My mind is fucking blown right now.
My sister thinks Trump was fantastic in the debate, solely due to him going after Hilary's record on foreign policy, her stint as SoS and the role she played (???) in the rise of Islamic extremism.
She rationalizes her choice by assuming Trump will keep his fuckery contained to a domestic level and refrain from engaging on the international stage and fucking up like Hilary did (???) in the ME.
This a university student in Finance, with a stellar academic and community-volunteer record, yet she says she'd support Trump. We're Muslim too.
I just wanted to vent...
trump won hands down
Global warming on one side, nuclear winter on the other.
I'm not a meteorologist, but I know two opposing elements when I see one. They should completely negate each other.
Alright guys I gotta go to bed. My Q&A will be sometime next week.
Thanks everyone.
Make America Nachos.
My mind is fucking blown right now.
My sister thinks Trump was fantastic in the debate, solely due to him going after Hilary's record on foreign policy, her stint as SoS and the role she played (???) in the rise of Islamic extremism.
She rationalizes her choice by assuming Trump will keep his fuckery contained to a domestic level and refrain from engaging on the international stage and fucking up like Hilary did (???) in the ME.
This a university student in Finance, with a stellar academic and community-volunteer record, yet she says she'd support Trump. We're Muslim too.
I just wanted to vent...
How? It would help if you expanded upon your statement with reasoning as to why instead of posting a drive by post.
Trump came off as strong in the first, say, 1/4 of the debate, before the race question came along, at which point he started faltering hard and never really recovered.
Honestly I want Trump to win to see what happens. He's a pretty stubborn person. I think he'd get things done.
He said he was smartWait....Trump bragged about not paying taxes?!
Wait....Trump bragged about not paying taxes?!
My mind is fucking blown right now.
My sister thinks Trump was fantastic in the debate, solely due to him going after Hilary's record on foreign policy, her stint as SoS and the role she played (???) in the rise of Islamic extremism.
She rationalizes her choice by assuming Trump will keep his fuckery contained to a domestic level and refrain from engaging on the international stage and fucking up like Hilary did (???) in the ME.
This a university student in Finance, with a stellar academic and community-volunteer record, yet she says she'd support Trump. We're Muslim too.
I just wanted to vent...
You are bad at this. Never wake up.
Alright guys I gotta go to bed. My Q&A will be sometime next week.
Thanks everyone.
Make America Nachos.
It's a testament to how low the bar has been set for him that anyone can watch the beginning of the debate and think Trump was winning, or even doing OK. From jump he started off not answering questions, interrupting, and coming off as wholly clueless about the issues at hand.I'm freaking blown Away that anyone thinks he "won" any part of that. Did OK but won? Clintom snatched his hideous wig.
Thanks, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Book smarts =/= intelligence.
Wait....Trump bragged about not paying taxes?!
Didn't this place had a restriction on age to join?
CNN aired and scrutinized a total of one fact-check, in favor of Trump regarding Clinton's "TPP gold standard" comment...and then directed viewers to go to the website if they want the rest.
CNN aired and scrutinized a total of one fact-check, in favor of Trump regarding Clinton's "TPP gold standard" comment...and then directed viewers to go to the website if they want the rest.
and that's not even the worst of it
he repeatedly defending his decision to try to implement an already tried unconstitutional law. He was literally calling for illegal profiling.
Of all his incomprehensible rambling, this was one of the biggest "what the fuck are you talking about?" moments.
Does he really think anybody sees Sean as having any credibility? Not even Sean seriously believes that.
Wait....Trump bragged about not paying taxes?!
Hes not been afraid to say he takes advantage of teh system. Remember when he said he donated to senators and when he came calling they'd show up? He brags about how he takes advantage to loopholes and the worst aspects of our democracy.
Didn't trump fire him? Why is he still so supportiveCorey Lewandowski's voice always cracks like he's on the verge of crying when he speaks for Trump.
Wait....Drumpf bragged about not paying taxes?!
And Jill SteinSee: Ben Carson
This attitude is exhausting....I would hope you just stay away from any political threads in the future.
Just because you are educated doesn't mean you cannot be an idiot.
Book smarts =/= intelligence.
Alright guys I gotta go to bed. My Q&A will be sometime next week.
Thanks everyone.
Make America Nachos.
Can people who say that Trump was winning/tied in the beginning elaborate for me please? What I saw right from the beginning was him being unable to answer questions, instead ranting and raving about losing jobs to Mexico and China and name-dropping Reagan. The first question was "how will you create jobs?" and his answer was "UNINTELLIGIBLE BABBLE FOR 90 SECONDS, A LIE OR TWO, AND OH STOP THEM FROM LEAVING IN THE FIRST PLACE WITH TAXES I GUESS." Zero policy, no plan, inability to speak a clear message.
Corey Lewandowski's voice always cracks like he's on the verge of crying when he speaks for Trump.
Man his campaign manager looks beat I think all the BS she has to pretend to believe in is eating from the inside out.
Worth reposting.Wait....Trump bragged about not paying taxes?!
You do realize she was only an elected official for 6 years right?
You know she's only spent two senatorial terms in elected office, instead of thirty years, right? She was also Secretary of State, which doesn't get involved in domestic policy. I mean, feel free to hold her career against her, but not the imaginary one Trump was discussing.
I did not think I would ever feel sympathy for Hannity until this night. WITHOUT HIM LIFE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.WILL SOMEONE CALL SEAN HANNITY SO I CAN MAKE SENSE OF ALL THIS
Wait....Trump bragged about not paying taxes?!
You know. It's important to be up to date with politics but it's also important to be reminded of the many great things in this world such as humor.
No matter how much we clutch at each other's throats, it's the good things in life that keep us united.
You know. It's important to be up to date with politics but it's also important to be reminded of the many great things in this world such as humor.
No matter how much we clutch at each other's throats, it's the good things in life that keep us united.
Alright guys I gotta go to bed. My Q&A will be sometime next week.
Thanks everyone.
Make America Nachos.