2017 FIFA Confederations Cup | OT | 17 June – 2 July 2017 | Putin on a show


Going into the topic of Fifa rankings, here is why they're silly to begin with:

New Top 10 (after Confed Cup):

1. Germany
2. Brasil
3. Argentina
4. Portugal
5. Switzerland
6. Poland
7. Chile
8. Colombia
9. France
10. Belgium


How/why did Portugal rise to 4th, ahead of Chile, even after finishing behind them (and Germany) in said Cup?

What have Poland+Switzerland done in these past few months to warrant a 5th and 6th place?

This is why Fifa rankings are silly, they seem inconsistent even with their own criteria.

FIFA rankings use individual games when awarding points.

Portugal won more games than Chile in the Confederations Cup.

Poland and Switzerland won almost every game so far in the World Cup qualifiers.


FIFA rankings use individual games when awarding points.

Portugal won more games than Chile in the Confederations Cup.

Poland and Switzerland won almost every game so far in the World Cup qualifiers.

And that's why it's silly to use these rankings for any real comparison between teams. If you happen to do a good Cup qualifier, while that in itself is great for the team in question, it may also give it a massive boost in these sort of rankings even if realistically plenty of teams bellow it are better.

Not a fan of these sort of rankings myself.
Not a fan of these sort of rankings myself.

Me neither, but at the same time it doesn't annoy me. I just care about how good my team performs and how many finals it achieves and win.

I don't give a rat ass about the ranking and I'm pretty sure, at the end of the day most people don't either.

Look at Argentina for example, they have appeared among the first three spots for a long time, yet they haven't been able to win anything in almost 25 years, yeah... a quarter of a century.

Ask any argentinian here what's his/her preference: to continue appearing in those spots or appear lower in the ranking but actually winning something.
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