Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Have you played it? Have the game released yet? Do you know what state the game was in? Public showing could be versions that are months old. SO you have no idea how good or bad the game was. And how do you know who pushed it back?

Looks good to me. What was wrong with it?

Yea, heard it's been canned. Super rough development, milestones missed, payments stopped. Kamiya stressed as hell.

This was a smart move. They were never gonna make their investment back given how poor the game looked compounded with the xbox audience. Actually good for both parties because platinum doesn't get their reputation damaged with a bad game. It simply did not have the platinum signature look or feel.

Not sure how this is good for Platinum. A lot of people will suddenly have no project to work on and could possibly be laid off. This is the worst for anyone who are currently working on the game.



Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I have no problem believing that Kamiya really wanted to make the fundamental game that Scalebound is, and that "making a game with a big dragon you fight with" is a dream project for him, but that only goes so far. Of course Kamiya or other staffers aren't going to come out and say "yeah, Microsoft really has us by the balls on this" or something like that in a PR interview.
If anyone in this industry would do that I'd expect Kamiya to be the person who would. Just because the game didn't have a hardcore anime inspired vibe or a waifu character doesn't mean that it wasn't the game that Kamiya wanted to make when he literally stated the opposite multiple times. In fact I imagine it was probably refreshing to produce a game at that fidelity on next gen hardware. At least until development hell started to crop up.


This is such a rough break for Microsoft. This is the type of stuff where the developer holds a grudge and refuses to release a title for your platform until the end of time, like Level 5 did after True Fantasy Online - a decision made easier since Japanese centric titles tend to not sell overly well on Xbox.

I don't think they care that much.


What the fuck?

I don't think they could possibly explain this unless Platinum have been missing deadlines consistently and MS are just wasting money. This game has been worked on since what, 2013? To cancel it after beeing in the public eye since 2014 and was told would be released this year is fucking terrible. Another Fable Legends.

Does not bode well for future games if MS are willing to do this over and over again when Xbox One is in need of exclusives.
The Platinum love is strong here, but unless we get some behind the scenes info confirming as such, I'm willing to bet Microsoft isn't to blame on this one - the game has yet to have made a case for itself, everything we've seen has been very underwhelming.

Maybe because... I dunno Microsoft was not the best support as a editor, that will be not the first time after all, remember what Lionhead developpers said about Fable 3


IMO it has looked consistently crap, with the only thing giving any interest being that it is a platinum game headed by Kamiya. If a Platinum statement or Kamiya himself get to talk openly about it, I'm interested in seeing what there intentions are now.

Also if I recall correctly, Kamiya did put up some rather angry tweets regarding MS that were later taken down. Although that was pretty much forgotten about, I wouldn't be all that surprised if this is just another issue of two companies failing to see eye to eye


Sadly this is true. The game never really looked like a coherent game, at least based on the footage they showed to the public.

You could say the same for Nier Automata.

Reason in that case being, they actually show work in progress of what at that time still is an incoherent game rather than highly polished fake gameplay demonstration like most other devs do.

So that might was the case with Scalebound as well.


What a fucking bummer :(
Game looked a little rough in the gameplay we saw but I was glad to see Platinum try something new genre-wise. I hope Nier does super well so they at least have one big success this year.
They should salvage the dragon bits and make a Crimson Dragon sequel for as cheap as possible. Seems a shame to lose over 3 years of work.
To be honest, I don't blame Microsoft for wanting to cancel a game that's not meeting milestones and looking grim in terms of critical and commercial success. Sure Sony are more open to failure, but they have always been risk oriented with game production, whereas Microsoft haven't been and a lot of Sony's risky games are smaller titles.

It's not like Microsoft haven't tried this generation. The quality of the games for the most part is subjective but if it doesn't pick up steam, there's not much they can do. Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break and Ori are all variable in terms of critical success, but none of them blew up like Microsoft's old IPs.

Games are expensive and Microsoft are about fast results. They want that big new franchise like Halo and Gears were and they aren't getting it. It's also not like Sony where they want to build a big and strong first party, otherwise they wouldn't have shut their studios or downsized them over the past decade or more.

Best wishes.


Can't blame MS tbh. The game just did not look good, the premise of the game sounds awesome but it just didn't look anywhere near as solid as what the goal was. It's usually better to take the hit than produce something garbage that's gonna tank even more money and not make you anything in return while also making your system look bad.


Gold Member
Same fate as Fable Legends? I wouldn`t be surprised if they canceled Crackdown 3 too, as we haven`t seen anything since it was announced.
Guys I'm pretty sure we can blame MS AND Pkatinum

Yeah, we don't know the full story.

Maybe there was a friction between MS milestones, PG taking longer to reach it's full vision and MS studios thinning down their portfolio to more service based games and known IP's.


Time for Nintendo moneyhat?

Doesn't MS own the IP (which is weird , considering I have read that it's supposed to be somethin Kamiya has wanted to do for a long time).

Maybe the first rounds of testing didn't have good feedback?
Still strange for a game supposedly so far in development imo.

Edit: holy crap, 18 pages in less than 1 hour
Bayonetta 2 flopped harder than Bayo 1 so that's incredibly unlikely.

Bayo1 released on two successful consoles. Bayo2 released on a low selling console and had decent sales under these circumstances. Nonetheless it seems Bayo2 was a successful release in the end, because it probably moved some consoles and had WiiU in gaming headlines for quite some time. Much cheaper than as campaigns.


Star Fox Zero showed Platinum is willing to assist in the development of Nintendo's titles and they worked directly with EPD. If they are strapped for cash they can always do asset creation work for Nintendo's major games.


Member're crazy if you think Nintendo is going to fund this shit. What's the announcement going to be? "You know that terrible game that Microsoft canceled and looked terrible every time it was shown off? Well, now it's a Switch exclusive!"

Bruno MB

That's sad, I hope it is not cancelled although the development of this game and reception gave me the impression it was going to be an uphill battle from the get go.

This thread will probably have more replies than all Scalebound threads from last year.


The game didn't really look impressive in any of its showings but still sad to see this happen with a Kamiya/PG game :/


Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

Tell that shit to Konami. Outrage will be from an incredibly loud and obnoxious small subset of fans, while everyone else who felt dissapointment over the cancellation will say, "thats a shame" and move on like reasonable people.
So ms has forza and maybe crackdown for 2017 lol.

And the Pirate game by Rare.
And maybe a new season for Killer Instinct?
Phantom Dust HD as well? (Unless that is cancelled again. lol...)

But yeah, year is looking real rough for Xbox.
Actually the future is looking rough for exclusives in general unless they have a lot of secrets.

What games did they have planned for the future?
Forza? Pirate game Rare (sorry don't know name)? Crackdown (development hell? lol) "Scalebound" and Halo 6?
Am I missing something? I can't be missing something right?

Because Sony's future games are
Horizon, Persona 5, Crash HD collection, Spiderman, GOW, GT Sport, Gravity Rush 2.
And unannounced games like Suckerpunch.
Double the amount of games just from the top of my head.
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