Limited Run Games - Putting digital games into your hands

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Also, I've looked at the LRG lineup, and some of the games don't fair well on Metacritic (saturday RPG, Lost Sea, Futuridium... meh). Just wanted to say that I only intend to buy good games from LRG if I do ; Xeodrifter is barely good enough but... why not. I'm totally into Octodad, Oddworld and Söldner, though ! So the choice of game matters a lot. Especially if you release 2 to 3 games in a month.

Not faring well on Metacritic =/= not a good game. Just means they're not for everyone, but I'm very happy we're given the chance to buy that kinda stuff physically.

To be honest, I enjoy having a little breathing room between releases I'm interested in from LRG too. If they only picked up games I wanted, my wallet would be bled dry (and their announced upcoming lineup is going to be quite bad for that).


@Kresnik : I understand the bleeding wallet argument !

@The12thGripper : I'm a console player too so I get your point.

@YianGaruga : Indieboxes don't require Steam so it's not worthless.

Indiebox is trying to do stuff a little different from Limited Run, and i see no reason why having multiple options would be bad (you can't get either of them anymore, regardless)

I don't see the use of having one game in multiple formats. So the way I see it : I'd RATHER have a game I haven't already had with Indiebox.

Now I won't have a problem if it happens ; I understand not everyone has subscribed to Indiebox.

Ok I take my claim back then, you can publish any game you want. I doubt any LRG game would end not solding out anyway :)
Hey guys ! Just heard about LRG, and I'm pretty interested to say the least :D
I've already subscribed to Indiebox so I love the idea of buying physical indie games in general. Even if it means importing them to France.

To me regular PS4/Vita boxes are even more promising than Indieboxes, as I'm not totally fan of the USB keys. That doesn't seem very durable to me...

Long story short, I wanted to react to this :

==> Rogue Legacy already has its Indiebox. Wouldn't it be better if LRG and Indiebox covered different games ? To me it would, at least ;)
Same problem with Axiom Verge, since I saw someone mention it. I already own it.

Also, I've looked at the LRG lineup, and some of the games don't fair well on Metacritic (saturday RPG, Lost Sea, Futuridium... meh). Just wanted to say that I only intend to buy good games from LRG if I do ; Xeodrifter is barely good enough but... why not. I'm totally into Octodad, Oddworld and Söldner, though ! So the choice of game matters a lot. Especially if you release 2 to 3 games in a month.

I'd love to see Escape Goat 1 (Escape Goat 2 has been released as an indiebox but not the first one). Or VVVVVV, the first indie game I fell in love with.

Anyway, I'm really excited by your concept !

At the time of this post Lost Sea doesn't have any reviews on Metacritic... SMRPG for PS4 only has 3 reviews which would average to an 80, which is green. Futuridium has a 73 on PS4, which is higher than a lot of recent releases. Maybe your expectations on Metacritic are too high? Which is a common problem in the game industry and a cause of a lot mass firings and stress for developers. Even milestones are withheld from developers because of Metacritic. There is this horrible perception now that your game has to 80 or above to be considered a success, but that isn't always the case.

Not mad or basing you, just hate the mentality behind Metacritic. You hear way to many horror stories from developers about their publishers or investors withholding money from them due to scores, or sequels not getting green lit because of scores, like Dead Space 4. (Yeah 3 was kind of meh, but that cliffhanger is killing me! Also I love Jason Graves soundtrack and the lore in that series.)

In the case of Indiebox, we love what they do and share a good relationship with them. As far as doing the same games they do at times, it's not an issue because a lot of our customers aren't PC gamers. We aren't even that big into PC gaming ourselves. Also having worked in technical support for Ubisoft, a lot of older games will not run on newer machines and can actually cause harm to your computer. Sure there are ways around that, but not everyone is going to go out of their way. With consoles you don't have to do any modifications to play a game that was meant for that console. So we should preserve whatever game we can even if it had a PC physical release.


I don't really have a problem with Metacritic, because I just view it as another tool for use when making buying decisions. It shouldn't be the only thing you base your purchase on, but it can be informative if you're strapped for cash.

It's all about knowing your own tastes as well. For example, my GOTY 2015? Godzilla PS4, which has a 38 on Metacritic.

