If it changes to anything it should change to the Lannister Lion since Cersei is now the Queen.
Oh, I thought they were talking about switching out the Stag in the KL part of the opening.Each actor has the symbol of the house their character belongs to next to their name. So Lena Headey already has the lion symbol by her name.
They meant that Kit now could have a new symbol since it is now known that he is a Targaryen.
The show has only shown that he's Lyanna's kid, not that Rhaegar is his father, even if that HBO image says so.Each actor has the symbol of the house their character belongs to next to their name. So Lena Headey already has the lion symbol by her name.
They meant that Kit now could have a new symbol since it is now known that he is a Targaryen.
I wonder how much of a hero can Theon become in his path of redemption. If Jaime can ultimately become a person people root for, I see no reason why Thean can't as well.
Cersei is far worse than Theon. Are people rooting for her? I mean, she is a great actress and great to have on the show, but her character is despicable.Everyone has been rooting for Theon from the get go while simultaneously hating him for what he did. Like Cersei, she's horrible, but you can't help but love her.
Cersei is far worse than Theon. Are people rooting for her? I mean, she is a great actress and great to have on the show, but her character is despicable.
No. Just no.Everyone has been rooting for Theon from the get go while simultaneously hating him for what he did. Like Cersei, she's horrible, but you can't help but love her.
This is what I was thinking.No. Just no.
I'm rooting for Theon but Cersei can burn in hell.
That smug smile and sip of wine almost makes me angrier than anything Joffrey ever did. She didn't outsmart anyone, she became a terrorist.
I'm on season 3. Pretry great so far. Jaime Lannister is a fucking hero.
By the way, he's probably the most handsome man I've seen. Mancrushing hard.
Cersei is far worse than Theon. Are people rooting for her? I mean, she is a great actress and great to have on the show, but her character is despicable.
This is what I was thinking.
I was just wondering what heights could Theon achieve after being dragged through the mud for so long. Some sort of redemption must be on the way. Saving Sansa was only the start. Maybe Yara dies and he ends up being Lord of the Iron Islands, unwillingly of course, since he doesn't appear to want that anymore.
As for Sam. I hope he becomes a big player of next season. Everything is set up for that to be the case.
Lena looks hotter in that picture than she's ever looked in the show.
Apparently the entire S7 script has leaked.
Wat. How does this happen
No idea, but it's going to be impossible avoiding spoilers. The whole damn plot, not just bits and pieces. So yeah, we're all going to get spoiled on one thing or another.
No idea, but it's going to be impossible avoiding spoilers. The whole damn plot, not just bits and pieces. So yeah, we're all going to get spoiled on one thing or another.
Fucks sake. You know the worse thing is I am always spoiled thanks to steam. Some funny guy always loves to change his name and ruins it for me.
I just played with a guy named CerseiKillsDaenerysEp10 but I don't know what that means. Do you?
(i'm jk)
Seriously, if real spoilers like that get thrown into unexpected locations I'm gonna be pissed.I just played with a guy named CerseiKillsDaenerysEp10 but I don't know what that means. Do you?
(i'm jk)
Just found out that the season 6 blu ray is releasing in a few days. Guess they're releasing it this year since season 7 is out later than we normal? Normally it's a month or two before the new season.
The only reason I even know this is because my friend who works at Best Buy told me they had some in the back which left me befuddled. Googled it and sure enough it comes out within a few daysThat's crazy. It's three months earlier than season 5.
Been watching with my dad. We finished season 4 yesterday.
So far 3 > 4 > 1 >>>> 2
3 and 4 are pretty close together. 1 was good. 2 could have been better for sure. Butt hurt joffrey is amazing.
Season 3 wins for great jaime arc, great arya. Some fat was cut thanks to the red wedding.never cared for cat or rob stark
Season 4 is great too. Jon Snow finally got to do cool stuff. Great dany arc, though it sucks she turned away jeor.
Brans story is finally going somewhere.
Sucks the hound died though. Fuck arya fit nut helping him
Man they sure downgraded the presentation on these box sets
They'd already started downgrading them with Season 4 too but that was just 1 disc less and no DVDs. This sucks :\ Feels like I'm buying a budget rerelease a few years down the line nowYea, I'm a little salty about the case. It doesn't even match up with the previous seasons. I wonder if they're gonna release another set next year.
They mentioned Aryas direwolf at least. Nymeria is not forgotten!I finished watching the commentaries last night. My favorites were episode 2 with Liam Cunningham (Davos) and episode 5 with Gemma Whelan (Yara). They both had a lot of energy and were very entertaining.
The most disappointing was episode 10 with Benioff, Weiss, Lena Heady and Peter Dinklage. They are just too goofy when you put them all together, and added very little of substance to the most important episode of season six. There is a pretty funny segment where they all give Dinklage shit for Pixels, though.
Man they sure downgraded the presentation on these box sets
Is there any reason I should watch Robb Stark's new(?) show, Medici, instead of Rains of Castamere on a 10 hour loop?