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Watch_Dogs 2 |OT| .HTML


I've been thinking about how Watch Dogs 3 would look. I really really like Marcus but I feel like him, the crew and SF are a package deal and I can't see them continuing with him in a new city. That kind of makes me sad. Just don't bring back Aiden.


Maybe us PC players will at least be able to start pre-loading the game in a couple of days. Hopefully, the delay means the game will be well optimized at launch. Sounds pretty enjoyable based on the impressions I've seen so far. I liked Watch Dogs a decent amount, but the shift in tone for 2 seems much more fitting and appealing to me.


Okay.... so I managed to trigger a hacking invasion which I completed but bounty hunt still seems... like a crap shoot to find anyone. Maybe later on in the evening once more people are on?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I did blow it on a sidequest intrusion
the swatting guy

Sat and listened to the dialogue, and forgot to actually do the hacking bit. Intrusion ended, and although I didn't do anything, I still got the xp for it.

sucks, cause I really hated that guy, and I think the option was to call 911 from in his room, so I assume I was about to swat the swatter.


I did blow it on a sidequest intrusion
the swatting guy

Sat and listened to the dialogue, and forgot to actually do the hacking bit. Intrusion ended, and although I didn't do anything, I still got the xp for it.

sucks, cause I really hated that guy, and I think the option was to call 911 from in his room, so I assume I was about to swat the swatter.

Your assumption is correct

You call the cops and you can make the cell phone overload and sound like gunshots, you can make his PC show something that makes him scream and the operator thinks a woman is in trouble and finally you can screw with his internet connection and make him unreasonably angry where he threatens to kill. At that point the operator will call a "code 11" and swat team will drive up and then burst into his room and put him on the ground
It has been less than a week though, keep cool, these are complex online features and they didn't have a beta to test it out before release (and I can understand why)

I don't see how there can be any excuse. We are not beta testers. We paid so that everything we paid for works and it does not. Don't excuse this, it only allows them to release more half broken stuff on us.

If it's up finally that is great but still this should be unacceptable. This isn't a small glitch or a missing mission, this was a gigantic part of the game simply removed.


My husband and I have had that conversation - almost word for word.

I actually started to drive more slowly because of it and found it interesting. Especially learning about the crossovers that have occurred. I'm glad I didn't fast travel for that mission and decided to drive like the prompt said.


Is there a way in the ded sec app to remove the purple mission items that aren't a main/side mission? I didn't notice anyway to filter but figured I may have just overlooked it.


Gold Member
The music during the $911 sidemission is fucking DOPE, can't believe that track isn't on the soundtrack.

That was a neat sidemission, by the way. Also, Miranda is an awesome sidecharacter.
There are some really fun stunt jumps scattered around. I only tend to use the bikes and it's been very rewarding exploring off the beaten path.
The music during the $911 sidemission is fucking DOPE, can't believe that track isn't on the soundtrack.

That was a neat sidemission, by the way. Also, Miranda is an awesome sidecharacter.
Do they ever explain what her and Marcus' backstory is? They obviously have history but I don't know if I just missed it.


Thank you for a) giving me hope that this game will do well and b) telling me there is actually an AC game out there that's worth playing again. tbh I had completely ignored updates/threads on the franchise.

A pleasure! Honestly Syndicate is still a bit divisive because it still has some core AC DNA but it's the biggest improvement the series has seen since 2 and 4. (Well Unity was the real driving force but it was a bit broken.) If you go in for GTA Victorian London and third person Dishonored you'll have a blast. Just only play Evie.
Oh so this update wasn't actually the full multiplayer update? The seamless bounty hunts and seeing other operatives were the interesting new features. We're basically back to W_D1 standards now.


Just finished it and it was very enjoyable but to be honest i think I prefer the first game. WD2 has a much better open world and alot of fun things to do in it and the characters are great but I just prefer the gunplay and enemy encounters in missions during WD1 much more.
Since Ubisoft Brazil made the absolutely stupid decision to launch the game only at November 30th at the retail stores, I'll do my best and grab it for 54U$ at the US Store.

Glad I did 94% of Rise of Tomb Raider. But I guess I need something fresh for my PS4 (Pro!!!)

