July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.

It's 100% the wrong move. If you want to screw Nak over have Baron do the 3 way cash in and pin Jinder right after a Kinshasa from Nak let's say. Do not have Nak win and then lose. It's hurt every hugely over guy: Punk, Bryan, etc...

Bryan was not hurt even a little bit by the cash-in. If anything it just got people more behind him.

There's no danger in Baron cashing in on Nakamura. The cash-in is such an established thing that it's basically a built-in out for whoever gets beat by it. Nakamura would lose nothing getting cashed-in on, and Baron would gain a lot of heat for doing it in that moment.
Bryan was not hurt even a little bit by the cash-in. If anything it just got people more behind him.

There's no danger in Baron cashing in on Nakamura. The cash-in is such an established thing that it's basically a built-in out for whoever gets beat by it. Nakamura would lose nothing getting cashed-in on, and Baron would gain a lot of heat for doing it in that moment.

This is the same logic used to put over heels in other people's hometowns... that doesn't work.

Nak would lose tons... dude's barely been on the Main Roster and you're already going to hotshot the title on and off him?

Bryan wasn't helped by the cash in, he got fucked over repeatedly after in a bad Randy Orton feud and then had a bad Bray Wyatt feud and then wasn't in the Royal Rumble.

None of the booking decisions going into the Royal Rumble gave us the Mania 30 moment, Daniel Bryan being supernaturally over all on his own did, and Nakamura is over but he is not Daniel Bryan not even 5 months of bad booking can hurt me over. They had no intention of doing anything with Bryan. You can't point to that and say WWE did that, WWE lucked into that.

Punk's Summer of Punk was basically ruined by a cash in, Bryan's summer run was ruined by a cash in. Nakamura's run on Smackdown hasn't exactly been a huge success yet, he's had arguably one good moment and that was at Money in the Bank and most of that was because he wrecked shit and then holy fuck showdown with AJ Styles. You put the title on him against Jinder (not going to be a great match) and then take it off of him right away for Corbin? You're gonna make him seem super less special.

Do not make Nakamura's first title reign 5 minutes long, I can't make it clearer how fucking stupid of an idea that would be.

Nakamura's first title win needs to be a big deal, we have an explicit example of what happens when you rush the title on someone with no real plan to make it matter: Bayley. Don't fucking Bayley Nakamura.
This is the same logic used to put over heels in other people's hometowns... that doesn't work.

Nak would lose tons... dude's barely been on the Main Roster and you're already going to hotshot the title on and off him?

Bryan wasn't helped by the cash in, he got fucked over repeatedly after in a bad Randy Orton feud and then had a bad Bray Wyatt feud and then wasn't in the Royal Rumble.

None of the booking decisions going into the Royal Rumble gave us the Mania 30 moment, Daniel Bryan being supernaturally over all on his own did, and Nakamura is over but he is not Daniel Bryan not even 5 months of bad booking can hurt me over. They had no intention of doing anything with Bryan. You can't point to that and say WWE did that, WWE lucked into that.

Punk's Summer of Punk was basically ruined by a cash in, Bryan's summer run was ruined by a cash in. Nakamura's run on Smackdown hasn't exactly been a huge success yet, he's had arguably one good moment and that was at Money in the Bank and most of that was because he wrecked shit and then holy fuck showdown with AJ Styles. You put the title on him against Jinder (not going to be a great match) and then take it off of him right away for Corbin? You're gonna make him seem super less special.

Do not make Nakamura's first title reign 5 minutes long, I can't make it clearer how fucking stupid of an idea that would be.

Nakamura's first title win needs to be a big deal, we have an explicit example of what happens when you rush the title on someone with no real plan to make it matter: Bayley. Don't fucking Bayley Nakamura.

The booking of Bryan after the cash-in is irrelevant to the point. The cash-in in and of itself did not hurt him. The lack of good follow-up did. Same with Punk. Nakamura would be fine if they have a good plan coming out of a cash-in scenario. They normally don't, but that doesn't make the original idea bad.

The Bayley comparison is super weak because Bayley flip-flopped between being treated as important and treated as a side character for six months prior to randomly winning on Raw. That's completely different from a guy like Nakamura, who regardless of match quality has been treated like a big deal every week since he showed up. A guy like that is not going to be significantly hurt by being the victim of a heel for one night. It just won't happen. As for making him seem less special, they've already established he's not Brock Lesnar. He's just another top guy, which is not bad, but it's what he's established as. And top guys get cashed-in on all the time. So I don't see how that hurts his perception in that specific case. It's a wash.

