June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS

Eh it's only really really 3 out of the 7 that are nothing: Mickie, Emma, Dana

Bayley's push is fucked but she's still not nobody.

Same with Sasha and Nia

And we all know Bliss is fine.

Bayley's character is a damn mess right now. She doesn't seem like a legit threat to anyone right now, even if she is over. So I can't give Raw any credit for that. I'm mainly saying that it's amazing that SD can make six women all credible while Raw struggles with the same idea.
k RAW is over right, ok cool if any of you ever try to shill WrestleCircus to me again I'll backhand the shit out of you

I know y'all are on here
Keep it to ya'self




It's really interesting to compare the two women's divisions right now. Both are using six women primarily. The difference is that on Smackdown, all six of them feel legit and like they are actual characters, except maybe Tamina. On Raw, 4 out of the 6 just feel like they don't matter and are nothing.

I think that's largely a result of how the divisions were treated post draft. Raw was the Charlotte and Sasha show with guest appearances by Dana as Char's lackey and maybe Alicia if Sasha needed a tag partner. And Nia beat up jobbers for a loooooong time. Smackdown, by comparison, took time to build all the women with different feuds, storylines, talking segments, etc. Sure, Alexa and Becky pulled out ahead, but that was a result of them just being more over than everyone else and it didn't detract from what Carmella, Nikki, Natayla, or Naomi were doing at any given time.

Granted, some of that was out of the Raw team's control. Summer got injured, and Paige....yeah. So the already small roster was even smaller than it should have been. But now they're past all that and still aren't making any real strides in raising the division's profile.
So, how was Raw?

Just think, if Jessica Havok wasn't an idiot on Twitter, she'd probably be in Nia's spot right now.

I kind of feel a little bad for her since that stupidity probably killed any chance of her ever getting signed. Though others should've taken lessons (I think some did) from it and unceremoniously wipe their social media, "Aliyah's" dumb ass probably should've have learned that lesson for her stupid shit posted when she was a teenager.
If I'm Dana, Emma, Tamina, or Mickie, I'm worried about my prospects four months from now. WWE is going to have a ton of talented women once that tournament wraps up assuming they sign the people they are expected to, and that says nothing of the talent they have in NXT already. Toni Storm, Cross, Royce, Ember Moon, Asuka, Hojo, Tessa, Shirai eventually, Riot, Evie, Nixon, and even more I'm not considering.

For the longest time, they've had to run with too few talented women. Now they'll have way more talent than they know what to do with.
Roman vs Strowman has been a very well booked feud.

Roman does some great bumps, cuts heel promos, Strowman shows up to beat the shit into him which is always fun since said great bumps happen as a result and their two matches have been pretty good as well. It's gotten Strowman over far better then it would if he had feuded with pretty much anyone else.
Roman vs Strowman has been a very well booked feud.

Roman does some great bumps, cuts heel promos, Strowman shows up to beat the shit into him which is always fun since said great bumps happen as a result and their two matches have been pretty good as well. It's gotten Strowman over far better then it would if he had feuded with pretty much anyone else.

They have perfect chemistry, no doubt. Probably one of the best Roman has worked with to suit both their styles
Lio Rush wants to join 205 Live 😂

This past weekend he hinted he may have already been in negotiations for a while now. Everyone at his show this past weekend seemed to buy into that rumor.

I dont know about 205. That just looks like a place for someone to go be irrelevant for a bit to make easy money.


If he goes, it's 205 Live. It's not going to be SD. I hope nobody has that pipe dream for even a moment, because the one ending this will ever have is just going to hurt more

He even said himself he wants to join WWE to have matches with other Cruiserweights.


I make another bold prediction to counter your own (which you have detailed nicely i must say)

I predict...WWE gets rid of the subscription model and succeeds.

I thought after Mayweather/Pacquiao they were gonna go back to PPV at least for Mania. But they didn't.

Maybe they'll smarten up after Mayweather/Mcgregor smashes PPV records again? Who knows.

I don't see the Network going away any time soon. But they can sell Mania for $60 (considering the part timer/celeb filled show they put on every year) on PPV and still succeed. The metric shit load of Mania weekend festivities would still all be on the Network and people will be getting their money's worth and then some.
I thought after Mayweather/Pacquiao they were gonna go back to PPV at least for Mania. But they didn't.

Maybe they'll smarten up after Mayweather/Mcgregor smashes PPV records again? Who knows.

I don't see the Network going away any time soon. But they can sell Mania for $60 (considering the part timer/celeb filled show they put on every year) on PPV and still succeed. The metric shit load of Mania weekend festivities would still all be on the Network and people will be getting their money's worth and then some.

My thought is their lineup of programming. If they can continue to build a 205, a Smacking talk, total Divas, Table for 3, or Ride along or whatever its called, they can then deploy a cross over strategy with other networks to garner more views, more ad money rather than go direct to the customer and ask them for an email address said customer used an email generator to make.
I thought after Mayweather/Pacquiao they were gonna go back to PPV at least for Mania. But they didn't.

Maybe they'll smarten up after Mayweather/Mcgregor smashes PPV records again? Who knows.

I don't see the Network going away any time soon. But they can sell Mania for $60 (considering the part timer/celeb filled show they put on every year) on PPV and still succeed. The metric shit load of Mania weekend festivities would still all be on the Network and people will be getting their money's worth and then some.

As Dave's said repeatedly, giving up on the Network would mean admitting they were wrong. With Vince, that's rare, but he's done it before. With HHH, that's impossible.


As Dave's said repeatedly, giving up on the Network would mean admitting they were wrong. With Vince, that's rare, but he's done it before. With HHH, that's impossible.

Exactly, and that's a big reason why #5years is a thing. because I don't see them going
"You know, maybe we're looking at this whole thing the wrong way."

No. You want Roman Reigns. You want part timers at wrestlemania getting the big spots on the card and then watching the geeks on the other 364 nights of the year. We're doubling down. FUCK YOU.
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