresting talent trees. Keep in mind, you also loot wearable items (chest, boots, gloves etc) and you can even customize your weapons as I recall from that E3 video. This is a case where less is more, IMO.
The difference between these games in terms of loot is its much more exciting in Destiny (keep in mind its beta, so not everything is available). In BL, you become numb to the loot you get because of how often you find it. Also, this game has more customization and meaningful talents compared to BL and its uninteresting talent trees. Keep in mind, you also loot wearable items in a more MMO fashion and you can even customize your weapons as I recall from that E3 video. This is a case where less is more, IMO.

I like more is more in my video games.


Good game is good, a nice taste of the full game. The gameplay is solid, like really solid and that is what is important. It's got that addicting element too. I had fun blasting through devil's lair with gaffers and shit got real hard at some points. I played a game of PvP and achieved a mighty K/D of 0.13 lol! I think my only two kills were elcheapo supers.


I chose the Hunter because I wanted the TRIPLE JUMP.

I got the grenades and a double jump, it wasn't as good as the TRIPLE JUMP I saw but I still liked it.

I was in a map and Destiny shot a bad person then did the double jump up on a part and exploded a guy there. I logged off and had to do a wee.

It's really exciting!


Gameplays - 9
Sound - 8
UI - 11
Graphics - 30fps


I did this review on ps3. :3
On a somewhat unrelated note, did Brink ever have a Beta as well?

Looking at this thread, people were going ape shit with hype for it, kind of feel sad for them :(

I trust Bungie though to deliver. Everything I have done so far in the game has not led me to believe that this game would flop at all like BRink did.

Also I thought Brink was actually pretty good for what it was.
I enjoyed Brink. It was just a bit broken at launch.

I think Bungie releasing Destiny Beta is a very good sign though, regardless of the lack of content, I have to give that to them, they seem to have confidence in the final product.

Game looks MUCH better than the Alpha did!
oh god I can't handle another month of no Destiny after the Beta gets nuked.

I don't mind. I have work and a huge backlog to play through afterwards.

Officially reached Level 8 and doing some extra missions as Warlock.
Might make a Hunter character later.

This looks good so far on PS3, I'll have to get this once I buy a PS4.


Brink's potential was off the scale.

They undercooked it, and released it in what to me felt like a closed beta standard at best.

It was heartbreaking to see all that potential wasted, they were really on to something.


Probably a stupid question but has Bungie said anything about the possibility of keeping our Beta characters in the official game?

During the live stream DeeJ said it's something there looking into. He was very vague on the subject so didn't really reveal much.

My thoughts are no they won't and to be honest I', looking forward to starting fresh in September. No just to finish the working week and get some play time in.

that could just be fake, but yeah, basically the friends and family beta is already going on xbox 360 and xbox one, it's just being gated by business deal. friends and family is bungie's "loophole" in the deal to let some closer-knit people play before they open the flood gates to everyone on the 23rd, though they've always had this for their betas. you could see major nelson and some others on xbox one yesterday if had pinned the beta the other day before they took it down.


So has anyone ran into any public events? I saw plenty of blue labeled players running around killin normal enemies but I thought they were supposed to be more than that?
So has anyone ran into any public events? I saw plenty of blue labeled players running around killin normal enemies but I thought they were supposed to be more than that?

I just ran into one called "Defend the Warsat" during the Last Array quest. A random player joined me in the event and we completed it. T'was pretty hard, though!


I wanted to go hunter in sept, but after playing that and warlock, warlock seems more powerful, but double jump>glide.
I admit, I haven't mastered glide, sometimes I like glide super high and some times I glide super low. I'm only lvl 5 as a warlock so I haven't figured it out.
During the live stream DeeJ said it's something there looking into. He was very vague on the subject so didn't really reveal much.

My thoughts are no they won't and to be honest I', looking forward to starting fresh in September. No just to finish the working week and get some play time in.

I don't think so either. But I'm actually surprised that apparently it might be a possibility.

I don't really mind either way. In fact, if anything, I'm hoping there is a way to keep all the Glimmer you make in the Beta and have it transferred to your official game character.


I wanted to go hunter in sept, but after playing that and warlock, warlock seems more powerful, but double jump>glide.
I admit, I haven't mastered glide, sometimes I like glide super high and some times I glide super low. I'm only lvl 5 as a warlock so I haven't figured it out.

The warlock glide is all about timing. If you press x just after the initial jump you'll glide a lot higher then if you wait before pressing it.


So the max level in the final game is going to be 20?
I played till lvl 5, enjoyed it alot, but prolly won't play on for now and spoil myself too much.
FoV could be abit bigger, but apart from that I'm quite happy.


I wanted to go hunter in sept, but after playing that and warlock, warlock seems more powerful, but double jump>glide.
I admit, I haven't mastered glide, sometimes I like glide super high and some times I glide super low. I'm only lvl 5 as a warlock so I haven't figured it out.

Hunter has the high range and agility though. They are the only ones that I really fear in PvP so far. Watch some of leopardstealths videos and you will know why:
so the max level in the final game is going to be 20? played till lvl 5, enjoyed it alot but prolly wont play on now and spoil myself too much. FoV could be abit bigger but apart from that I'm quite happy

I worry about the amount of content with a level cap of 20 and leveling up to 8 so fast in the beta


For people complaining that others are too quiet; Unless I'm mistaken, only people in your Fireteam can hear you, this applies to all game types/areas.

I'm okay with that if they make it more intuitive to join up with people.
Grimløck;121571236 said:
sucks you can't skip cutscenes.

I was able to skip the opening cutscene, on my third character/playthrough, by pressing X. Haven't tried for other cutscenes. However, if you're talking about the screens with your ship flying through space, then those are certainly "hidden" loading screens.


Can somebody confirm; if you can get to the character select screen the game is done downloading? I ask because I switched off my PS4 but it must have finished while on standby.
So guys, I said it before earlier, but just, goddamn. How 'bout that music at the last fight in "The Last Array" (the last story mission we currently have access to)? I keep replaying the mission JUST to hear that final fight theme. I hope the guy who ripped the Alpha music rips the beta music as well.
This game. ;_;

Oh how I have missed you.

The music is amazing. And i'm glad they fixed Robo-Dinklage sounds a lot better. Actually the entire production value for this beta is off the scale. Good stuff Bungie.
I like how they did single player with the infesting the area with shadow and how they approach respawns in those areas. Also I wish you could discard weapons to other players similar to what they did in Borderlands.
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