When it comes LRG's games, I find they strike the right balance of getting games that might not have performed well critically, but are still good. They might not be 90+ titles, but they're all solid games that will have an audience.
I don't really have a problem with Metacritic, because I just view it as another tool for use when making buying decisions. It shouldn't be the only thing you base your purchase on, but it can be informative if you're strapped for cash.

It's all about knowing your own tastes as well. For example, my GOTY 2015? Godzilla PS4, which has a 38 on Metacritic.

When it comes LRG's games, I find they strike the right balance of getting games that might not have performed well critically, but are still good. They might not be 90+ titles, but they're all solid games that will have an audience.

Godzilla, actually not that bad. Played the crap out of it. Not a $60 purchase, but for $20-$30 it was a good game full of content.


Godzilla, actually not that bad. Played the crap out of it. Not a $60 purchase, but for $20-$30 it was a good game full of content.

When are we going to have news about the 18 july game ps4?
I also think metacritic is not fair with all games.(and if we talk about user reviews it's much worse)
I buy physical Vita games because I like the games and because they're physical Vita games. Some quality control is good, but they've already said they don't pursue games they don't like, and I'm glad I can get games the vast critical majority may not care about. A ton of my favorite games for the last 25+ years have been relatively irrelevant or hated on.

For the sake of representing my customer wants, not getting physical releases of Playstation games that were already on Indiebox would be like not getting a lot of PC games on PSN in the first place.


Posting this again for discussion-


Why would anyone vote no other than to troll?


Not all LRG customers own a Vita so that would be a good reason to vote "no". If I did not have a Vita then I would probably do just that. I actually bought the game on PSN for $13.99 just a couple of days ago but I would gladly double dip.

It's not a perfect game or perfect remake and it does feel a bit dated and low budget in places but I just love the old-school quality JRPG adventure vibe I get from it. There is a world to explore, across deserts, snowy mountains and dwarf mines. Not the "pick dungeon from menu, explore dungeon" that most modern JRPGs on Vita have. Some puzzle solutions that you don't even understand are puzzles are way to cryptic though.


Not mad or basing you, just hate the mentality behind Metacritic. You hear way to many horror stories from developers about their publishers or investors withholding money from them due to scores, or sequels not getting green lit because of scores, like Dead Space 4. (Yeah 3 was kind of meh, but that cliffhanger is killing me! Also I love Jason Graves soundtrack and the lore in that series.)

I'm totally behind you with that "race to the Metacritic score". Don't worry, when I refer to Metacritic, I'm not refering to the actual score but the reviews themselves. The average is meaningless these days since opinions are so polarized, but I still need to see that some people with good arguments really enjoyed a game for me to care now. That's one of the ways I filter games these days :x
I'm in line with @Tapejara

At the time of this post Lost Sea doesn't have any reviews on Metacritic... SMRPG for PS4 only has 3 reviews which would average to an 80, which is green. Futuridium has a 73 on PS4, which is higher than a lot of recent releases. Maybe your expectations on Metacritic are too high? Which is a common problem in the game industry and a cause of a lot mass firings and stress for developers. Even milestones are withheld from developers because of Metacritic. There is this horrible perception now that your game has to 80 or above to be considered a success, but that isn't always the case.

Let me watch again.
- Lost Sea : 3 reviews here, not enthusiastic.
- SMRPG : ok there are pretty good critics on this one
- Futuridium : some people really seemed to enjoy it as well. I'm biased here cause I played it and didn't like it.

I must admit I mostly stand corrected. I'm not interested in none of these three games but apparently some people are fond of them so it's cool if you can publish them.
I simply can't help to be impatient to see the best indie games finally having a physical release !

In the case of Indiebox, we love what they do and share a good relationship with them. As far as doing the same games they do at times, it's not an issue because a lot of our customers aren't PC gamers. We aren't even that big into PC gaming ourselves. Also having worked in technical support for Ubisoft, a lot of older games will not run on newer machines and can actually cause harm to your computer. Sure there are ways around that, but not everyone is going to go out of their way. With consoles you don't have to do any modifications to play a game that was meant for that console. So we should preserve whatever game we can even if it had a PC physical release.

