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Watch_Dogs 2 |OT| .HTML


I've only played 3 and 4, but that was a few years ago, liked 4, hate 3. But if it's leaps and bounds above 4 I'm sold.

Syndicate is by no means leaps and bounds above 4, but is probably the best in the series next to it unless you've got the big AC2 love.

It does away with pointless climbing thanks to the grappling hook*, carriages are a thing but they're no cars, and the story and characters are competent enough. It's a game with basically no glaring problems. Every element is okay if not good.

*Unity in particular added a big problem where scale buildings and real layouts didn't exactly lend to fun game design and easy navigation, Syndicate side steps this nicely.


Rainbow Six, Prince of Persia, Rayman, Watch Dogs, Assassins Creed, Child of Light, Far Cry, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, For Honour...

Past, present, future - Ubisoft always does good stuff and has been delivering for over a decade or so if you ask me. Sure, there's some duds in there but the hate they get is unreal.

Look at EA and Activision's output in the last 10/15 years, other than a few standouts like Dead Space and Modern Warafre, they don't come close.

Don't get me wrong, I've always loved what Ubisoft put out. Everything you mention included.

They've just really upped their game in the last couple of years by identifying the problems people have with their output. Their ethos definitely had a few wobbles from 2006-2014 I'd say. Like Ghost Recon FS, Splinter Cell Conviction and Far Cry 4 got some flak, as much as they're good in games in their own right. I can't wait to get my hands on WD2 myself to see how it measures up.

And yeah, For Honor looks like a continuation of this great new work. Like Rainbow Six Siege meets Souls. I was in both the alpha tests - it is so, so great.

Syndicate is by no means leaps and bounds above 4, but is probably the best in the series next to it unless you've got the big AC2 love.

It does away with pointless climbing thanks to the grappling hook*, carriages are a thing but they're no cars, and the story and characters are competent enough. It's a game with basically no glaring problems. Every element is okay if not good.

I prefer the carriages to cars immensely. Having dynamic gunfights/fistfights on carriage rooftops and jumping between them on the fly is something you'd never get in a game with cars (Just Cause aside, although it's just shooting in that basically).

I also think the stealth was vastly improved. Syndicate often feels like a third-person Dishonored. Pity to hear WD2's stealth is a bit weird, can't wait to try it myself again.


I prefer the carriages to cars immensely. Having dynamic gunfights/fistfights on carriage rooftops and jumping between them on the fly is something you'd never get in a game with cars (Just Cause aside, although it's just shooting in that basically).

I also think the stealth was vastly improved. Syndicate often feels like a third-person Dishonored. Pity to hear WD2's stealth is a bit weird, can't wait to try it myself again.

Honestly all I can remember about carriages was that they handled like tanks - understandable due to horses - and that you had to break a lot of things for a trophy. Don't think I ever felt compelled to use them otherwise.

Stealth still has nothing on MGSV or Hitman.

Anyone know where you could pick up the game a bit cheaper? Doesn't seem to be on any black friday deals :(

It's only been out a week.


Anyone know where you could pick up the game a bit cheaper? Doesn't seem to be on any black friday deals :(

I've been looking around and so far only best buy if you have GCU and Amazon, if you have prime; the 20% discounts are still being applied. I'm waiting for black Friday myself hoping a deal springs up and I can grab it.


The $911 side mission is excellent and tons of fun. I wish there were more of these

Planning and executing the ambush is sooooo great

Yes! Its really good. I screwed up hard on the first one but the rest I did pretty well with. Planned things out perfectly and had a lot of fun with it


I don't think so. You have to buy them/earn them and use the car on demand app.
Thanks. That is kind of shame. Got a Lambo I believe during the one of the main missions thanks to also breaking into the garage of a facility, and also have stumbled upon some great cars just bumbling around.

Some more impressions playing about 3 hours last night...

I wish I checked out the Club Challenges with more detail sooner. I checked them out real quick initially and did not activate them since it seemed like things i was not doing yet, but I missed the Motocross One. I appears as if I already did all but one race and they did not count since I did not have the challenge activated (obviously). The one race I had not done was the Endurance one, did it, and missed Gold by 3 seconds even having to reset, etc. Was hoping to get gold so I did not have to spend 12:30 again, but I need that Gold, even though it does not make a huge difference in things.

Last night I literally forced myself to stay away from side stuff (whenever I see a Research Point I take it as a personal challenge), and I have discovered I clearly was doing way too many side missions as the main mission I was on felt the need to explain how to hack terminal boxes with the RC and also how to jump with the RC, two things I have done a whole lot of thanks to random side stuff.

I think my earlier post may have made it seem like I dislike the game. That is not the case at all. I just would have preferred more focus on the main missions and a few less side missions, at least until one has progressed some with the main missions. It is as close as another game has gotten to GTA, and I say that with the highest of compliments as I am in the camp of GTA is the definitive open world game experience. In some regards they do things a bit better. In some they do not. I really would have loved a parachute or base jumping kit though. Instead I just Fast Travel from high buildings, which is a cop out.

I also just wish the driving was better. It is just super floaty. I also feel like I am never, ever going to take out chasing cars by blowing up something in the street, an upgrade I have already locked thanks to Research Points. I have not once seen the square the instructions claims one will see to do so. And due to the floaty controls, adjusting the camera to see behind myself while driving is not as easy as the demo video makes it appear to be.

So one last question, and this is an important one for me...
Is there any indication at all about the current progress one has made? Like a percentage showing how much of the story one has completed and how much overall progress you have made? I am not seeing it anywhere, and I think it could go a long way to me feeling like I am not achieving anything yet. Either that or confirm the fact.

