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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Oh i have no issues with his alt, you get hit you're braindead.

His flashbang and fan are the main issue. the stun is too long, he one shots anyone the cooldown is too short and it hits you from behind, change all that and hes actually balanced

Change all that and he's useless. The whole point of the character is that he wins 1 v 1 matchups. He's slow as hell, and has zero team support capabilities.

*I never use McCree.
What's a good strategy against Trobjorn? Specifically when he has a turret tucked away in a corner.
Also I'm tired of seeing him in game highlights.

Repo Man

Also how do you Winston? You jump in, pop your bubble but your gun has no range and outside the bubble he is shockingly squishy so what to? :(

I'd like to know too, tried Winston a few times but didn't seem to do very well at all but some people wreck shit with him even without a pocket healer.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ok, so maybe Blizzard shouldn't have had Torbjorn's Ult not only heal his turret, but himself as well. That is absolutely ridiculous that they left in a panic button of that caliber.

I think he's just too good. He's my go to guy in any Defend match, and let me tell you how easy it is to lame it out and keep his turret hard until I get enough meter for the Ult for which I have a "Get Out of Death FREE" Card whenever. Maybe a Pharah or a Junkrat will get lucky enough to land some direct hits. And maybe there will be a Widowmaker that can eye it enough to take it out, but overall, this is not the case, and people just can't help but get up close and personal with my turret only to fail.

His ult is the most braindead thing in the game. Like yeah make the turret stronger and raise its MaxHP for the duration, but don't heal both the turret and the owner in the process. I'm BEGGING someone to defend that bullshit. And he's my most played character, so it's not sour grapes. It's just... why.

You just said why in your own post. Junktat, Pharah, Snipers will eat your turret for lunch. Inly dumdums will go head first into your turret as you said yourself.

You want to waste the ult to save yourself from dying? Well I guess thats your perrogative.


Alright, I'm bored of pubs. I want to try and play with some Gaffers with chat this week.

How do I do that? Just add people from the PS4 list?

There's a ps4 group messaging thing I would suggest getting in on, has over 80 people and people always fill in groups with it. Not sure who all can invite to it so maybe someone can speak up on that.
Gaming with GAF not matter the genre is almost always awesome, but I can see people having that team play anxiety too. I think the problem is, everyone is so worried about K/D ratios, "getting gud", being pro or competitive, etc. that they either overinvest themselves or just completely go on mute.

For me it's just my general anxiety turning into performance anxiety.


Change all that and he's useless. The whole point of the character is that he wins 1 v 1 matchups. He's slow as hell, and has zero team support capabilities.

*I never use McCree.

flashbang is team support as it'll stop anyone, that includes ults and people tying to kill your allies.

Considering hes being run 2 at a time right now in leagues, ask yourself why they would do that if he is not somehow also helping to support others


There's a ps4 group messaging thing I would suggest getting in on, has over 80 people and people always fill in groups with it. Not sure who all can invite to it so maybe someone can speak up on that.

I would like to get invited! I added my details on the community list for OW, and I'm part of the GAF PSN community.

PSN: BladeofAura


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
See :)

Edit: this was meant for the legendary skin drop above
What's a good strategy against Trobjorn? Specifically when he has a turret tucked away in a corner.
Also I'm tired of seeing him in game highlights.

Just played a match as Torbjorn and got my ass handed to me by a Reaper who kept managing to sneak down a flank and shred my turret multiple times. Either him or a Genji reflecting back the shots is a good counter.

Now a Torbjorn turret AND a Bastion shielded by a Reinhardt... I've seen my team lose so many attacks to that combo.

How do I play defense against a team with 1 Reinhardt, let alone 2? Torb is my favorite, but he doesn't have great mobility for getting around Rein's shields, and turrets aren't strong enough to punch through either.

How do I play defense against a team with 1 Reinhardt, let alone 2? Torb is my favorite, but he doesn't have great mobility for getting around Rein's shields, and turrets aren't strong enough to punch through either.

Pharah's good for this. Boost up and over the shield and hit him from behind. Even indoors where there isn't airspace, you can hammer the shield with rockets and drop it that much quicker.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

How do I play defense against a team with 1 Reinhardt, let alone 2? Torb is my favorite, but he doesn't have great mobility for getting around Rein's shields, and turrets aren't strong enough to punch through either.

Alt fire the shields. In fact, people shoot those shields, they break you know? I keep seeing people go "welp he had the shield up guess we need to flank around 3 corners now"... no, no you dont you need to shoot that shit into oblivion so he panics.


Cross post from the other thread to continue here:

This game has its hooks into me, and as somebody who has never been into multiplayer games at all, I'm surprised at how much insane fun I'm having with it. Just finished a match on Ilios where a Roadhog was set up at the capture point, hooking people and pulling them down into the pit. Only I was playing as Lucio and, just by instinct, I started wall-running on the side of the well and jumped right back up into the action. The grin on my face afterward... man, I love this game.