Point taken. I share your preference for console gaming.

Thanks for having answered pretty much every of my concerns :)
I simply can't help to be impatient to see the best indie games finally having a physical release !

This has been discussed here over and over but the thing is, if some of the bigger indie developers wanted their games to be in physical format, it would already have happened. There's no shortage of publishers out there, so don't expect LRG to be welcomed with open arms everywhere.

On the other hand, if LRG keeps growing and getting more and more recognition in the industry, it definitely increases the chance in the future to see more high profile games from them. I'm actually happy that some of the more niche titles get considered. Without LRG, those games would never be available in physical format. For a lot of the bigger titles, it's mostly a business decision.


I finally played Futuridium last night, and it seemed pretty cool. Presentation is definitely very nice, and the game is pretty good fun. Not sure why people are so down on it.

Not quite on topic, but I'm loving that more mid-level games getting released in boxes lately. I just got Mighty No 9, Ori, and just recently ordered Shantae and Runbow. Plus all the LRG games that have come in or been ordered. It's great.
In the case of Indiebox, we love what they do and share a good relationship with them. As far as doing the same games they do at times, it's not an issue because a lot of our customers aren't PC gamers. We aren't even that big into PC gaming ourselves. Also having worked in technical support for Ubisoft, a lot of older games will not run on newer machines and can actually cause harm to your computer. Sure there are ways around that, but not everyone is going to go out of their way. With consoles you don't have to do any modifications to play a game that was meant for that console. So we should preserve whatever game we can even if it had a PC physical release.
I'm definitely that not-a-PC-player kind of category. And personally, I think of PC and console as pretty separate spaces, where people usually prefer one or the other for various reasons. I don't really like seeing the same game show up on multiple consoles (only takes away a bit of uniqueness to me), but I still think it's great to see PC/console both get some love.

I have a similar feeling on regions too; I've seen people say 'oh, but that game already got a release in Europe', but importing is something I've always kind of avoided for the sake of consistency.

Point is to say, LRG fills exactly the niche I'm part of ^_^
I'm totally behind you with that "race to the Metacritic score". Don't worry, when I refer to Metacritic, I'm not refering to the actual score but the reviews themselves. The average is meaningless these days since opinions are so polarized, but I still need to see that some people with good arguments really enjoyed a game for me to care now. That's one of the ways I filter games these days :x
I'm in line with @Tapejara

Let me watch again.
- Lost Sea : 3 reviews here, not enthusiastic.
- SMRPG : ok there are pretty good critics on this one
- Futuridium : some people really seemed to enjoy it as well. I'm biased here cause I played it and didn't like it.

I must admit I mostly stand corrected. I'm not interested in none of these three games but apparently some people are fond of them so it's cool if you can publish them.
I simply can't help to be impatient to see the best indie games finally having a physical release !

Point taken. I share your preference for console gaming.

Thanks for having answered pretty much every of my concerns :)

Totally missed the Xbox reviews, I was mainly pointing out PS4, strange Xbox has some but PS4 didn't, usually people just review the PS4 versions of games now.

We like Lost Sea, it's a call back to the golden age of games.

I'll admit I look at Metacritic if a game has reviews like Hell Ride, but if it's in the yellow I will most likely still pick it up. I just don't like when people assume 80 and up defines a good game.
Totally missed the Xbox reviews, I was mainly pointing out PS4, strange Xbox has some but PS4 didn't, usually people just review the PS4 versions of games now.

We like Lost Sea, it's a call back to the golden age of games.

I'll admit I look at Metacritic if a game has reviews like Hell Ride, but if it's in the yellow I will most likely still pick it up. I just don't like when people assume 80 and up defines a good game.

Atelier games are like all 70s but are still my most coveted


I almost never look at metacritic. Who the hell cares? I know what I like and if I have any doubt, I can watch countless gameplay videos on youtube to help me make my decision. There are tons of games I really like that get panned all the time by people who never played them, simply because its easier for them to see the metacritic, read a couple of paragraphs from somebody else's review, and then suddenly become an expert.

WET has a 70 and I love that game.
Stranger of Sword City has a 72 and I love that game.
Army of Two has a 74 and I love those games.
Binary Domain has a 72 and I love that game too.