N° 2048

So one last question, and this is an important one for me...
Is there any indication at all about the current progress one has made? Like a percentage showing how much of the story one has completed and how much overall progress you have made? I am not seeing it anywhere, and I think it could go a long way to me feeling like I am not achieving anything yet. Either that or confirm the fact.

In game, no but some details here https://club.ubisoft.com/en-CA/game/watch-dogs-2/PS4/stats once you login.
Man fuckkkkkkkk the checkpoint system in this

Just had to infiltrate a place and complete a few objectives by hacking stuff, spent like a half hour meticulously organizing and completing it, then had to 'escape the area' and everyone goes alert shoots and kills me and I have to start all over


Stealth still has nothing on MGSV or Hitman.

Obviously. AC is more of an action adventure series with some stealth elements than a stealth/infiltration series like MGS or Hitman, which are GOAT-tier. That said, I would have liked AC Syndicate's "Kidnap" mechanic, which is fucking brilliant and a real innovation in stealth mechanics, in Hitman. It would be right at home there, although could break the balancing quite badly.

It's a pity stealth seems to have stepped down in WD2.

Shit, nice. As I said in that thread:

"Well, holy balls.

Only important thing on my wishlist they didn't mention was greater NPC density. Apparently the console versions get pretty sparse at times, even if the NPC AI is great."
No online yet? It's been a week. How is this acceptable? Are websites covering this disaster? A major feature for one of the biggest games of the holidays is not working, this is bullshit.


That' is what I'd hoped. Still got the disconnected notice when I launched the game though. Guessing Ubi has to throw a switch on their side?


Rainbow Six, Prince of Persia, Rayman, Watch Dogs, Assassins Creed, Child of Light, Far Cry, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, For Honour...

Past, present, future - Ubisoft always does good stuff and has been delivering for over a decade or so if you ask me. Sure, there's some duds in there but the hate they get is unreal.

Look at EA and Activision's output in the last 10/15 years, other than a few standouts like Dead Space and Modern Warafre, they don't come close.

Everyone forgets Red Steel 2, which was one of the first Ubisoft examples of the "first game sucks, second game is great".


No online yet? It's been a week. How is this acceptable? Are websites covering this disaster? A major feature for one of the biggest games of the holidays is not working, this is bullshit.

It has been less than a week though, keep cool, these are complex online features and they didn't have a beta to test it out before release (and I can understand why)


Damn invading seems tougher in this one, although I guess anyone with the patch within an hour of it going live is probably ready for it.
I'm more interested in hearing about the seamless phasing in and out of friendly players and Bounty Targets that you aren't in direct conflict with. I hope that's working as well.
Online is kind of working, had no luck searching for stuff but have just been invaded.

I don't think they knew what they where doing though, literally stood in plain sight in the middle of the street trying to hack me :D


Without spoiling anything - a fairly early mission will take you there.

But you can get there on your own, too. Just take a close look around the strut closest to the city.

"Early Mission" ? I've played for a lot of hours and didn't see it. How long is this game?


"Early Mission" ? I've played for a lot of hours and didn't see it. How long is this game?

It's a side mission that isn't mandatory IIRC. It was one of the last missions I completed. Do the spray painting missions.

The difference between main and side missions are pretty blurred.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Frankly, AC Syndicate and Rainbow Six Siege had the same initial reaction (slow sales, hesitant consumers), but months later their sales had picked up hugely and matched expectations.

The pattern I'm seeing is one where users are initially cynical of any new Ubisoft product – based on Ubisoft's history of the nightmarish AC2-5 cycle, their rapidly fatiguing open world approach, and having potentially burnt-out developers making more derivative content than usual – but strong word of mouth and streamed/share content turns over a lot more new buyers in the span of a few months.

As of the last couple of years, we know for a fact Ubisoft have changed their development strategy (they literally said so in an annual report) and are now focusing on quality over quantity (or rather, slightly less quantity for much higher quality). They want to hook users in for longer and make the content more engaging – I think they've identified the importance of streaming and sharable content in game sales.

In chan-style chevron bullets:

> from c. 2006, Ubisoft burn out all their franchises and devs (including ones on the overambitious WD1)
> after several years, customers clock on to it and get tired of Ubisoft's methods
> c. 2014, Ubisoft identify this and give their devs longer dev cycles while focusing on more 'sharable' and engaging gameplay (see: AC Syndicate, Siege and WD2)
> now, on each new game's release, there is a few-week period of 'I'm not buying Ubisoft trash' sentiment from customers
> but the 'sharable' and engaging nature of the new products means that word spreads quickly, and sales pick up in coming months

Like, seriously, IIRC AC Syndicate and Siege had super low uptake in their first month of release, and we had v. similar threads to the 'WD2 UK sales' one, but within 6 months they had gone on to gather millions. That's because their gameplay is actually good and encourages longer playtime and more sharing of content. I think Watch Dogs 2 will see the same pattern.

Plus, we still have Christmas on the way.

IIRC Driver San Fran's writing was collabbed with a writing agency in England. I doubt Ubisoft used them for it, they probably kept it in-house.

I suppose once they decided on that sort of tone, the rest of the writing would just fall into play naturally.

Thank you for a) giving me hope that this game will do well and b) telling me there is actually an AC game out there that's worth playing again. tbh I had completely ignored updates/threads on the franchise.


Game pick up at the
mission. Been moving along and the
mission finally had some ok stealth thanks to all the corridors.
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