Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)


Really bad image quality by any game standards, especially AAA.
That's an interesting thing to say, considering that AAA games often have much worse IQ than indie games, at least on consoles. (As the latter have more GPU headroom)

I'm also VERY afraid of an unoptimized PC port.
I'm just "afraid" that what will happen is that people will take the performance results of the PC version running at 1080p and "maxed" settings, which will not look at all like what was posted in this thread, and then complain about "terrible PC performance".


Unconfirmed Member


Some of those shots are terrible. And if the resolution parity probably isn't completetly innocent here, this can't be just it...
Can you Ubisoft show a game that actually releases with the same graphics as its intial unveil? I'm going to start buying their games all used because of this bullshit. It's getting tiresome.


does it also mean ubisoft wasn't messing around with those insane minimum requirements?based on how this looks on consoles and the apparently bad performance

That's a question I can't possibly answer until people get their hands on the game and try running it on a variety of hardware.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I... like it. It looks like a movie IQ approach, which is to say things looks blurrier, but the artifacts are mostly eliminated. imagine this would look pretty great in motion with all the dynamic lighting moving across the scene. It kind of reminds me of the way Ico visuals were engineered.

Although, they kind of overdid it with post-proc AA. AC4 was definitely better in that regard even though it's overall far less impressive looking game.

Having played the game... "30 FPS"... Heh.

That's one hell of a ceiling!
What did you play it on? Is the framerate really that unstable on PS4?
In this thread: Ubisoft continues to be Ubisoft, people continue to be surprised for some reason.

Remember guys, this is the company that releases "screenshots" that are closer on the photoshop scale to art than screenshot.


wut. maybe a day-one patch will fix whatever is going on here

IQ is really dreadful. BF4 was 900peepees too but it didn't look like this.

IQ is one thing, but on that ballromm shot, practically zero characters have shadows.



How did you expect people to react based on the screens provided. You can manipulate any game to look good if you take the right shot at the right angle. The visuals just aren't living up to people's expectations based on the images provided. Hopefully it looks better in motion, and I'm curious to hear how journalists are recepting towards it.

I'm also VERY afraid of an unoptimized PC port.


The game looks shit and very blurry.
That looks like a goddamned N64 game without the ram pack.

The framerate is worse than a rockets only match on Temple in Goldeneye.

I'm 100% sure that M$ stifled Ubisoft with their mountains of cash in order to gimp the PS4 version.

In all seriousness, its fine. The game looks like an AC game, which has increasingly become somewhat of a dull prospect. I forced myself to finish AC4 because I didn't have anything better to do, but it really felt like a chore. I do hope this one has a better story and characters. I didn't care about anyone in AC:IV at all.


I mean it looks a bi shitty in those maybe it looks good in motion. Ac4 looked real good maybe it was the more sparse environments?

30fps rarely does. Still waiting for these AAA devs to get their priorities straight when it comes to graphics. 60fps + Good Draw Distance > absolutely everything else in terms of overall feel (imo ofc). Dail down w/e you have to in order to make it happen. Because no amount of self-shadows and tessellation will overcome nice smooth 60fps gameplay.


Looks abysmally bad. Like "what the fuck happened" bad.
Furthermore, it looks like a game that should be able to be ran by the PS4 at 1080p. The devs fucked up somewhere.



Random PS4 shot taken from the console screenshot thread a year ago by a fellow Gaffer. Oh how far Ubi has fell. :(

Yeah, I was about to say, I remember ACIV looking much better than these shots. Is that purely because of them getting used to a new engine? Or does that native res actually make THAT much difference?
I'm stunned at how awful that looks, really can't believe they deliberately left it looking like that. Horrible would be way too kind on them.


Just to keep things in check, this was the first screenshot released


Not even close...

They obviously couldn't get the game to look anything close to what they had envisioned. Just like Watch_Dogs. Whatever the devs thought the new consoles could do, they can't. Now stop over promising.



Random PS4 shot taken from the console screenshot thread a year ago by a fellow Gaffer. Oh how far Ubi has fell. :(

I have IV on the Xbox One and thought everything except for the hair and faces looked great for an early new gen game. From what I am seeing and remember, it looks better than these unity screens. Of course, a day one patch could change that....maybe?


They sacrificed graphics for draw distance and npcs...looks much better in motion...not a great screenshot game

If its fun and brings something new to the table i don't care
I know this is like a running joke with Ubi and everything, but these downgrades from the initial reveal (that first gameplay vid, whenever we saw it, WAS legitimately gorgeous) to what ships really should get them in more trouble. It's the exact definition of false advertising.
The game doesn't look bad.. in fact, it looks better than ALL the AC games. They really changed up on the art direction and gave it a more photo-real color palette -- which I like. The lighting has a better post tone mapping on it to really mimic HDR/environment lighting (which was lacking in all the AC games). Facial detail looks better too (at least for the main characters).

Overall, I'd say it's on par with what we are seeing today in games like SoM, Infamous SS, and TLOU:Remastered.



Looks like complete shit graphically. I still want to play it but I'm buying this used for $20 or less so ubisoft doesn't see a penny of my money.
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