Finally made a new level that I think is actually worth sharing here.
Snake Platform!
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I Grow, I Shrink, I Grow Again!
This level is at I place I finally feel comfortable with. The main gist is abusing invincibility frames. It's difficult, but hopefully not frustrating. Let me know what you think.
Seems like a cool level, but I kept dying, and getting back to parts where I messed up is a bit of a chore for me in a level like this. It doesn't really allow speeding through if you're confident or knowledgable, with the exception of not grabbing the mushroom at the beginning, which actually makes the level a lot easier and faster than if you don't grab it until you need one. Might give this another shot later, but dying on the easier parts discouraged me from going farther, knowing it's a long level without checkpoints.Dry Bones' Disposal Center
lolDammit, I was going to make a level based on this idea! If I do one, I'm not trying to steal your idea, I swear.![]()
Nice use of stacking. Piranha plants make sense on top of a lot of enemies and it didn't get excessive here. I thought the secret was maybe a bit too generous of a shortcut, putting you so close to the end of the level. Was a bit surprised how much it had me skip over.
Woo hoo! Vote for me! Vote for me!![]()
And with that, round 2 is a-go!
Voting Rules:
Once the deadline for submitting levels is reached, I will assemble all the entries and post the list in here. SMM-GAF will then go ahead and try the levels. You can assign points to up to three levels - your first pick gets three points, your second pick two points, your third pick one point.
The voting will be done in a group format. With 68 entries, I will post four randomly assembled groups of 17 and we'll vote on one group at a time. Three levels - the ones with the most points - from each group will advance into the final voting group. In the case of a tie in third place, both proceed.
You can give feedback in the thread and reveal your ranking if you wish. However, you must send me your ballot in a PM, this ensures anonymity for those who want it and, more importantly, gives me an easier time counting your votes.
The deadlines for voting will be the following:
Group 1 ~ Thursday, Sep 24 (12PM GMT+1)
Group 2 ~ Thursday, Oct 1 (12PM GMT+1)
Group 3 ~ Tuesday, Oct 6 (12PM GMT+1)
Group 4 ~ Sunday, Oct 11 (12PM GMT+1)
The final three winners will be included in the Community Showcase.
Group #2
NOTE: I have the current group of levels starred on my account. Punch in an ID of mine (AADE-0000-001B-12DD) and check out my 'starred levels' on my profile for quick access! This should facilitate the playing process significantly.
If I'm someone who doesn't particularly enjoy creating his own maps or levels, and gets the most enjoyment out of beating games' campaigns, will this be for me? I like Mario, and borrowed this from the library, but if it's just a bunch of "hardest level ever" gameplay, it won't be for me.
Considering there is this huge list of levels that no one has given feedback for in this same thread, I doubt anyone has had the time to star even just the best levels posted here.So rather than sit here and write out every code in this thread is there someone who I can follow in the game who has starred nearly every level in this thread? That would be so much easier to navigate. Just give me the code to one of your levels so I can track you, and of course I will play your level.
Edit: LOL the post above me.
You can't make whole campaigns in SMM (well, you sort of can, but you can't play them online that way), but if you like beating individual levels sort of in a Super Meat Boy style where lives don't mean anything, you might like SMM. You'll also probably be pleasantly surprised with what you can create if you give it some time.If I'm someone who doesn't particularly enjoy creating his own maps or levels, and gets the most enjoyment out of beating games' campaigns, will this be for me? I like Mario, and borrowed this from the library, but if it's just a bunch of "hardest level ever" gameplay, it won't be for me.
Finally hit 3,000 stars! I think it's going to be a long wait to get that final medal.
Here's a selected list of my levels.
Finally hit 3,000 stars! I think it's going to be a long wait to get that final medal.
Here's a selected list of my levels.
Finally hit 3,000 stars! I think it's going to be a long wait to get that final medal.
Here's a selected list of my levels.
Finally hit 3,000 stars! I think it's going to be a long wait to get that final medal.
Here's a selected list of my levels.
Cool, thanks!Played three of your levels and starred two of them.
the P-Block one was a cool idea but a little too much trial and error. It's easy to retry because it's short so I beared with it.
Liked your Mario's secret level. I had a similar idea. Check it out if you have time.
Gratz, I'm at 30 stars now XD. But I'm curious, how many levels are you able to upload?
Finally hit 3,000 stars! I think it's going to be a long wait to get that final medal.
Here's a selected list of my levels.
Finally hit 3,000 stars! I think it's going to be a long wait to get that final medal.
Here's a selected list of my levels.
Level 1: Where is Yoshi?
Level 2: Haunted Horsecapades
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but some of you might find it useful.
Just shows how enemy spawning works.
Octopiggy, I'm not part of your region so I can't check, but you've got to be on your regional all time top maker list. You're not far from being on the global all time list either.
You're #32 weekly! And you're above Panga!!
Okay, so I decided to make one more version of Boo's Plumbing Nightmare.
Boo's Plumbing Nightmare ver 2.0 (43AB-0000-0069-9A0E)
Changes from the original version:
In the first room of the sewer there is now a door. Taking it leads to...
the checkpoint room. Later in the level a 4-digit passcode is displayed. If you activate the blue lava lifts in the order that passcode indicates a p-switch will fall from above and you can skip half the level.
The garden has had several muchers removed and the ceiling is higher over the grinder. There is a safe platform on the left that spawns infinite fire flowers. Arrows indicate optimum jumping spots.
The bottomless pit of this section has been replaced by a spike trap floor so that players can try again if they fall. They will need to respawn the blue lift by leaving the area and returning.
The "boss" chamber has been radically redesigned. There is now much less going on visually. The clown cars are gone and the 4 boos are evenly distributed. You have less safe room, but you still have plenty and the room spawns fireflowers at every turn. The boss music has been replaced with bonus music to make players feel less like they need to jump face first into death. It's supposed to evoke a carousel. You just have to wait for the way to open, and it opens after one lap.
You guys with thousands of stars, I'm assuming you aren't just gaining them naturally via people finding and playing your level via the in-game mechanisms, yeah? It's because you're sharing them via some other online system? Or have a ton of followers because of some kind of online notoriety?
How do you guys get so many stars?![]()
It's very fun. Did you leave the piranha plant on top of a single row of blocks on purpose so those who notice it can sequence break?
Finally made a new level that I think is actually worth sharing here.
Snake Platform!
I made a semi-exploration/semi-puzzle type level with light platforming and not a lot of enemies. I packed it with quite a few cool secrets (including hidden 1-ups) that I think shouldn't be too obscure and even a few alternate ways to progress through the level so people hopefully don't get stuck or discouraged.
I've really been looking forward to having GAF give it a shot. Feedback would be appreciated (here or on Miiverse), just since I haven't had anyone to test it live besides myself so I hope some design communicated itself enough because then I can possibly use that knowledge for future levels.
Deja Vu
ID: B941-0000-0066-D585
You guys with thousands of stars, I'm assuming you aren't just gaining them naturally via people finding and playing your level via the in-game mechanisms, yeah? It's because you're sharing them via some other online system? Or have a ton of followers because of some kind of online notoriety?
You solved the snake platform problem. Fun level too. I liked it. I would probably suggest a land segment between the snaking just to break up the concept a bit more. Love what you did though.
there is a LOT of levels posted in this thread (and this very page!)
anyone want me to check out any specific levels and give some feedback?
post your codes!