God, Magic got so ridiculous.
The Gods are weaker than most of the cards you mentioned! Most of the time, they're just indestructible enchantments that give you a slight advantage (better combat, pumping a creature each turn), and are useless by themselves. You have to build your deck around them to actually turn them into creatures.

I really enjoyed playing with this guy back in the day. My brothers bought a ton more cards than I did, so their decks were loaded with Pokémon-ex and other powerful cards, but Quagsire pulled through for me. Heals off damage and status like a champ, and scales really well throughout the game.

How do you make my favourite card even better? Give him a badass sword, a nice stat buff, awesome dragon-slaying powers, and a pretty ridiculous free Spell-negation effect. The first time I saw this guy in my friend's collection, I was floored. I got my own one a few years later, which sat around in a box for a while, but I started playing casually again last year, dug him out, and made him a nice deck that can hold its own against all but the strongest decks. I even managed to fit Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (another card I really wanted when I was a kid) in there.
As for Magic, my favourite changes with the deck I'm playing. I've been playing a Soulflayer deck recently, so I suppose this guy is currently high on my list:

I've had a bestowed Chromanticore save me when I was on 1 life more than once. Bestow, swing for 8 lifelink, have a ridiculous blocker the next turn. Aww yeah.
Well, there's also the one and only:

Take 7. Discard your hand. Maybe even sacrifice seven permanents. Also blow up your enchantments and steal your creatures. SCREW THE COLOUR PIE, I'M NICOL BOLAS
Boy do I have some good news for you
Well, they're not coming out outside of Asia for over a year, so he does have a while to wait