Zombie action was actually tense this episodeBest episode I have seen in a long, long time.
Easily my favorite of the season so far.
Who were Rick and Carol talking about and why? I missed a few minutes right before the end.
Who were Rick and Carol talking about and why? I missed a few minutes right before the end.
@DeJuanH: I know we all hate when they kill a black person, but we all agree on Gabriel right? #deywalking #TheWalkingDead
Who were Rick and Carol talking about and why? I missed a few minutes right before the end.
Who were Rick and Carol talking about and why? I missed a few minutes right before the end.
Who were Rick and Carol talking about and why? I missed a few minutes right before the end.
Best episode I have seen in a long, long time.
Easily my favorite of the season so far.
What's this #deywalking hashtag?
I don't like it. It appears that a black soul must be sacrifice for him to level up
Who were Rick and Carol talking about and why? I missed a few minutes right before the end.
lolGabriel is a snake and a hypocrite. Fuck orange shirt dude too.
I know we all hate when they kill a black person, but we all agree on Gabriel right? #deywalking #TheWalkingDead
Gabriel's picture should be next to the definition of BitchassnessWhen you've lost Black Twitter....
When you've lost Black Twitter....
Still don't see what Gabriel stands to earn from this? No one was even thinking about his useless ass.
Gabriel's picture should be next to the definition of Bitchassness
Still don't see what Gabriel stands to earn from this? No one was even thinking about his useless ass.
I see Gabriel more as a metaphor for Satan TBH. The way he ripped every page from the Bible, alludes that he's the deceiver and by stirring shit, he can chaos within the walls. Remembe rthat he let his whole congregation die while he was boarded in his church. He long ago abandoned his Church ways.
2 episodes left? does Morgan get with the main cast?
He's a fucking snake.
I'm not saying that Rick and his group haven't gone to extremes, especially with the Gareth situation. They could have been dealt with more humanely, even if they deserved everything they had coming to them.
But yeah, I'm gonna go along for the ride because they keep me safe, and then when it's convenient I'm gonna betray them! Yeah!
I hate that shit.