Gonna need a preorder for that CE. And 97 GB download Jesus Christ might download it at work on a weekend over fiber lol.
idTech developers know no chill when it comes to file sizes. If TESVI uses idTech it's going to be more than 100gb for sure.
Gonna need a preorder for that CE. And 97 GB download Jesus Christ might download it at work on a weekend over fiber lol.
the developer on Youtube Gaming Show just talked about wheelchair shooting gameplay.
So playable wheelchair level, he just said.
the developer on Youtube Gaming Show just talked about how they implemented wheelchair shooting gameplay. Playable wheelchair level and all that.
So I bought the New Order on last PSN sale and I'm gonna play it after E3. Do I have to buy and play The Old Blood too? Is it necessary?
So I bought the New Order on last PSN sale and I'm gonna play it after E3. Do I have to buy and play The Old Blood too? Is it necessary?
Is this confirmed?
No multiplayer. 100% single player campaign. Same as last time. Thank god.
Amen.No multiplayer. 100% single player campaign. Same as last time. Thank god.
So I bought the New Order on last PSN sale and I'm gonna play it after E3. Do I have to buy and play The Old Blood too? Is it necessary?
Yup. Dev was just on Geoff's thing on YouTube.
First level after the prologue is entirely in a wheelchair. Controls the same as walking. Very intuitive apparently. That's what's playable at E3.
Game runs on a modified idtech 6.
No multiplayer. 100% single player campaign. Same as last time. Thank god.
Not necessary but totally worth it. It's more old school Wolfenstein. Creepy castle and monsters.
Great news.No multiplayer. 100% single player campaign. Same as last time. Thank god.
Not necessary but totally worth it. It's more old school Wolfenstein. Creepy castle and monsters.
I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary, but it's really good and you should buy it if it's discounted. More of the great gameplay, with a new locale and a hefty amount of content for the price.
I've seen people say it's a remake of Return to Castle Wolfenstein...I personally don't think so, but there's quite a few heavy references so it functions as sort of a pseudo-remake/revamp prequel. It's good, sort of a love letter to the Wolfenstein universe pre-New Order.
Thanks.You don't have to but I personally enjoyed it a lot. It's not as story heavy as the The New Order but it feels more like MachineGames tribute to the original Wolfenstein in many ways.
So is it Wolfenstein Two or Wolfenstein Eleven?
II or 11?
Man that was a really awesome trailer and the game looks great.
Will keep my hype in check though since I loved the story and style of the original but hated the boring, slow, bullet sponge infested gameplay
I hope it's a little less maudlin than TNO. I prefer the more campy tone of RTCW and TOB.
The trailer seemed to convey both, so I think that's a good thing.
TNO was pretty aggressively depressing considering the inherent camp factor of future space nazis, but it lent to some really good characterizations.
look who thinks most those people are not just being trolls lol.
Oh, and they elaborated on this scene a bit more.
In this timeline, see TNO if you don't understand, Wyatt started to microdose on drugs after what happened to him in TNO so he is permanently high as a fucking kite. This chameleon they've dubbed as "Little Buddy" shows up in most cutscenes involving Wyatt. They outsourced it to an Australian animation studio to create him.
So yes, that little guy is actually in the game lol.
Think we are able to pick timeline in the beginning due to that?
Since Fergus is in the trailer aswell.
Think we are able to pick timeline in the beginning due to that?
Since Fergus is in the trailer aswell.
Ok, I take it back, MEA can't be topped. But still, the game looks good otherwise, shows the devs have spent time with the game, but they let characters' faces look like shit, why?So you missed all pre-patch MEA memes, gifs and videos?
Collector's edition
shamelessly combined these
Oh, and they elaborated on this scene a bit more.
In this timeline, see TNO if you don't understand, Wyatt started to microdose on drugs after what happened to him in TNO so he is permanently high as a fucking kite. This chameleon they've dubbed as "Little Buddy" shows up in most cutscenes involving Wyatt. They outsourced it to an Australian animation studio to create him.
So yes, that little guy is actually in the game lol.
Caroline would be proud.the developer on Youtube Gaming Show just talked about how they implemented wheelchair shooting gameplay. Playable wheelchair level and all that.
Wolfenstein TNO was slow and boring? Bullet sponges? It was pretty fast and enemies exploded in pools of blood pretty quickly.
Man that was a really awesome trailer and the game looks great.
Will keep my hype in check though since I loved the story and style of the original but hated the boring, slow, bullet sponge infested gameplay
Considering that TNO & TOB ran 4K60 on mid-tier PC hardware (couple of settings turned down), and DOOM is even better in that regard, I'm pretty confident it'll have good performance if Jaguar doesn't get in the way.
Amazing lol.the developer on Youtube Gaming Show just talked about how they implemented wheelchair shooting gameplay. Playable wheelchair level and all that.
Wolfenstein TNO was slow and boring? Bullet sponges? It was pretty fast and enemies exploded in pools of blood pretty quickly.
Wolfenstein TNO was slow and boring? Bullet sponges? It was pretty fast and enemies exploded in pools of blood pretty quickly.