And you can argue his first reign shouldn't be that, but I don't think Bryan's first win being at Summerslam in a cash-in hurt his reaction when he actually and truly won. Same with Punk. Let's not act like he was not still super over when he got the title back from Del Rio. Whether or not any of that was the plan is irrelevant to the fact that it has not been shown to hurt guys from a reaction and perception perspective. Good idea, bad idea, or whatever. History suggests Nakamura would be just fine in that scenario. And Corbin would benefit. So it's a net positive.


This is the same logic used to put over heels in other people's hometowns... that doesn't work.

Nak would lose tons... dude's barely been on the Main Roster and you're already going to hotshot the title on and off him?

Bryan wasn't helped by the cash in, he got fucked over repeatedly after in a bad Randy Orton feud and then had a bad Bray Wyatt feud and then wasn't in the Royal Rumble.

None of the booking decisions going into the Royal Rumble gave us the Mania 30 moment, Daniel Bryan being supernaturally over all on his own did, and Nakamura is over but he is not Daniel Bryan not even 5 months of bad booking can hurt me over. They had no intention of doing anything with Bryan. You can't point to that and say WWE did that, WWE lucked into that.

Punk's Summer of Punk was basically ruined by a cash in, Bryan's summer run was ruined by a cash in. Nakamura's run on Smackdown hasn't exactly been a huge success yet, he's had arguably one good moment and that was at Money in the Bank and most of that was because he wrecked shit and then holy fuck showdown with AJ Styles. You put the title on him against Jinder (not going to be a great match) and then take it off of him right away for Corbin? You're gonna make him seem super less special.

Do not make Nakamura's first title reign 5 minutes long, I can't make it clearer how fucking stupid of an idea that would be.

Nakamura's first title win needs to be a big deal, we have an explicit example of what happens when you rush the title on someone with no real plan to make it matter: Bayley. Don't fucking Bayley Nakamura.

...... but think of the heat!

I don't I've seen a match that's blown me away besides Kenny/Okada II this year. I don't think anything comes close.

^I love you, Antoine. ^
The booking of Bryan after the cash-in is irrelevant to the point. The cash-in in and of itself did not hurt him. The lack of good follow-up did. Same with Punk. Nakamura would be fine if they have a good plan coming out of a cash-in scenario. They normally don't, but that doesn't make the original idea bad.

The Bayley comparison is super weak because Bayley flip-flopped between being treated as important and treated as a side character for six months prior to randomly winning on Raw. That's completely different from a guy like Nakamura, who regardless of match quality has been treated like a big deal every week since he showed up. A guy like that is not going to be significantly hurt by being the victim of a heel for one night. It just won't happen. As for making him seem less special, they've already established he's not Brock Lesnar. He's just another top guy, which is not bad, but it's what he's established as. And top guys get cashed-in on all the time. So I don't see how that hurts his perception in that specific case. It's a wash.

And you can argue his first reign shouldn't be that, but I don't think Bryan's first win being at Summerslam in a cash-in hurt his reaction when he actually and truly won. Same with Punk. Let's not act like he was not still super over when he got the title back from Del Rio. Whether or not any of that was the plan is irrelevant to the fact that it has not been shown to hurt guys from a reaction and perception perspective. Good idea, bad idea, or whatever. History suggests Nakamura would be just fine in that scenario. And Corbin would benefit. So it's a net positive.

You can't just hand-waive away all the shit booking that happened to both Punk and Bryan after they got cashed in on and say but this year will be different. The cash-ins started those bookings, you can't ignore that. Punk was not more over because he got the title back 3 months later in a match that was overshadowed by Cena/Rock tagging together. Bryan you can't even count because dude is a rule unto himself, where they cheered him inspite of WWE not because of WWE, WWE did everything they could to kill him and his popularity.

I compared to Baley because going into her feud with Charlotte she was picking up steam and doing well, there were stories there to tell around her first championship win and they ruined it by giving it to her too soon and all the stories went bye. That first title for a not fully established superstar needs to count or it hurts them.