That's literally me. I shudder at PvP games. Here it's nice because there are no loadouts, no in-match shops. Just straight up characters vs characters, constantly countering each other. It's amazing.

Still hate dupe Meis...


Well time to quit for the night. Starting to get salty about losing. Got to 43 today though so I'm okay with that. Managed to get a McCree Legendary as well.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Who will be our first lvl 100? And dont say me because im 37 and im taking a break after friday when the marvel heroes anniversary patch hits (I reckon ill get to like 47-50 until then)
Pharah's good for this. Boost up and over the shield and hit him from behind. Even indoors where there isn't airspace, you can hammer the shield with rockets and drop it that much quicker.
Ah. Sounds like a plan. She is probably my second favorite, so that won't be too bad. Rein just seems like such a damn popular pick I keep running into. Need to get better at countering.


I understand not wanting to voice chat with people you don't know, but it seems like most people online don't even bother checking the chat. It's getting really annoying.


What's a good strategy against Trobjorn? Specifically when he has a turret tucked away in a corner.
Also I'm tired of seeing him in game highlights.

Reinhart's shield can defend from his turret for ages. Hell, a user just mentioned having trouble with that matchup.

As an old engie/medic main Torbjorn's turret feels relatively weak. The fact that it doesn't have a third stage innately means it lacks that extra kick. You really need to rely on his actual weapon more than engineers do.
Got 1000 gold tonight, bought Mercy's Valkyrie skin. Looks so nice and she says "Til Valhalla!"when she uses her ult.

Might buy a Lucio skin next. Was thinking of hockey player skin, but frog looks so dumb that I kinda want it too.
Cross post from the other thread to continue here:

That's literally me. I shudder at PvP games. Here it's nice because there are no loadouts, no in-match shops. Just straight up characters vs characters, constantly countering each other. It's amazing.

Still hate dupe Meis...

Yeah, one thing I learned quickly, and one of the pains in the butts of always playing with random teams, is the vital importance of counter-picking. Having a main is nice, but I've lost so many matches where every other player besides me stuck with the same character the whole match, which is absolutely the wrong way to play this game. I think that's part of the reason I enjoy it so much, is that it's not just "run in and shoot, and if you lose it's because the other guy is a more accurate shot than you." If you're dying over and over again, it's a sign that you need to switch things up.

Speaking of which, another highlight of my night was my very first time playing Genji. I've always been nervous about playing him, but the team vitally needed someone to flank the enemy, and I knew that flanking is Genji's specialty. Not only did we win, but I got POTG for sneaking in behind the lines and slicing up three enemies with my ult. The feeling of satisfaction as I skittered up a wall and came up behind a Widowmaker who had no idea I was even behind her... just amazing.


The only issue with turrets that I have is that the turn radius is just too damn fast. Going from one hero to another in an instant is a bit much. Turn that down just a wee bit and everything else is fine.


So I just finished my first week of playing Overwatch, and I've been having so much fun. So glad I decided to pick this up.

I didn't get really excited about this game until just about a week or two before it came out. I had watched the initial reveal trailer when it was announced and thought it was interesting, but then it vanished from my radar for a long time after that. Then the open beta started and I got to play a bit of that and I fell in love. The game just feels great, the characters I tried are all interesting and fun to play I haven't played everyone just yet, I will though), I love the art style and tone, and it was just super easy to get into and have fun. After the beta, I binged on all of the animated trailers and read up a bit on the game and the world it takes place in and now I'm super in.

Probably my favorite character to play at the moment is Hanzo, because he's tons of fun, I really dig his design, and I love bows and arrows in games. It's super satisfying to get kills as him. I'm certainly no the best, but I like to think I'm pretty decent as him.

That said, I have at least one character of each class that I love to play so if there's a role that needs to be filled, I can totally do that. For offense, I really like using Genji, though I also like Soldier 76. For defense, I like Hanzo obviously, that said, I need to try out more of the other defense characters and learn them better. D.Va and Reinhardt are the tanks I play the most of and they are both tons of fun and for support I love using Lucio, though I am putting some time into playing Zenyatta as well.

I actually don't have much data on my career profile, as I spent much of my time playing the Arcade mode on the Weekly Brawl. which was just stupid fun. I look forward to all of the future weekly brawls and the shenanigans that they will bring to the game.

My personal favorite play of the game today for me was when I was playing defense on Hanamura, where as Hanzo, I managed to loose an arrow at just the right time, and took out Junkrat's tire Ult right when he used it, killing him at the same time. That was satisfying as hell, and it's how I learned that I can destroy Junkrat's tire Ult.

I'll would love to play with an PS4 Gaffers who would have me on their team, if you don;t mind having someone who's still learning and may not be all that great at times. My PSN is King_and_Clown.
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