Yay, got this in the mail today! I won't start it for a while, aiming to finish Steins;Gate in english first but still happy! Art book is great!

Do you have a link for the chapters? That ended really abruptly and I would like to read more.i played the phenomeno VN and read the translated chapters available for the novel, i want more
Thanks! The premise is really interesting. Let's hope for a anime or another game.
only case 2 and raven notes are complete, i think case 2 is more interesting than the first case and raven's notes is really unique, cool read but it makes me want even more![]()
Ehh, this last case. It's been pretty intriguing so far, this whole phantom stuff especially is neat but what's really annoying me right now is how these people still mock Phoenix in the court. (AA5 spoilers)Edgeworth and even fucking Apollo first go "man I really don't want to say but gee I think it's possible that she's the killer" and not even 10 seconds pass and they're all smug in Phoenix' face saying "YEA SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE SHE'S NOT THE KILLER!!!" I want to believe they're just trying to get him riled up so he'll dig harder for the truth, and I can probably forgive Apollo's part since his best friend died etc, but man this feels dumb right now.
Also it's gonna be a real fucking slap in the face ifAthena is in fact guilty of killing Apollo's buddy.
e: also this game overdoes the last millisecond objections. too many, they're starting to lose their impact, it's actually pretty easy to guess when one's coming.
e2: aa5 has probably the best judge's side comments though, they make me laugh every time
Oh nice I had forgotten about ef! o:
This also marks the first time I've seen the AO rating on an actual game box.
I think Phoenix is still mocked because he hasnt really been a lawyer for 8 years or whatever, quite a long time. I liked the Phantom stuff too[
I like Simon in this game, a great character and not a whiny b*tch like Fran was or smug like early Edgeworth. Having said that, I liked facing off against Edgeowrth again.
What sort of VN is that? Sounds like a romance VN/slice of life perhaps but where everything is done very slowly?
I started playing Dangon Ronpa Trigger Happy Havoc and I'm really liking it. I should have played this a long time ago.
Completed the Fate route in Fate/Stay. Loved it, that ending was amazing.
Not sure what to do now, I have the anime (the second one), and if I'm not mistaken that's another route (Unlimited Blades?). Do some of you have experience with both?
Read the Unlimited Blade Works route. The three routes in the FSN VN have to be read in a forced order. The ufotable FSN anime (the recent one) is an adaptation of UBW, but it won't be finished until the end of Spring.
Just found out that Air, Kanon and Little Busters! all have complete translations now. Guess I've been living under a rock all these years...
At least I can say the list is shaping up nicely! ^_^ 81 titles so far after your contributions!
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (DS)
999: The Novel (iPhone)
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)
Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Miles Edgeworth (DS)
Again (DS)
Air (PC)
Another Code: R A Journey into Lost Memories (Wii)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (DS)
Banshee's Last Cry (iPhone)
Case Closed (Wii)
Chaos;Head (PC)
Clannad (PC)
Corpse Party (PSP)
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (PSP)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Vita)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Vita)
EVE: Burst Error (PC)
Ever 17: The Out of Infinity (PC)
Famicom Tantei Club Part II (SNES)
Fate/hollow ataraxia (PC)
Fate/stay night (PC)
Hakuouki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom (PSP)
Hakuouki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi (PSP)
Hakuouki: Memories of the Shinsengumi (3DS)
Hakuouki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (PS3)
Hatoful Boyfriend (PC)
Higurashi: When They Cry (PC)
Hotel Dusk (DS)
Jake Hunter: Crash and Burn (iPhone)
Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles (DS)
Jake Hunter: Memories of the Past (DS)
Jake Hunter: Seaside City Conspiracy (iPhone)
Katawa Shoujo (PC)
Kanon (PC)
Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS)
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room (Android, iPhone)
LifeSigns: Surgical Unit (DS)
Little Busters! (PC)
Love Hina (GBA)
Love Plus (DS)
Lux Pain (DS)
Never 7: The End of Infinity (PC)
Narcissu (PC)
Narcissu: Side 2nd (PC)
No, Thank You!!! (PC)
Phantasy Star Adventure (Game Gear)
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures (Mega Drive/Sega Genesis)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS, Wii, iPhone, 3DS)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS, iPhone)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All (DS, Wii, iPhone, 3DS)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations (DS, Wii, iPhone, 3DS)
Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet (iPhone)
Policenauts (Playstation)
Portpia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (NES)
Princess Debut (DS)
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (3DS)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (DS)
Professor Layton and the Last Specter (DS)
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS)
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS)
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS)
Radical Dreamers (SNES)
Remember 11: The Age of Infinity (PC)
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love (Wii, PS2)
Saya no Uta (PC)
Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard (GBA)
Snatcher (Sega CD)
Steins;Gate (PC)
Sweet Fuse: At Your Side (PSP)
Theresia (DS)
Time Hollow (DS)
Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side: 1st Love (DS)
Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side: 2nd Kiss (DS)
Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side: 3rd Story (PSP)
Touch Detective (DS)
Touch Detective 2 ½ (DS)
Trace Memory (DS)
Umineko: When They Cry (PC)
XBLAZE: Code Embryo (Vita, PS3)
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (3DS, Vita)
Thanks! but it´s not the recent one I think, is Fate/Zero (so the recent one is UBW, I got that messed up).
