She said that she traveled to over 100 countries as secretary of state, and she spent over 11 hours testifying before a house committee.
Basically her answer was interpreted to me as "Stamina? I've been around the world doing all sorts of government shit including "at the final hour" deals, and I got grilled for half of a 24 hour day by a committee and you want to talk about stamina?"
What was her comeback about the stamina ? I didn't hear it
Did he seriously bring up Rosie?
lmaoHillary: Trump has called women a lot of bad things.
Trump: I was going to call you something really bad too but I decided against it.
Both of these candidates are terrible. Watching this is depressing.
Sad to see a country that had such amazing presidents like Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan having to choose between Trump and Hillary.
Lester is some weak-ass shit. Wasn't everyone praising him not too long ago?
Where the fuck is Jim Ross?
Wrong!Her negative ads are just clips of you speaking. Your own words.
.Her negative ads are just clips of you speaking. Your own words.
I've been thinking about that scene for like the past hour and 15 minutes.Hilary is just dominating him.