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Your Favorite TCG Cards


No bald cap? Lies!
I played a lot of MTG back in the day with all my friends. I loved a lot of cards from the series, especially artifact cards which were the foundation of my main deck. Can't recall specific ones though, gonna have to dig through some boxes to find them again.

Are there any good fixed, or relatively fixed deck games, out there that are fun and don't feel too random/luck based? I enjoy card games but don't want to feel the need to have to buy booster packs or tons of expansions, though I know you don't really have to do that. It would be nice to have a fixed card game that two or more people can play relatively easily.



- (This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
- When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy all other creatures that have 6000 power. Take an extra turn after this one. You lose the game at the end of that turn.
- Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning sickness.)
- Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

What a card, it changed the entire metagame. Too bad the game at that point was dying so his effect wasn't as big as it was in Japan.


Pokemon TCG was the only TCG I ever got into, but quit after the Team Rocket set. Shit I wish Nintendo would release another TCG game for 3DS or something. I don't want to have to dig through giant lists to find my favorites, so here's a Slowpoke card.




Dude was the engine in my ever-evolving Frog in a Blender variant I ran for an 8 week winning streak at FNMs back in the Invasion/Odyssey standard.

The "fuck you" stares I'd get when he came down turn 2 were glorious.

Could You elaborate what the tactic here was? Does seem pretty harmless to me - aka someone who played only a bit, casually + on PC.



So, I'm not sure how many of you remember this guy, but there was some sort of cross-promo with the WB store (remember those?) where you could get this oversized pokemon card as a promo item. I believe it was in honor of the second film. I walked into one of those stores when I was a kid and the manager was nice enough to give me one no questions asked. I still have it!


Could You elaborate what the tactic here was? Does seem pretty harmless to me - aka someone who played only a bit, casually + on PC.

Manaless pump opens lots of paths of play
Keywords that take advantage of discard strats: madness, threshold, dredge, flashback

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of other interactions

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician


Badass Tony Taka artwork and a crazy skill. Team up with Ordain Owl to wreck shit.


This card from the new Royal Paladin trial deck is pretty fun. Been using the Japanese version for a couple of months and he's a great way to get extra attacks out, or just refill the field with no cost.

Cards are from Cardfight!! Vanguard, btw.

These look interesting but dear god are they dense with text. YuGiOh always seems to have the same problem


Could You elaborate what the tactic here was? Does seem pretty harmless to me - aka someone who played only a bit, casually + on PC.

The Torment set introduced the Madness mechanic: cards that were cast for a different cost (often less) when discarded. The cards that were undercosted when discarded represented a supreme discount, producing a lightning-quick deck to counteract the prevalent control at the time.

Odyssey block introduced the flashback mechanic, cards with separate costs to be cast from the graveyard, which was a nice bonus.

Here's the holy trinity of fun

In the finals against one poor guy who I had massacred for the prior month, I dropped the nuts hand of 3x Fiery Temper discarded to Wild Mongrel on Turn 3. It got stupid sometimes.

By the end of that four month run, the deck had evolved by splashing some black in order add an extra discard + late game engine:

Lastly, here's the original list:


I use these in my main (casual) deck which I've had for years:

AKA "Captain No-Blocks". I run a nasty Angel deck and when you have enough to attack with this guy, opponent gets sad when they lose a lot of life and I gain it with lifelinked Angels. Plus he kinda looks like Christopher Lee.

A true powerhouse. When I list all of her abilities, I've seen people visibly wilt. These days she can be removed quite easily, but she's an absolute tank on the field.

My wonderful, wonderful Mother of Runes. Everyone but me hates her, and I use 4 in my deck. Hilarity ensues.

My favourite and probably rarest card. It's saved my arse more times then I can count, although it's left me up the creek a couple, too.


I have a ton of favorites in MTG, but I'm guessing they'll get posted by others.

This card was extremely rare in a little played game called Blood Wars. I was lucky enough to get one from a pack, and it ensured that none of my friends wanted to play with me.

Wow, there was a Planescape themed TCG game? That's awesome!

I always liked Dark Magician:


And my younger brother had this card as well that I found cool:



Just in terms of artwork, flavor text, and overall story--I really like the Mirage, Ice Age, Tempest, Ezra stuff in MtG.


It isn't really my favorite, but I think Giant Growth is the "perfect" Magic card.


The text is incredibly simple, but the way it's applications grow as a player gets better at Magic is one of my favorite things.

The first time player playing a green deck sees Giant Growth, casts it on their creature before it attacks and send it in for 3 more damage. They think, "hey this is great! I did three more damage to my opponent and they didn't block because their creature would've died!"

Pretty soon they realize the benefit it being an instant and realize they can use it after combat decisions have been made. They attack with two creatures, and cast it on the unblocked one for some sweet extra damage. Then they realize how important board position is, and start casting it on the blocked creature to kill the blocker. They also start using it to save their creatures from a Lightning Bolt or other damage.

Finally, they start getting tricksy. They realize that the real threat of a Giant Growth is that you might have it. Not actually that you play it. They attack a 2/2 into a 3/3 and make the opponent decide whether or not they have it. They keep a green mana untapped when they suspect their opponent has a Lightning Bolt and dare them to try and remove a creature. In all these cases they might not even have the card in their hand.


{Door to Nothingness}

combine this with a doubling cube:

As per my earlier comment, I drove this to some FNM success, but seeing the post reminded me that I once lost a game to someone playing March of the Machines w/ a bunch of artifact control who stole my Ingots, stole a Cube, and stole a Door to kill me with my own deck.

