Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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I hope PG weren't being cheeky and moving around senior people from Scalebound to other projects.

As a bunch of your more senior people taking a month off at the same time?! That's crazy.


I didn't expect it to be cancelled, but I'm honestly not surprised that it could happen. Game looked embarrassingly bad every time it was shown. Nothing about it looked right.

I agree, it just looked like it wasn't ever clicking. Sad for the studio, and whoever takes the full brunt of the impact.
What the hell is there to play on Xbox? I traded mine after I was done playing Gears 4 and I don't regret it one bit.

Sony's got MS by the balls this gen...what a waste.

Two Words

Lets be honest people, was it really looking like a game you wanted to play? I think the presentation demos were showing a game most people were not expecting it to be from it's announcement.


This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

Haha, pretty funny, although satire this is how many think oddly
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

(Today, 01:49 PM)

That was fast.


Anyone tweet at Kamiya?

This feels like a huge loss. The footage that they showed was pretty insane, and the game felt hugely ambitious. I'm saddened for his team.


Would PS4 owners even want it?

Because, speaking as a PS4 owner, I still think the game looks like shit.

I would. It didn't look that bad to me and I like Kamiya games.

But I just hope PG can stay afloat and, first of all, everyone there is allright.


Wow. Legit shocked that a game so far along and complete would just be stopped dead line this? Was there some friction between MS and Platinum? That's the only thing I can think of that would cause a complete stop like this when a project is so far along.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Time for Sony to buy the rights and fund them and help them wrap it up. Send in Sony Japan to fix this mess.

Sony will take the risk, gladly.

Looking at the E3 gameplay video, the chance of Sony picking up this turd is zero. Stop wearing rose-tinted glasses and face reality: the game looked horrible in that video. And that was a game that was in development since 2013... It's a miracle Microsoft kept the dream alive for so long. I don't see anyone else picking it up.
I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.

Now is the time for Metal Gear Rising 2!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wow, terrible. This game has had an interesting development. I heard it was shopped around and other publishers said no. I wonder if that's typical.
Please stop quoting the same post over and over.
And also the fake tweet.

Back to topic, do we have any inside information about the health of the company? I'm a little worried for them. They made some games that flopped lately and now they sure won't look good to big publishers... we can blame MS as much as we want, but a cancelled game is a cancelled game if you know what I mean.


The crazy thing is that this game was so far into development. Wouldn't it just have been better to just see it through though?
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

Platinum barely has a working relationship with Sony, other than Nier which is more Square than anything. Basically, I got some bad news for you...

Something like this is more likely to just shutter the studio than anything. After that, the lead talent goes independent or they get hired by companies that they've worked with closely in the past.
Hint: That's not Sony.
Really petty of you to cheer on something bad happening to this amazing studio.

Mr. Tibbs

If Microsoft cancels Scalebound, i hope they at least give Platinum the opportunity to buy the IP off them or assist in arranging a new publisher. It would be awful to see all that work shelved forever.


Tears in the rain
Terrible news. The world needed a Hideki Kamiya game with the biggest boss ever in a Platinum game. Dammit. Feeling really bad for Kamiya too.
Whoa-nelly if true.

Was looking forward to Phantom Dust and Scalebound but they could both potentially be canceled. Glad I didn't count my chickens before they hatched.


This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.
Haha, what the fuck?


Anyone tweet at Kamiya?

This feels like a huge loss. The footage that they showed was pretty insane, and the game felt hugely ambitious. I'm saddened for his team.

Hopefully he doesn't check his Twitter account for awhile. People are going to be sending nasty shit to him for a long time.


extra source of jiggaflops
Yeah this is really bad news for a studio like Platinum. It's entirely possible that 50% of their entire staff was on Scalebound and now are just sitting with a 100+ people without a project.

They need to land a major contract ASAP or I expect some substantial layoffs. The bad news for them is that a cancelation of a project of this scope that was this far along in development will be a huge black eye in landing major contract work
You can't go from 0 to a production size on a new game. There must be cuts in any case.

And as Nirolak wrote earlier, with Activision not doing more shovelware license thrash this is very bleak news for Platinum as a whole.
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

If you ever get your ban lifted, please remove any and all association with Gladio starting with that avatar. Beef Man is rolling over in his grave.

oh juniors...

This post is of similar quality.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Stop. This cancellation wouldn't be hurting nearly as much if Microsoft had a good lineup of games in the pipeline. They don't, and that's why it stings, and that's completely on Microsoft and the person who runs its gaming division.

I don't understand how can there still be Spencer apologists after two terrible E3s and a bunch of studio shut downs and project cancellations under his belt. It's truly unbeliavable.

Spencer took over Xbox in 2013. The lot of the projects for Xbone were already in place way before he took over. I'd take good guess that Scorpio and this year are the first of projects he actually set it motion. Making games from scratch take serious time.


This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

Well this is embarrassing.


It's sad to see a promising game get canned, and we'll never know the full details, but if the rumors are true and there were missed milestones and missed payments, this is all probably for the best. A problematic game can be pushed to completion, but you might end up with Aliens: Colonial Marines, or something uneven like Final Fantasy XV.

It sounds like it was a nightmare to work on this project if staff needed to take breaks just to regain sanity. Sounds like there was a lot of friction between Microsoft and Platinum.
Lets be honest people, was it really looking like a game you wanted to play? I think the presentation demos were showing a game most people were not expecting it to be from it's announcement.

The product placement had me concerned, but for a game in development it had my attention. They're a great studio, so it's a shame if this is true. But yeah, if a game isn't shaping up as fun... I guess it has to go. Hopefully they have other projects to roll the team onto.
This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

Seriously, what the hell?
I mean, it was a X1/PC title, you didn't even have to get a console to play this game.


This is a huge win for me TBH
(Since I've never bought a MS console, never will)
Platimun will probably never, ever make any exclusives with M.S ever again.

So any if not all Platinum games will go to Sony.
It's a great win for me and Sony.

* Finger's crossed PS4 get this exclusive -just change the name.

Would PS4 owners even want it?

Because, speaking as a PS4 owner, I still think the game looks like shit.

I'm with you. It's a shame the project got cancelled, but it never showed well. If the team is free again, I'd rather they start afresh and turn their attention to something new.
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