Brooke Augustine
"Yeah, I'm told that hurts."
Curdun Cay is your masterpiece and you wont stop until all Conduits are imprisoned, despite being one yourself.
You are aligned with scum.
As a Role Blocker/Recruiter you can choose to block a player each other by PMing me the command Block: [Player]. Or you can choose to attempt to recruit a hidden partner with the command Recruit: [Player]. If successful in recruiting, your recruitment will be added to the Scum team and thread.
Fake Claim Sebastian Wolfe
You win when scum has the majority.
The game thread is HERE.
The scum thread is HERE.
_____Eugene Sims Virgin
But the real world ? That I couldn't control
You are aligned with Town.
Well, Eugene, the good news is should you be killed during the night, scum may not perform any kills the following night. And well, you already know the bad news.
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
The game thread is HERE.
Lover I don't think you're going to fuck this up, but if you're considering it then let me know first, k?
Seattle Hipster A.K.A Vanilla Town
Congratulations! Seattle welcomes you. You are town. So, the downside is you're a hipster and only have the ability to VOTE, but, least you're not scum. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
The game thread is HERE.
Lucy Kuo – Odd Night Commuter
"I'm not an agent anymore. You're looking at the new me. It's a little hard to hide."
Some people find you a little cold and maybe you aren't the most social individual. And yet, you Lucy are aligned with Town.
You are an Odd Night Commuter. During odd nights you leave town and are unable to be targeted by any night commands on those nights.
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
The game thread is HERE.
Cole MacGrath – Governor
”I don't know if you've ever let someone down, got your ass kicked or straight up failed. But those are the moments that define us. They push you further than you've ever thought possible, and force you to make choices. No matter what the cost."
Mr. Infamous himself.
For the moment you are aligned with, uh, ... Town. You are a Governor and have the ability to stop any lynch, including your own once per game. To stop a lynch from occurring the command Save: [Player] must be posted in the main thread before end of day. The selected player will be unable to lynched for the remainder of that day.
But maybe you are Scum.
Or could be.
In true InFAMOUS fashion, your alliances could change at any moment. You are also a Hidden Partner and recruitable by scum, should they find you.
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated. For now.
The game thread is HERE.
PM UPDATED (as of N5) :
Mr. MacGrath,
You have been recruited by Brooke Augustine to join the D.U.P and eliminate all Conduit activity in the Washington area.
In short, your karma has shifted and you are now aligned with Scum .
You retain your Governor ability and can still stop a lynch.
Fake Claim – Brent Walker
Your new win condition is when scum has the majority.
The scum thread is HERE.
Please confirm you have received this PM update and if you have any questions feel free to message me.
Just so we're clear: I won
🤗Lover is it just me or are you always the cause of my Painin lylo.
Why would scum splinter bus his two team mates in lylo
Yup, when town has settled on a list with at least one town in it, I don't need to worry about which order they lynch in.Cabot you saw through it but didn't follow up on it. Bussing is always the way to go
Kawl may disagree
He only had to win that one lynch.
Well done Splinter![]()
You were scum in MGS tooOh wait I didnt make lylo in election.
Or Mgs.
Forget what I said
You were scum in MGS too
Through pseudo-statistical distribution:
Taking into account randomisation of spread, and likelihood dependencies on Mafia-to-Mafia roster slot distances:
- [f] WaffleTaco ??
- [m] Zeusy ??
- [m] Ri'Orius ??
- [m] OceanicAir ??
- [m] TheGoddamn ??
- [m] Kyanrute ??
- [m] batsnacks [TOWN]
- [m] CCS ??
- [m] Bronx-Man ??
- [m] SkyOdin ??
- [m] AbsolutBro [TOWN]
- [m] cabot ??
- [m] Blargonaut [TOWN]
- [m] Dusk Soldier [TOWN]
- [m] Timeaisis [TOWN]
- [m] Lone_Prodigy ??
- [m] *Splinter ??