Both games were so slow it went to time with us each winning one.


For me this question is "My Favorite MTG card" since, while I've played a bunch of other TCGs, MTG dominates. My favorite block was Odyssey, it was the one I played the most.





Pick any card from the Unglued or Unhinged series and I'll say "that one".


Never have had as much fun with TCGs as the day me and a friend played against each other with a whole Unglued/Unhinged deck each.


Poet Centuriate
Is this easier or harder to accomplish than Exodia?

I'd say much easier.

As per my earlier comment, I drove this to some FNM success, but seeing the post reminded me that I once lost a game to someone playing March of the Machines w/ a bunch of artifact control who stole my Ingots, stole a Cube, and stole a Door to kill me with my own deck.

Both games were so slow it went to time with us each winning one.

That's some devilish shit. And actually, on the topic of convoluted deck designs with lynch-pin cards, I was just reminded of a deck a old friend of mine used to use in pit matches (usually FFA) he called the Dingus Bomb, which was a crazy life-generating land destruction white deck but was built around the Dingus Egg:


and Armageddon:


So he basic goes the whole match, overhealing faster than anyone can hurt him, forcing everyone to use tons of mana to keep him low-ish, but that proves to be their own undoing when he drops the bomb and is the only man left standing.


Since we're talking combos and stuff, here's some of my all-time favourite jank (in addition to the Doubling Cube/Door to Nothingness stuff):

Godo, Bandit Warlord w/ Grafted Wargear, powered by Through the Breach and Goryo's Vengeance. I think it was land + some mana source T1, T2 Seething Song > Through the Breach > Godo + Grafter Wargear, swing for 6, swing for 6, T3 Goryo's Vengeance, swing for 9, swing for 9.

Phage the Untouchable + Endless Whispers w/ any sacrifice effect. Bonus points if you have a way to get her into play temporarily for cheap and can Stifle the "lose the game" effect.

Mindslaver + Trade Secrets. Since Trade Secrets is a Sorcery, Vedalken Orrery was required. Mindslaver, during their upkeep, Trade Secrets and get them to deck themselves.

I no longer have the specific decklist, but I ran a deck similar to Full English Breakfast using Dimir Doppelganger. That one was fun, and the timing rules confused the hell out of everyone I played against. I don't think I won a match but I stole a few games with the gimmick.

That's some devilish shit. And actually, on the topic of convoluted deck designs with lynch-pin cards, I was just reminded of a deck a old friend of mine used to use in pit matches (usually FFA) he called the Dingus Bomb, which was a crazy life-generating land destruction white deck but was built around the Dingus Egg: [...] So he basic goes the whole match, overhealing faster than anyone can hurt him, forcing everyone to use tons of mana to keep him low-ish, but that proves to be their own undoing when he drops the bomb and is the only man left standing.

Totally legit haha. I love that sort of stuff.



The one friend I would play MTG with back in the day both had these in our deck and every match would just become a waste because we would get huge armies out and then just completely nuke the board.


The Southern Islands sets have wonderful Art. I have both the Japanese/American sets:



The Japanese set with "Pikablu" and the "Slowbro Evolution" blew my mind at the time. The Internet was still young, so we didn't have a ton of exposure to G/S which already came out in Japan. As a 10 year old these cards made my mind run wild.


ah man this thread takes me back. Gemini Elf was so good. Loved the art.

Another favorite was Breaker the Magical Warrior.


My first favorite card ever


I had been playing for about a year and a half before Nemesis released casually, and had some cards I liked more than others, but Lin Sivvi and Rebels got my heart aflutter.

God, Magic got so ridiculous.

My favorite card is probably:


Awesome choice, and I agree. The times I've dipped back in (Zendikar-Scars standard most recently), the power creep on creatures has been mindblowing.


For me this question is "My Favorite MTG card" since, while I've played a bunch of other TCGs, MTG dominates. My favorite block was Odyssey, it was the one I played the most.




Ah man, pretty sure I still have some Nantuko shades lying about. Card is so mean.



combine this with a doubling cube:


Nothing says 'Fuck you.' more than instawinning.
Oh fuck that's nice. I have 2 doors to nothingness. I made a deck with all the archetypes and it was fun to play. Door to nothingness is super fun. I also had 3 chromanticores in there.

Both Iroas and Xenagos are in a centaur deck that I made along with the xenagos planeswalker and domri rade. My friends hate it when Iroas comes out. Haha.


I love these two so much. It actually was a decent deck though I haven't played it since they banned Return From the Different Dimension last year.

Boy do I have some good news for you

Cyber Dragon Infinity
3 Level 6 LIGHT Machine-Type monsters
You can also Xyz Summon "Cyber Dragon Infinity" once per turn by using a "Cyber Dragon Nova" you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) This card gains 200 ATK for each Xyz Material attached to it. Once per turn: You can target 1 other face-up Attack Position monster on the field; attach it to this card as a face-up Xyz Material. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.


Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
2 or more "Cyber Dragon" monsters
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Materials. When this card is Fusion Summoned: You can target a number of Spell/Trap Cards on the field, up to the number of Fusion Materials used for its Fusion Summon (min. 1); destroy them. Once per turn: You can send up to 2 LIGHT Machine-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, this card gains 1 additional attack for each card sent to the Graveyard by this effect during each Battle Phase this turn.
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