June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS

You suffered through Raaaawww, why are you still discussing it.
It is like puking and then staring in the toilet reliving the moment.

Tonight we have young lord Bushi vs Sanada @Kizuna Road 2017
Rejoice in Choice.

Sanada gives no fucks!


Bushi vs Kushida you mean


LOL I honestly really like this crazy young lion kid about 100 x more than I tolerate Juice "Motha fucka baybay alriiiiiight"


Ishii just reminds me of that one dude in like every ensemble manga or anime, who is the most loyal fucker. Doesn't always have anything special happen, doesn't always get the cool things, but comes busting through the wall when shit is going down. Says like two words while eating an ice cream pop and then leaves.
As expected Omega vs Okada is on the last day of the G1 round robin.

Naito's last match is against Tanahashi

Ibushi's is against Goto

And Suzuki's is against Yano... my secret most anticipated match.
My thought is their lineup of programming. If they can continue to build a 205, a Smacking talk, total Divas, Table for 3, or Ride along or whatever its called, they can then deploy a cross over strategy with other networks to garner more views, more ad money rather than go direct to the customer and ask them for an email address said customer used an email generator to make.

The problem is the content. None of the content is really that compelling beyond WCW and WWE back logs. The fact that you can't pick a year and have it all chronologically with PPVs is weird. There's not real good way to try identifying something such as "All times Brett met Austin" or whatever. There's a huge swath of metadata there and they're doing fuck all with it.

They're perfectly content to have $10 roll in and not put more effort into things beyond "here's a file list of videos".
And Suzuki's is against Yano... my secret most anticipated match.

All of Yano's matches are my secret most anticipated matches. His hot tag was the best part of Dominon damnit!

I just fast forwarded through RAW last night and thought Sasha did an alright job vs Nia, at the very least she managed to help her pull out some interesting spots so I don't really get why people were being so harsh on her. Maybe she'll be the first person in a long time to pull a decent match out of Alexa.


As expected Omega vs Okada is on the last day of the G1 round robin.

Naito's last match is against Tanahashi

Ibushi's is against Goto

And Suzuki's is against Yano... my secret most anticipated match.

We get an Omega v Yano match so I am happy.
Will be gold.
All of Yano's matches are my secret most anticipated matches. His hot tag was the best part of Dominon damnit!

I just fast forwarded through RAW last night and thought Sasha did an alright job vs Nia, at the very least she managed to help her pull out some interesting spots so I don't really get why people were being so harsh on her. Maybe she'll be the first person in a long time to pull a decent match out of Alexa.

First Bliss vs Bayley match was good.

What a reversal into the Skull End.

Sanada <3


Fist Bliss vs Bayley match was good.

What a reversal into the Skull End.

Sanada <3

Sanada is money.
They have slowly been giving him some big submissions and pins, getting him in the right people's faces.
He is a face and body that you can build an empire on.
I think he is definitely being courted and they are doing it right.

On the opposite side of the coin what does anyone see in Smith Jr other than bloodline.
He does not have charisma, he has anti charisma. He is like a blackhole of charisma.
He does not have looks, he does not have mic skills...
Sanada is money.
They have slowly been giving him some big submissions and pins, getting him in the right people's faces.
He is a face and body that you can build an empire on.
I think he is definitely being courted and they are doing it right.


And here we go.

Kaze Ni Nare

I think El Desperado might be next line fir a JR Heavyweight shot... that's the second big win he's had in two days
Someone mentioned Desperado? LOL



Can this be Kushida's entire reign? He wins a hard fought match then gets jumped during his celebration by his next challenger and then has a hard fought match with that guy then gets jumped during his celebration by his next challenger and rinse repeat until he's defeated and loses the belt lol.


Awww. Bayley said she cried during her first promo at wrassle school or whatever. D:

She also admitted to sucking at promos in general, but Austin told her she doesn't, so I guess you guys have quite a bit of egg on your faces.

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