Welcome back Pulga, just realized you're back!
What do you think our starting XI is going to look like?
With James I think it makes sense going back to 4-2-3-1.
I have a feeling Carlo might sit Modric just to please Florentino, this season sucks already.
Balls to that, Modric is undroppable. My favorite player from last season. No ways about it, we need to stick to the 4-3-3 and hope a midfield of Modric - Kroos - James/Isco can (learn to) provide enough cover defensively. Hopefully Di Maria stays, we're in for 6 competitions and we need to rotate and the only thing better than squad depth is to have the AAA squad depth we have.
I really want to see this though, sometime:
Modric - Kroos - Isco
--Bale - James - CR7
I could see sparks flying between James and Isco... that is if the Madrid media don't find a way to pit them as sworn enemies -_-