May Wrestling |OT2| We watch it so you don't have to


New Orleans is pretty alright, dudes. I've eaten a lot of succulent, naughty foods.

RBH, we're about to pop into St. James Cheese Co. before your recommendation of Creole Creamery. So much dairy. Gonna think of you, old friend. WCW forever, etc. etc.
Simpsons season 8 is pretty awful. Wow. It started earlier than I thought.
Majin Buu Saga in hindsight is like a parody of Dragonball. Unnecessary transformations and tons of big spots that ultimately have little to no importance. It's the "get your shit in" of DragonBall. Cell Saga is great until Gohan gets that Roman Reigns push out of nowhere at the end. Frieza Saga is lit and has #BigFightFeel. Saiyan Saga is DBZ WrestleMania, where there's a bunch of great midcard matches, Piccolo turns face, and then the main event tears down the fucking house

DragonBall Super has had one, maybe two, story arcs that have legit been better than the Buu Saga.
That's what happens when you have to fill another season.


Randy Orton should go heel again and bring his asshole Twitter persona to the ring.

But hey, he must think it's you


New Orleans is pretty alright, dudes. I've eaten a lot of succulent, naughty foods.

RBH, we're about to pop into St. James Cheese Co. before your recommendation of Creole Creamery. So much dairy. Gonna think of you, old friend. WCW forever, etc. etc.

I love New Orleans. Used to go for a week every Halloween and hit the Anne Rice Ball and the Voodoo Music Fest as well as a few other things.
Seriously love the city.
Last time I went I hadn't been for some years and it has changed alot but I still love it.





I love New Orleans. Used to go for a week every Halloween and hit the Anne Rice Ball and the Voodoo Music Fest as well as a few other things.
Seriously love the city.
Last time I went I hadn't been for some years and it has changed alot but I still love it.
Come on over. We're at the Pontchartrain.


Nola for Mania was awesome.

I went during Mardi Gras once and almost got trampled to death on Bourbon street.

So yeah, out.
I fucking love season 8. I guess I can kinda understand why people don't like it since they said that season 8 was an attempt to concentrate on other characters aside from the Simpsons.
I still find enjoyment from 8-12 but the quality definitely drops off and good episodes are more spread out.
Maybe it's placebo, but it immediately feels off. It starts with a pretty weak Treehouse of Horror. Continues with an episode where they move. The Homer boxing episode is super overrated. Burns' son.

It's awful.

I fucking love season 8. I guess I can kinda understand why people don't like it since they said that season 8 was an attempt to concentrate on other characters aside from the Simpsons.
I don't think it's just that. It just stops feeling funny. There's one or two good laughs in an episode, but it drags on for the rest of it. I'd love to know what happened between S7 and S8.
He falls straight on his arse.

One of the reasons why I don't like the move.
Never been a fan of the foot stomp myself.
Speaking of kayfabe injuries, what the hell was up with Sami being completely okay last night after doing a stretcher job the week before? What was the point of it?
As we know, nothing matters.
That's the first time I legit LOL'd at that meme.

Yes! I saw it mentioned in a tweet she replied to, great for her.
I'm currently on a rewatch, so I haven't gotten their yet. Who knows if it holds up. The Homer they Fall sure didn't.

I've been meaning to do a re-watch through season 12

97-99 is when I was watching it a lot on syndication via fox. I got fox ny and fox philly so I was getting 2-3 hours of Simpson reruns every night.


Half of Simpsons season 8 is really good and the other half is not

Hank Scorpio, the X Files parody, Poochie, the prohibition episode, Brother From Another Series and Simpsons Spin off showcase are all great

Mary Poppins, Marge selling pretzels, and Hurricane Neddy are pretty bad

Mysterious Voyage of Homer and In Marge We Trust are half good

I have never ever been a fan of the Frank Grimes episode and yes I know what it was trying to do

Also remember the awful Skinner imposter episode from season 9 was actually a holdover from 8 and written by that team

Such a wildly inconsistent season


I fucking love season 8. I guess I can kinda understand why people don't like it since they said that season 8 was an attempt to concentrate on other characters aside from the Simpsons.
Season 8 has some great gah dang episodes, good friend; better enemy, Professor Beef.
The hope an optimism everyone had from WrestleMania 30 feels so long ago. Can't believe its been 3 years already

Just like the hope and optimism from the last presidential administration feels like ancient history.

It was only 7 months ago.

What's Zach going to do when Bayley kisses Bliss to distract her to get the cane?

Mickie James is on Raw now, right?

What if she taught Bayley how to beat Alexa Bliss?

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