Nakamura shouldn't just be another top guy, you can't book him like just another top guy, if you try to try to treat him like just another top guy he's not going to work. Bluntly MitB saved him because he was floundering and his popularity was diminishing a bit. MitB saved him because they made him king shit of that match. He came in and might as well have been Brock Lesnar, he wrecked everyone and then they teased him AJ Styles and that's where the money is. Nakamura succeeds because of what he can do in the ring, you want his first title feuds to be against guys he can have great matches with because that's how he has to get over: work amazing matches with his great physical charisma. He's not going to blow anyone away outside of the ring bluntly, not with the WWE promo style. Title feuds with Jinder and then Corbin back to back will hurt him, because and I say this as a decent fan of both of those guys: neither Jinder or Corbin have the skills on the mic to make it a great feud and they aren't capable of having genuinely amazing matches with Nak to make up for that. You want Nak to succeed make his title win be against AJ Styles at Mania, not a 5 minute reign after beating Jinder at Summerslam

Bryan and Punk were also main roster guys for freaking years, the reason they could weather bad booking better was because fans had years to really get into them and care. Nakamura by Summerslam will have been on the roster for about 5 months and that first month and a bit might as well not count because his entire feud with Ziggler sucked.

Bryan was not better off by the 5-6 months of bad booking that came after he list that title. Again he wasn't even going to get that big win at Mania 30 if fans hadn't forced them to do it, Nakamura doesn't have that level of devotion, not even close. Nakamura is not anywhere near the level of Punk over let alone Daniel Bryan over.

Also neither cash ins did anything for Del Rio and Orton either btw.

Like you're using magic thinking, dismissing all the bad bookings that came because of cash ins against big baby faces and claiming Corbin will benefit based on absolutely nothing.

Corbin would more benefit ruining Cena's #17 than Nakamrua's #1


The Summer of Punk angle died when they had Cena beat Rey and just had Punk walk out after just a couple of weeks instead of actually playing the slightly longer game.


Oh! I was listening to more of Bayley on the Steven Austin podcast doodle this morning while walking my beautiful DOG and she was talking about watching heel WCW Eddie Guerrero.

Read it and weep, turkeys.

Your dog was talking about watching WCW?
Until NJPW sorts out it's translation and it's site am not subscribing
There's a new Japan streaming app on Amazon fire, someone here said it's easy to navigate in English.
Anyone get the new Breath of the Wild DLC?
I bought the expansion in the first week but I need to download it, haven't touched Zelda in months but I'm excited.
Watched latest NXT episode.

Before they went out for their match, did Itami tell Oney "just fuck my shit all up", because that looked like the plan of attack. RIP Itami's nose.
Probably, I love how the crowd was all for Oney at first but then hideo returned like a badass and beat the shit out of him winning them back. Dude was probably so frustrated since he's been out with an injury most of his time there.
The Summer of Punk angle died when they had Cena beat Rey and just had Punk walk out after just a couple of weeks instead of actually playing the slightly longer game.
Wasn't it just one damn week? That was around the time I got back into WWE after so many years and was fucking flabbergasted they blew their load so quick. They had gold on their hands when he just kept posting pictures of himself at random places with the title but they have the attention span of my fucking dog.


My biggest gripes with NJPW World are:

•The organisation of matches/shows from within a year is seemingly non existent especially from stuff before 2016.

•So much content is missing. For example there is no complete coverage of 2013 G1 Climax. But I can go to a tape trader / dailymotion and get it all. Classic 90's stuff might not be available for archive reasons but more modern stuff should all be there.

•Video playback is weird. There are artefacts and blockiness on a video that isn't being displayed with a dynamic resolution, so why is it there? Why can't I just watch a clean 720p video?

It's all great in theory but NJPW World only seems good for watching current stuff as it happens, not after the fact :(



Viper announced for the Mae Young Classic, will be named Piper Niven. It is interesting that they changed no names for the CWC but everyone seems to be changing for this.
Viper 😍😍😍

The Summer of Punk angle died when they had Cena beat Rey and just had Punk walk out after just a couple of weeks instead of actually playing the slightly longer game.
You could've had John Cena vs Rey Mysterio as the main event of SummerSlam. Damnit, Vince.



Announcement of Bianca Blair, Viper/Piper Niven, Evie/Dakota Kai & Kairi Hojo/Kairi Sane.

They also specifically mention the elbow drop, so can we please fuck off with the Bayley shit now thx
They're getting close to the "Taz > Tazz" level of renaming here, more and more are keeping at least half of their previous name, and Bianca Blair simply got one letter added to Bianca Belair.


Not sure what this Cener and Rick stuff is....
This is Sanada...




You can watch the whole workout on NJPW World.
Me, not going to because I am not brave enough to face those questions yet and my gf might leave me if she catches even two minutes of the glory.
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