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Mizuho Securities: PS4 wins NPD


Xbox One X had had a very strange PR cycle. Twice as long as fully new platform likes Xbox One and PS4, but seemingly at the cost of monthly Xbox One sales. Now it is out, Xbox One S is super affordable, and they're still getting outsold. The push to 4K as a mainstream viewing option is slow as molasses compared to 1080p. I have a 4K TV and Comcast doesn't seem like they're going to upgrade over 1080p very soon. 4K movie selection in stores is pretty modest. The prices on TVs have become great, but its like the attending content push is ultra half assed at this point. It isn't 3D TV levels of WTF, but it has never seemed like the smartest thing to hitch your wagon to, either.

Most sports leagues are still pushing just 720p, give me a 4k superbowl or ncaa championship option before i invest in a good 4k tv
Really? Havent heard anything official that sony has stoppped producing any 500gb models, i am sure you are are able to point me towards confirmation of this news.

The 500 gb models are all old models/ not slims. They make slims and pros at this point. Find me a 500gb slim... the official announcement was when they went to the slim and pro models.

I was wrong but https://1reddrop.com/2017/04/18/us-...tation-4-slim-same-price-500-gb-discontinued/ also not wrong


XBOX ONE-S was cheaper than PS4 with a UHD bluray player, which many have said is huge...XBONEX also launched after some of the most hype I've seen from Microsoft since ever..."with their most powerful console E3 presentation et al". That system also happens to have a UHD bluray player as well....I've also been reading lots of posts these past weeks which suggested XBONEX would easily outsell everything, so how is the XBOX-S+XBONEX still at a deficit againts Sony in November?


Figured the x would do better but in reality, I suspect ms is playing the long game there. Next gen they will already have the systems in place for full BC over several generations. If Sony doesn't have that I don't see why I wouldn't give ms a chance.


So much for the Switch outselling all the other consoles 2:1

That was never going to happen. The PS4 had some insane deal for Black Friday and it was almost guaranteed going to sell the most in November. This is also true with the Xbox One. December should be a better month for the NS as December is generally a good month for Nintendo. I think the Xbox One did fairly well, though I think folks really thought the Xbox One X would have sold more in it's launch month, but man, that thing is $500. No way that was happening. Good thing the Xbox One S can pick up the slack.
Its starting to look like the 360 might have just been lightning in a bottle and may not repeat itself.

Sony has now crushed the competition in 3 of the last 4 gens and tied the 360 last gen even after huge mistakes early on for sony.

Anything can happen but they have a lot of ground to make up both worldwide and in NA if they want to get back to being neck and neck with sony in total sales.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Its starting to look like the 360 might have just been lightning in a bottle and may not repeat itself.

Sony has now crushed the competition in 3 of the last 4 gens and tied the 360 last gen even after huge mistakes early on for sony.

Anything can happen but they have a lot of ground to make up both worldwide and in NA if they want to get back to being neck and neck with sony in total sales.

I don't know if I'd call PS4s current 2:1 lead over Xbox One crushing. It's selling great, but it's nothing like the 6:1 lead Sony had the PS2 era or the 3:1 lead they had the PSOne era...


Gold Member
I don't know if I'd call PS4s current 2:1 lead over Xbox One crushing. It's selling great, but it's nothing like the 6:1 lead Sony had the PS2 era or the 3:1 lead they had the PSOne era...

Doesn't have to be 3-6:1 to be a rather large, notable lead. It's at least 2:1 now. It's only going to get bigger.

70-30M for the ps/xbox is worrying, switch will do just fine.

Worrying for who?


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Doesn't have to be 3-6:1 to be a rather large, notable lead. It's at least 2:1 now. It's only going to get bigger.

There's no evidence of the ratio growing, it could happen but it's not garaunteed, it could stay at a similar level or the ratio could possibly shrink.
I don't know if I'd call PS4s current 2:1 lead over Xbox One crushing. It's selling great, but it's nothing like the 6:1 lead Sony had the PS2 era or the 3:1 lead they had the PSOne era...

