Hey guys
I'm back
Based off of GorLaunch's death, scum likely didn't trust their ability to successfully kill KarkthePinhead. At the same time, it seems their strategy is to kill the loudest voice, rather than go for safe kills
What do you mean by "safe kills" here? If you think they though Kark/Zipped was protected (as you seem to indicate based on the "didn't trust their ability to successfully kill kark", why does Gorlaunch's death indicate they're not going for safe kills here? Anybody other than Karked would be a "safe kill" would it not?
Well that wasn't what I was expecting Kark's role to be.
So you both tracked each other and just saw each other?
Well... today has certainly been much more interesting than I thought. Kark, care to explain why you didn't push harder for a Blawl lynch D1?
I was more thinking of like what the tracking result PM says since I would think the two pairs have different names, if Blarg/Kawl really is a miller.
I won't press on the one more thing, but does it apply in this situation or is it just something unrelated?
so ultrajay and kark are the remaining scum pair? kk
Not that somebody will say, i didn't place a Vote...
VOTE: Coppanuva
Dusk almost got killed/maybe will be killed by opposing you. Eh. ;-)
Other than that... don't feel well versed enough in the matter to vote for flux (shouldn't have left him out of my current read-list). Worked on Coppa/Flame, but it's mostly wishy-washy stuff. The gist is basically they are on my radar, on my priority list.
I just remembered something that happened right after we revealed in D2:
I just realized why this reaction sounded off to me. Before this point, we never gave any indication that we had a role. Like, none at all. How would Flame expect us to have a role? Because he heard it from the scum chat that day, when Blarg shared the result that we targeted them?
Flux, stay out of my way. Go back to reading your past games. I have business with Blarg and Kawl.
Well it seemed like a really great idea at the time but sometimes my plans...
VOTE: Flame_AC
This is an odd thing to bring up, but I can see why you might think that.
You and Zip claimed that you had business with Blawg/Kawl, I assumed you were a cop and checked Blarg and got scum and that you were gonna post your results and just hope a doctor saved you.
You then come out with a second tracker claim, well after Blarg/Kawl's and I was surprised. Now do you understand that post?
Isn't it obvious why people would be surprised at your claim. You basically had them dead the moment you posted. I think it was a valid question as to why you didn't go out with it on Day 1.
I was more thinking of like what the tracking result PM says
If batsnacks doesn't join Batman mafia, I will be upset.
This is an odd thing to bring up, but I can see why you might think that.
You and Zip claimed that you had business with Blawg/Kawl, I assumed you were a cop and checked Blarg and got scum and that you were gonna post your results and just hope a doctor saved you.
I'm backing my partner on this one. You two have been flying under the radar, and coppa is giving me serious island vibes.
vote: flame_AC
I'm of the opinion they should tell us the name of who they targeted and why. The role name can be their judgement (Unless it's damning, I'd personally save it for later on in the game/phase), but I think their reasoning for who they picked is useful and doesn't give scum team too much useful information.
He claimed Miller - what good would that do?
And again, the most surprised would be the ones who bet big on there not being another Tracker.
You weren't talking about role names?
You wanted to see if we got the same PM response from Burb. To see if it matched with your scum Tracker's result. I imagine the panic was high at that moment, trying to figure out if we were for real.
On the other hand, Coppanuva does a good job seeming genuinely misinformed about what exactly trackers can see if he is scum. I'm not sure why he thought a tracker would get a role name though.
Will all the players be named Bat followed by the name of an inanimate object?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that post you reference of Coppa's is addressing Time/Flux who had claimed name cop which is why he was discussing revealing/not names of people checked and their roles.
Nice find kark!
vote: flame_AC
He claimed Miller - what good would that do?
I followed Karkador as I truly believe he is town. As the person who started the Blarg train, I think it is worth it to follow him for a day and see where it goes. There was never a doubt in my mind that Kark was telling the truth, Blarg's reactions (and my immediate vote) are a display of that. As Kark was the closest thing to confirmed town that we had in my mind, I was willing to let him go back on his initial push. I knew that if things turned out poorly then we would lynch Blarg/Kawl on the next day.
However, I think it is worth noting that I did wait for things to develop as far as Splinter is concerned. I wanted to make sure that if we did leave both trackers alive, then we got certain things and that everyone was on the same page.
Splinter's posts were rather abrasive and seemed extremely dismissive. I think it is important for every player to feel like they could die, as otherwise, they won't play well. That's why I went to Splinter.
I won't speak for my partner, we only really post in the game thread.
It was certainly a possibility that someone was mafia, more then likely even. However, I felt confident in Kark's claim and so I preferred to go with him on it. I also made sure that if the Splinter/cabot lynch happened, then we'd get certain information during the night. If the Splinter/cabot move didn't work out, then Blarg/Kawl are lynched the next day pretty automatically.