Fate/Zero is other route?
Fate/Zero is a prequel to FSN that was written after FSN. It's quite good, but if you are this deep in the VN, I'd probably watch it after finishing the VN.
Ah, perfect, thanks again.
Now to check if I can get the new routewithout Ilya killing me
The three routes are Fate -> Unlimited Blade Works -> Heaven's Feel.
Since you have to do them in order, you can just use a decision flow-chart to figure out how to move to each route w/o really spoiling anything.
Thinking of starting Umineko Chiru
One one hand thats 100+ hours of reading with (I heard) questionable payoff.
On the other Umineko ends on a terrible cliffhanger. Not sure if I can stomach another year of ignoring it...
VN GAF, Clannad kickstarter worth backing? Only about a day and half left, so will need to decide soon.
It's not Tokyo Twilight Busters, that's for sure.Will Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters be any good?
Ah will probably back it then, I'll probably go with a physical copy.Assuming you already know you like the medium at least a little bit and have a lot of patience (not because the game is boring, because it's unbelievably long) and want to read arguably Maeda's best work overall, then probably?
Sekai's work is reputable at the very least if that's what you're worried about; the physical edition upgrade that they're doing for everyone is also a nice touch. If you're worried about bang for your buck, like I said, the game is crazy long. It took me over 50 hours to get to the second main section of the game last time at which point I actually dropped it because it was taking up too much of my time, but that's why I'm in for round two.
Thinking of starting Umineko Chiru
One one hand thats 100+ hours of reading with (I heard) questionable payoff.
On the other Umineko ends on a terrible cliffhanger. Not sure if I can stomach another year of ignoring it...
Ep 5 & 8 are the best ones.Well hey, at least the first episode of Chiru is the best one of em all :3
This April is like the best month ever. Heavens. Two yuri VNs in a month.Famitsu's article on White Robe Love Addiction is online. Just a basic story overview for now with some art/screenshots of the main cast. April release for the Vita.
This April is like the best month ever. Heavens. Two yuri VNs in a month.
Ep 5 & 8 are the best ones.
I think that the end is actually great ..
The pay-off is great if you actually don't go for the bad ending ..
Yeah, seriously. Both quality releases from established studios as well.
Choices in When They Cry game scare me.
Is there anything similar to 999, Zero Escape Last Reward?
i'd KILL for something similar.
If it doesnt exists. Any interactive visual novel out there for pc?
Sorry i'm dumb. Literally the first reply in this thread asks for the same.
My apologies.
Is there anything similar to 999, Zero Escape Last Reward?
i'd KILL for something similar.
If it doesnt exists. Any interactive visual novel out there for pc?
Sorry i'm dumb. Literally the first reply in this thread asks for the same.
My apologies.
Just finished Saya no Uta and really liked it, it was basically my first visual novel. What should I play next?
I have Virtue's Last Reward on Vita but I stopped playing after ~3 hours for some reason. Maybe I should resume.
Also, are the Danganronpa good or really good?
Just finished Saya no Uta and really liked it, it was basically my first visual novel. What should I play next?
I have Virtue's Last Reward on Vita but I stopped playing after ~3 hours for some reason. Maybe I should resume.
Also, are the Danganronpa good or really good?