I don't wanna blow your mind or anything, but Emma Stone is actually a natural blonde.
I do wonder what's worse of the fandom:
An actor/actress that looks like the source material completely, but gets the character wrong. (Raimi's Gwen Stacy was an utter waste for such an important character in Spider-Man lore, for example.)
An actor/actress that doesn't look like the source material, but nails the character. (
This in not precluding getting both right. This is wondering which is worse on a personal.
It's interesting, because we have a long history of characters that don't have the look or the temperament of their comic counterparts, that people have largely been fine with. As an example, either Flash, television or film. Neither is Barry Allen really, in look or character.
I like Zendaya but I don't see it.
How would that have worked? They call her by a nickname until the end of the movie? Kinda like Levitt in TDKR.
How can I possibly relate to her now??????
Why not both? Ultimate MJ was.
How would that have worked? They call her by a nickname until the end of the movie? Kinda like Levitt in TDKR.
IMO red hair is the most important character trait of BronsonLee
She married Harry and had a kid with him before he died.Is Liz Allen a big part of Spider-man Comics? Where does that whole thing end up?
"You should go by your first AND middle name. Mary Jane."How would that have worked? They call her by a nickname until the end of the movie? Kinda like Levitt in TDKR.
I wouldn't say it's that perplexing. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. We've seen the jock Flash twice already. It's another way of mixing things up.
She married Harry and had a kid with him before he died.
Wouldnt called her minor. Not in the main sidecast but important enough.so, a minor character, got it.
Is Liz Allen a big part of Spider-man Comics? Where does that whole thing end up?
Being a big physically imposing jock is integral to Flash. And no, no one can argue against that.
What if her hair is green because she smokes "Mary Jane"...like it flows so well with the tumblr girls of the 2010s. Than at the end of the movie after her own story arc, she flushes it clean and then it's red.
Being MJ isn't really difficult, you just need to be sexy, red hair and love interest for the hero... I don't think they'll go into the clones stuff and shit for the movies so here we go.
Being a big physically imposing jock is integral to Flash. And no, no one can argue against that.
Wouldnt called her minor. Not in the main sidecast but important enough.
Leaked dance scene from Spider-Man: Homecoming
this was fairly obvious
I await the unbelievable amounts of salt
Liz was great in Spectacular Spider-Man.
It's a new day and a new age. Bullying has evolved.
Got to ease into it.Straight up, I would have preferred a black Peter Parker (not Miles, fucking Peter) and a white Aunt May, Mary Jane, and Gwen Stacy.
With this situation, even some racists can be comfortable with a white dude getting with a hot mixed girl.
But make Peter black with a couple white girls as love interests and Aunt May raising him without any explanation, oh shit.
The internet racist meltdown would have been amazing to behold.
Being a big physically imposing jock is integral to Flash. And no, no one can argue against that.
Leaked dance scene from Spider-Man: Homecoming
As long as her hair is red I don't care.
Got to ease into it.
Then in phase 4, they have Black Panther and Captain Marvel get together in the MCU's first sex scene.
girl in the middle is dope.
It comes down to if you are ok with them changing core things from the source material. I don't really care for it.
They'll give her red hair streaks instead.As long as her hair is red I don't care.
I do wonder what's worse of the fandom:
An actor/actress that looks like the source material completely, but gets the character wrong. (Raimi's Gwen Stacy was an utter waste for such an important character in Spider-Man lore, for example.)
An actor/actress that doesn't look like the source material, but nails the character. (
This in not precluding getting both right. This is wondering which is worse on a personal.
It's interesting, because we have a long history of characters that don't have the look or the temperament of their comic counterparts, that people have largely been fine with. As an example, either Flash, television or film. Neither is Barry Allen really, in look or character.