Personally, I've always played with the mindset that it is always bad to end the day early, no matter what. Ending early allows scum to create excuses for inactivity and stifles discussion. Some might say that the discussion isn't valuable, but I think every little bit helps.
I was willing to trust Kark and if it didn't work out then we'd kill Blarg the next day. I know it's not ideal to leave mafia alive whatsoever, but I mentioned my own reason for viewing Splinter as scum, while wrong, and am okay with the vote in the end.
I agree with you that it it is basically impossible that Kark would counterclaim his own team.
If you're curious as to why I wasn't around at the end of the day, I think it's a shame the game is during the week for the most part. As you or others might have noticed, generally I'm most active at the start of the Day (Sunday) and taper off from there. (If only it was like Season 4)
Look, basically. I believe Kark's claim and was willing to follow him on it. It was possible, however slim it may have been that there was two town trackers. I went for Blarg/Kawl immediately because I wanted it to be known which side of the argument I was on.
I went to Splinter/cabot for two reasons: I didn't like how he felt perfectly safe and didn't want to hammer Blarg/Kawl. That makes it look like he didn't want to be in the spotlight and that they wanted others to do the visible actions. I also trust that Kark has the best interest of town at his heart.
I mentioned earlier that if Splinter/cabot lynch didn't work out, then I would hope PRs are smart enough to not do anything during the night, or at least be very careful. This would limit Blarg/Kawl's action and then we lynch them the following day.
Also, it worked in HP and so I was really hoping it'd happen again.
Vote: *Splinter
I'd rather get tracking info tomorrow, then lynch Blarg/Kark if necessary. Splinter has been dismissive of anyone's post against him, rubs me the wrong way.
Blargonaut & Kawl_USC (13)
Karkador .1889.2609
Zippedpinhead .1892.2608
Flame_AC .1893.2694
Hyperactivity .1895
*Splinter .1919.2145
batsnacks .1930
Timeaisis .2009
Camjo-Z .2086.2451
TL21xx .2090
LaunchpadMcQ .2130
Kyanrute .2142
Retroid .2224.2225
Retroid .2225
FluxWaveZ .2329.2486
UltraJay .2453
cabot .2489
Camjo-Z .2514
FluxWaveZ .2516.2601
FluxWaveZ .2610.2657
Boo Boo'n .2677
FluxWaveZ .2687
kingkitty .2700
*Splinter & cabot (7)
LaunchpadMcQ .1764.2130
Ty4on .2491
*Splinter .2581
FluxWaveZ .2601.2610
Kawl_USC .2603
Zippedpinhead .2608
Karkador .2609
Blargonaut .2622
FluxWaveZ .2657.2687
Giant Panda .2719
Coppanuva & Flame_AC (1)
Dusk Soldier .1992
Karkador & Zippedpinhead (1)
Gorlak .2044.2057
Ty4on .2271.2347
Karu .2446
El Topo & Giant Panda (0)
cabot .1625.1663
cabot .1941.2028
FluxWaveZ & Timeaisis (0)
Gorlak .1699.2040
Camjo-Z .1846.2086
Coppanuva .1903.1990
Blargonaut .1911.2377
TL21xx .2042.2090
Blargonaut .2377.2622
FluxWaveZ .2486.2516
batsnacks & MagnumBoy20xx (0)
Flame_AC .1745.1893
Ty4on .2406.2491
Hobohodo & Ty4on (0)
FluxWaveZ .1920.2235
cabot .2028.2146
cabot .2146.2334
cabot .2334.2489
Gorlak & LaunchpadMcQ (0)
Giant Panda .1637.1640
Giant Panda .1640.2719
UltraJay .1688.1695
Coppanuva .1994.2061
Hyperactivity & kingkitty (0)
cabot .1670.1941
No active vote for Day 2:
Coppanuva (has previously voted)
El Topo
Flame_AC (has previously voted)
Gorlak (has previously voted)
Vote: *Splinter
I'd rather get tracking info tomorrow, then lynch Blarg/Kark if necessary. Splinter has been dismissive of anyone's post against him, rubs me the wrong way.
Beyond all of the name calling, people who don't have an active vote or remain voting on some other couple with one vote seem shady as hell to me. Make a decision, take a stand. Even if it moves me and Blarg closer to our fate instead of Splintbot, make a choice. Provide some reasoning/feelings. Casual coasting on the sideline does Yall no favors.
