Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)


LOD, how does it work. Now show me other open world game with better distant geometry and thousands of NPCs.

Infamous Second Son has far better distant geometry. I do wonder how much they've sacrificed for thous "thousands of NPCs" though. Because it looks like...everything.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh wow, that looks...bad. Watch Dogs at 900p looked a heck of a lot nicer and I suspect that Far Cry 4 will be more attractive as well.

OK, strangest moment of the day...

I'm watching an episode of The Simpsons while scrolling through this thread and manage to scroll right over this post just as Lisa says "Milhouse likes Vaseline on toast". Freaky.
Looks hideous with all that blur, will get PC version if it's not a technical mess like every other ubi game. I mean, pair down the graphics if the IQ is going to look this bad at 900p SMH.



Some of the images look pretty good while others are terrible. I'll wait to see it in motion, but I think this might be a Steam summer sale purchase for me. I'm certainly not buying it on my X1 or PS4.

I also kinda think people would be cool with these visuals if Ubi stopped plain misleading people with their pre release footage.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Still look pretty damn bad IQ wise. But that's what less than 1 sample / pixel will do to you, regardless of what you try to accomplish with post-processing.
Yeah 900p is still legitimately disappointing. Hopefully Ubisoft don't try to 'avoid debates and stuff' with AC6 and actually use the spare PS4 GPU grunt they're Apparently leaving on the table here.
not going to judge a game by terrible screenshots, lots of trolls in here. You guys know you're still buying it.
Actually I think most people in most AC threads are just here to drive by troll and had no intention to buy the game. I've seen posts saying that Ubi should shitcan the series because the poster doesn't like it. It seems to attract an unusual amount of ire.


Doesn't look THAT bad, stop the hyperbole. I know the game will look amazing in motion and I'm not even interested in it. If you expected this near-cgi graphics in 1080 on the PS4 you were fooling yourselves.


Infamous Second Son has far better distant geometry. I do wonder how much they've sacrificed for thous "thousands of NPCs" though. Because it looks like...everything.

No, it doesnt. It has full flat buildings 100m away. And thats without even mentioning that shadows on characters in I:SS are not drawn after 50 meters.

Watch this video. There is no other game right now with higher geometry count.
I do like the colours and the lighting and atmosphere.
But it feels like i need glasses.. i'm squinting to try and see things sharper.

Maybe it looks great in motion.


Gold Member
Looks hideous.

Ubisoft better be kidding with this one.

Next gen from the ground up my arse.
As long as you dont click on the pics they look ok.

As soon as you click on em and get em closer to full screen. It looks awful.

Had no intention of buying this. May SharePlay with a friend sometime but not even anxious to do that.


AC Unity |OT| Les Misérable Résolution

OK, strangest moment of the day...

I'm watching an episode of The Simpsons while scrolling through this thread and manage to scroll right over this post just as Lisa says "Milhouse likes Vaseline on toast". Freaky.
I know. I've hacked your webcam, I'm watching... I'm always watching.



Welp, now that's disappointing. Can't believe some of these screens. Looks like last gen version, so what the fuck have they been showing us so far? Cherry picked sections to make the game look better? I remember they doing the same with AC3, it looked better and ran butter smooth on the ps3 (that portside gameplay demo) then the real game came out and it was a fucking mess. Not trusting them anymore. This looks like ass and will probably perform like ass, if the x1 impressions are anything to go by.


900p is lame. This is why I don't care when people say "drop the resolution for better graphics".

It's not a generational difference that a 1080p game would look like, and now the game's blurry.


Remember when the first AC Unity trailer was released, Ubisoft told that the final game would look exactly like that.

Yeah about that...

Ubisoft is the new Sony regarding bullshots and fake trailers.
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