- [m] Kawl_USC [TOWN]
- [m] isaacnukem ??
- [m] Zippedpinhead ??
- [m] Flame_AC ??
- [m] Kalor ??
- [m] acohrs [TOWN]
Known information; if there are 23 players, so likely 4-5 Mafia (20%), 16-18 Town (remainder), 1-2 Neutrals (wildcards). 6 out of ~17 Town pool confirmed as Town so 11 left to plot, and 1 Neutral claimant.
- [f] WaffleTaco
- [m] Zeusy
- [m] Ri'Orius
- [m] OceanicAir
- [m] TheGoddamn
- [m] Kyanrute [TOWN?]
- [m] batsnacks [TOWN]
- [m] CCS [NEUTRAL?]
- [m] Bronx-Man
- [m] SkyOdin
- [m] AbsolutBro [TOWN]
- [m] cabot
- [m] Blargonaut [TOWN]
- [m] Dusk Soldier [TOWN]
- [m] Timeaisis [TOWN]
- [m] Lone_Prodigy
- [m] *Splinter
- [m] Kawl_USC [TOWN]
- [m] isaacnukem
- [m] Zippedpinhead
- [m] Flame_AC
- [m] Kalor
- [m] acohrs [TOWN]
Informed estimate: (6+1+1?)/17T | 0/4M | (1?)/2N
Application of alignment concentration theory to fill in gaps:
Mafia scatter. Mafia more likely to be nestled in slots of high surrounding Town concentration, or else in wide swathe of unknown territory. New players unlikely to be Mafia-aligned. Neutral(s) may be anywhere, scatter tendency unknowable.
- [f] WaffleTaco
- [m] Zeusy
- [m] TheGoddamn/Swamped
- [m] Kyanrute [TOWN?]
- [m] batsnacks [TOWN]
- [m] CCS [NEUTRAL?]
- [m] AbsolutBro [TOWN]
- [m] Blargonaut [TOWN]
- [m] Dusk Soldier [TOWN]
- [m] Timeaisis [TOWN]
- [m] Lone_Prodigy
- [m] *Splinter
- [m] Kawl_USC [TOWN]
- [m] isaacnukem MAFIA PROBABILITY
- [m] Zippedpinhead HIGH MAFIA PROBABILITY -> SUSPECT 4/4
- [m] Kalor
- [m] acohrs [TOWN]
hi Zipped; if it's not too much trouble, could you pop back in to the scum chat for a sec and tell Dusk to defend himself, sry ty
*Splinter, would you ever consider betraying cabot like Kawl betrayed me?
I tried to help you guys
Why does me trying to be nice always lead to me dying?![]()
I tried to help you guys
Why does me trying to be nice always lead to me dying?![]()
Good game everyone.
Just to be sure, it was Bronx that killed me, right?
LoooooolNo we thought you were the SK.
ceecee~ we miss u amg where have u been ; __ ;
GG everyone! Poor cabot.
melon, I very much enjoyed the flavor and roles and everything in this one - it was really well written.
Just so we're clear: I won
I should go back to second son.
What are Sucker Punch even doing right now its been ages.
Oh I have one minor grumble, there was that Kyanrute doublevote where we were waiting ages for a vote count, in the end getting dangerously close to the end of the phase (and we needed to turbo I think?).
I'm not aiming that at melon because noone has to be available all the time, but we have season mods, overseers, reviewers etc etc. Someone should have been able to at least verify the double.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the work everyone does to make these games run smoothly, just highlighting that because it (almost) affected the game. Maybe not enough people have access to the game setup so noone could verify? Maybe just bad luck.
Just so you know, I actually went and bought Second Son a few days ago, so I now get most of the flavor that was going over my head at first.
Thank you Melon for making this game, it was a pleasure and fun, but also frustrating.
Congrats scum! This was the first time I stepped in as a replacement, and it was really fun. Thanks Melon for the awesome game!