Blargonaut & Kawl_USC (15)
Karkador .1889.2609
Zippedpinhead .1892.2608
Flame_AC .1893.2694
Hyperactivity .1895
*Splinter .1919.2145
batsnacks .1930
Timeaisis .2009
Camjo-Z .2086.2451
TL21xx .2090
LaunchpadMcQ .2130.2780
Kyanrute .2142
Retroid .2224.2225
Retroid .2225.2735
FluxWaveZ .2329.2486
UltraJay .2453.2744
cabot .2489
Camjo-Z .2514
FluxWaveZ .2516.2601
FluxWaveZ .2610.2657
Boo Boo'n .2677
FluxWaveZ .2687
kingkitty .2700
*Splinter .2741
El Topo .2808
MagnumBoy20xx .2810
LaunchpadMcQ .2846
Gorlak .2861
*Splinter & cabot (10)
LaunchpadMcQ .1764.2130
Ty4on .2491
*Splinter .2581.2741
FluxWaveZ .2601.2610
Kawl_USC .2603
Zippedpinhead .2608
Karkador .2609
Blargonaut .2622
FluxWaveZ .2657.2687
Giant Panda .2719
Flame_AC .2724
Gorlak .2733.2854
Coppanuva .2737
UltraJay .2744
Dusk Soldier .2768
Karkador & Zippedpinhead (1)
Gorlak .2044.2057
Ty4on .2271.2347
Karu .2446
FluxWaveZ & Timeaisis (0)
Gorlak .1699.2040
Camjo-Z .1846.2086
Coppanuva .1903.1990
Blargonaut .1911.2377
TL21xx .2042.2090
Blargonaut .2377.2622
FluxWaveZ .2486.2516
El Topo & Giant Panda (0)
cabot .1625.1663
cabot .1941.2028
Coppanuva & Flame_AC (0)
Dusk Soldier .1992.2768
batsnacks & MagnumBoy20xx (0)
Flame_AC .1745.1893
Ty4on .2406.2491
Hobohodo & Ty4on (0)
FluxWaveZ .1920.2235
cabot .2028.2146
cabot .2146.2334
cabot .2334.2489
Gorlak & LaunchpadMcQ (0)
Giant Panda .1637.1640
Giant Panda .1640.2719
UltraJay .1688.1695
Coppanuva .1994.2061
Hyperactivity & kingkitty (0)
cabot .1670.1941
No active vote for Day 2:
Retroid (has previously voted)
[Content removed, but like 90% of it was linebreaks anyhow, click the little arrow and read his post. It doesn't work well without it.]
1) We're not the only people who voted Splintbot. Saying we were suspicious because we voted him is alright as long as you don't disregard the fact that at least 7 other people voted on them as well.
*Splinter & cabot (10)
LaunchpadMcQ .1764 .2130 dead
Ty4on .2491
*Splinter .2581 .2741 dead
FluxWaveZ .2601 .2610 dead
Kawl_USC .2603 dead
Zippedpinhead .2608
Karkador .2609
Blargonaut .2622 dead
FluxWaveZ .2657 .2687 dead
Giant Panda .2719
Flame_AC .2724
Gorlak .2733 .2854 dead
Coppanuva .2737
UltraJay .2744
Dusk Soldier .2768
I'm leaning heavily towards you, but I'll try to look back at your posts and see if I find something townie.Gimme a minute to type up a response. I think you are all hopping on a train that looks good, but is wrong and is only going to hurt town.
Alternatively, eat BooJay's face.
Is the voting record why you've tunneled so much on BooJay? I kinda wrote it off when scum lynched Cabinter, but I'm probably assuming they're too cautious.
Is the voting record why you've tunneled so much on BooJay? I kinda wrote it off when scum lynched Cabinter, but I'm probably assuming they're too cautious.
VOTE: LaunchpadMcQ
You've had an axe to grind against Splinter and Cabot since the game started and, magically, they end up night killed. Now I'm doubting the Legitimacy of Kark's claim because he should be dead right now, but I feel more inclined to push onto you today seeing as, if the end of the day goes as expected, Kark will have majority vote.
It's also because of how they opened Day 3.
After I saw that Mafia killed Splinter, I knew they would probably go the route of
trying to rouse suspicion against us right out the gate. . It seems I was right.
But these two seem not-so-coordinated. Boo had posted this right before Jay's post:
Ah, another dead person.
Ah, another dead person.
Alternatively, eat BooJay's face.
Huh? If mafia had three members in total, how could BooJay be mafia? There would be two left, so when you tracked BooJay, one had to go out and kill whereas the other pair (I would assume) used the chat bomb.
Coppanuva and Flame_AC - null. came out the gate pretty hot, reacted kind of strongly to the claims put forth, and have seemed to back off a little (Flame more than Coppa) after they got some heat put on them. Possible that they decided to take some of their initial discussion to lovers chat to avoid additional ire/showing cards (as I believe Gorlak and Launch have said to be doing). Null at this point.
6. [m] Coppanuva x [m] Flame_AC I don't know where their loyalties lie, nor their votes. Erratic posters who weave in and out of the discussion with seemingly good observations, but... I never know when they're going to pop up? They're like scavengers who notice everything and jump at opportunities.
I wish I had the time to graph out their interactions with other pairs so I could see if two was an outlier.Scum's opinion of CoppaFlame - "no comment"