People are having a lot of fun by looking at this thread.


I'll be blunt: I have no idea how this game reviewed so well. I'm not very far in but everything in this game is so... average. The gameplay, shooting, and especially driving. I hate driving. It looks pretty great though. I'd describe it as a massive sheet cake with amazing frosting, but trying to actually eat the cake is a huge chore.

I'm going to try to push a few more hours tonight or tomorrow but so far I wish I hadn't gotten this game digitally.
It's weird how much better some vehicles fell than others. The 336-TT performance car feels like it's from a different game compared to some of these other performance and sports vehicles.

N° 2048

I did blow it on a sidequest intrusion
the swatting guy

Sat and listened to the dialogue, and forgot to actually do the hacking bit. Intrusion ended, and although I didn't do anything, I still got the xp for it.

sucks, cause I really hated that guy, and I think the option was to call 911 from in his room, so I assume I was about to swat the swatter.

"Dedsec doesn't swat! Everyone hates swatters! Now check out my gang hit and swatting abilities!"

Read. You don't have to swat the guy back or use gang hits...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
anyone see any deals on WD2 for x1 or pc?

The game's being bundled with GTX 1070s/80s and select Samsung SSDs, so there ought to be a flurry of unwanted keys as Black Friday deals begin to kick off. Start keeping an eye on eBay and GAF's own BST thread.
Just finished it and it was very enjoyable but to be honest i think I prefer the first game. WD2 has a much better open world and alot of fun things to do in it and the characters are great but I just prefer the gunplay and enemy encounters in missions during WD1 much more.

I haven't finished it yet, but I feel like I might end up in the same camp.

The level design is open-ended to allow players to tackle scenarios how they want, but every sandbox is homogenised as a result.

It's a similar issue I had with MGSV, except Watch Dogs 2 doesn't have the same breadth of tools or world class controls to fall back on.

Almost every mission feels the same. There's the odd gem, but it's mostly cookie-cutter 'gang hideouts' with little to no variation.

The story is non-existent, barely strung together by a series of random events that don't build any kind of narrative momentum.

When the crew goes to a festival in the desert to find themselves just a few hours after the game started, I couldn't help but feel like I'd missed an entire string of missions.

On-foot controls feel clumsy and shooting feels wonky. Moving around the world in general just doesn't feel satisfying.

That's not to say it's all bad.

Watch Dogs 2 has a cracking open world - seriously, its full of character and life - boasts a winning personality and gives the player some genuinely cool abilities.

The introduction of the drones and environmental puzzles are welcome additions and add some much needed variety to the experience.

Ubisoft has really tried to create a likeable cast and after being initially unsure, I think it's probably fair to say they've succeeded - Wrench is the best by far and his friendship with Marcus is lots of fun to watch on screen.

Taking selfies, listening to music as I walk down the street, watching the pedestrian AI do something truly unexpected, etc.

There's a lot to like...

... but there's a lot that frustrates.

As I said in an earlier post, it's a good game that threatens to be great - which makes it all the more annoying.


So sad that its so hard to find Bounty hunts. Co-op and Hacking Invasions seem to work pretty consistently now but Bounty hunts are still broke as fuck for me I've found 2 matches all day.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm at the final story mission... not yet! Need to finish up the graffiti and do some side quests/trophies.

Also cool, the guy playing Josh commented/favorited my screenshot . But he kinda favorites everything lol. But still cool.
So sad that its so hard to find Bounty hunts. Co-op and Hacking Invasions seem to work pretty consistently now but Bounty hunts are still broke as fuck for me I've found 2 matches all day.

Maybe it's because people don't bother to make themselves a bounty target manually since Ubisoft haven't patched in seamless bounties yet.


I actually started to drive more slowly because of it and found it interesting. Especially learning about the crossovers that have occurred. I'm glad I didn't fast travel for that mission and decided to drive like the prompt said.
What missions is the AvP conversation. I hope I didn't miss it.


Nah man Wrench is cool. Especially later in the story.

Although Marcus is 100% better. Maybe the best character of 2016.

You going to be doing some invasions now that it's fixed? Think I remember watching some of your W_D 1 invasion streams. Always had fun doing those, think they were underrated.
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