Not everything is going to shatter my world like The Last of Us. Sometimes, its enough to be a fun game that I will play for a couple of months and happily keep in my relatively modest collection.


I hadn't really heard it mentioned, but I had no idea it was so close. Just looked at the site, and apparently Xeodrifter releases July 4th.

Just a heads up in case anyone, like me, has not been paying much attention, and might not notice the thread as often during the extended weekend.

This one's tough to decide though... PS4 or Vita? Sounds like it was originally a 3DS game, so I'm leaning Vita.
Just a quick update, but my Octodad for the PS4 just arrived even though the shipping status never updated on the site. Figured I'd mention this since folk might be worried if nothing appears to have changed for their online order after two weeks.

Now I have to debate between "Virtue's Last Reward" or this title as my next play through.
I've just this minute got my order fulfillment email for Octodad (Vita). I'm in the UK, so looks like international orders are being sent out.
Not getting my hopes up here, but has there been any news regarding Fatal Frame V? I plan on getting it either way around Halloween this year, but I'm not thrilled at the idea of getting it digitally :/


Anybody with international orders get tracking info? Finally got the shipping e-mail but no tracking information which is a problem for me since we have had a lot of issues with one of the mailmen in our area. Including with Futurdium where tracking claimed it was delivered but was not in our community mailbox. Called to report it and then it mysteriously showed up late that night well after normal delivery times. If Canada Post go on strike since it seems it is only temporarily averted it could also cause issues that tracking would be nice to monitor. But with it averted for the time being it probably won't impact this one at least.


Not getting my hopes up here, but has there been any news regarding Fatal Frame V? I plan on getting it either way around Halloween this year, but I'm not thrilled at the idea of getting it digitally :/
I'm waiting for news on this too. It would be my first Limited Run Games purchase.


Anybody with international orders get tracking info? Finally got the shipping e-mail but no tracking information which is a problem for me since we have had a lot of issues with one of the mailmen in our area. Including with Futurdium where tracking claimed it was delivered but was not in our community mailbox. Called to report it and then it mysteriously showed up late that night well after normal delivery times. If Canada Post go on strike since it seems it is only temporarily averted it could also cause issues that tracking would be nice to monitor. But with it averted for the time being it probably won't impact this one at least.

Shipped email only... If I use the email to view the order, there is a tracking number that is attached to a link, but it's just my order number... BUT that link isn't correct, its a google search based on the tracking number only.

So I am not sure where I should be using the tracking number, if it indeed is a tracking number also


I almost never look at metacritic. Who the hell cares? I know what I like and if I have any doubt, I can watch countless gameplay videos on youtube to help me make my decision.
It's a tool among others. Use the ones that best suit you :)
As for your examples, they're not ideal since a 70+ grade is pretty nice already. Definitely in the green zone to me in terms of average.
(+1 for Binary Domain btw)
I've enjoyed a number of games in the 60-70 zone, but below 60 it starts being very risky. Doesn't mean they're bad, just riskier. I'd even go as far as to say the Metacritic scale doesn't measure the quality of the games but the risk you take by purchasing them.
Far from perfect but it suits my use. Plus I combine it with other tools as well to make my decisions.
I finally played Futuridium last night, and it seemed pretty cool. Presentation is definitely very nice, and the game is pretty good fun. Not sure why people are so down on it.
I was like you but then it quickly got old. hope you'll enjoy it longer than I did though :D
This has been discussed here over and over but the thing is, if some of the bigger indie developers wanted their games to be in physical format, it would already have happened. There's no shortage of publishers out there, so don't expect LRG to be welcomed with open arms everywhere.
Read almost ten pages, but haven't bumped into this discussion, sorry.
I'm surprised you consider it that "easy" to publish games in physical format but if it's been discussed "over and over", then.
Anyway, it actually doesn't change the fact I can't wait for the best indie games to have a physical release. I'll probably purchase Söldner X-2 in July.
Now I have to debate between "Virtue's Last Reward" or this title as my next play through.
If you've played 999, my advice would be to definitely go VLR's route, and then purchase Zero Time Dilemma which just released a few days ago ;)
But Octodad is a short game so if you have an itch maybe go for it first
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