You're right that its not as drastic as PS1 & 2 but 70 million to 35 million is pretty dominating at this stage of the game imo. Microsoft has done enough to stay relevant obviously and now even have the most powerful console available but im sure they would admit they had higher hopes than numbers like that.
It's always weird to me for PS4 to be considered such a monster that prints money but when Xbox barley loses the month the Xbox sales can be considered a disappointment. Guess the whole year and half hyped new machine was supposed to be the saving grace


Gold Member
There's no evidence of the ratio growing, it could happen but it's not garaunteed, it could stay at a similar level or the ratio could possibly shrink.

The PS4 will continue to widen the gap. Yes it's an assumption, but one based on the data. Beyond that, with Microsoft refusing to give out numbers, the ratio could already be higher than 2:1. Doesn't matter. Nothing was wrong with his description of it, unless you just care to meaninglessly argue semantics.

You're right that its not as drastic as PS1 & 2 but 70 million to 35 million is pretty dominating at this stage of the game imo. Microsoft has done enough to stay relevant obviously and now even have the most powerful console available but im sure they would admit they had higher hopes than numbers like that.

You're right that its not as drastic as PS1 & 2 but 70 million to 35 million is pretty dominating at this stage of the game imo. Microsoft has done enough to stay relevant obviously and now even have the most powerful console available but im sure they would admit they had higher hopes than numbers like that.

MS probably will reach 35 mil. at the end of Dec. 2017. But PS4 will be at 75 at best at the same time. So, yeah, it's more 2 : 1 ratio IMO.
It's always weird to me for PS4 to be considered such a monster that prints money but when Xbox barley loses the month the Xbox sales can be considered a disappointment. Guess the whole year and half hyped new machine was supposed to be the saving grace

Because Xbox sales outside the US are absolutely dire, and even more shockingly bad outside the Holiday period months.

Them losing to Sony on launch Holiday month of one of their most hyped consoles ever, with a full year of hype and several months of pre-orders is like a crushing blow to their hopes and dreams. That's the only way to see it.


From an industry point of view this is great news. People will get hung up on who sold more and what not, but seeing both Sony/Microsoft do great as well as Nintendo makes for an extremely healthy home console market. We need to stick together as the last thing we need is have the industry dominated by mobile/touch-screen (not that there aren't any good games there mind you).


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
You're right that its not as drastic as PS1 & 2 but 70 million to 35 million is pretty dominating at this stage of the game imo. Microsoft has done enough to stay relevant obviously and now even have the most powerful console available but im sure they would admit they had higher hopes than numbers like that.

Sure they'd hope it'd be higher but after what they've been through they are in a decent place now I think, it's a good thing they're in the position they're in now, gives them more reason to try harder.

MS probably will reach 35 mil. at the end of Dec. 2017. But PS4 will be at 75 at best at the same time. So, yeah, it's more 2 : 1 ratio IMO.

No one knows XBO exact numbers except MS, the latest estimates I've seen had them at 33m 6 months ago, if those estimates were right they are likely past 35m by now...


It's always weird to me for PS4 to be considered such a monster that prints money but when Xbox barley loses the month the Xbox sales can be considered a disappointment. Guess the whole year and half hyped new machine was supposed to be the saving grace

You forget there's more than just the US on this globe. ;) Outside of the US, like Europe and especially Japan the PS4 dominates the console market much more clearly. 35 milion compared to 70 million sold consoles is a big difference.
Sure they'd hope it'd be higher but after what they've been through they are in a decent place now I think, it's a good thing they're in the position they're in now, gives them more reason to try harder.

No one knows XBO exact numbers except MS, the latest estimates I've seen had them at 33m 6 months ago, if those estimates were right they are likely past 35m by now...

That 33 mil. number from Xbox France was wrong. And it's heavily debunked! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=241093221&postcount=19

If they wrote 33 mil. ( 36 in this case ) 6 months ago, now they wrote 31.7 till Dec 2017. Funny, isn't it?

So, MS didn't passed 35 mil. by now. That means Xbone is selling at faster rate than PS4 in 2017. Which is impossible. But IMO, MS will reach 35 till end of Dec.

In US Xbone is at ~18 mil. ( till Nov. ) And US is about 60% of total Xbone sales.



But it's the MAUs that matter right lol
Sure they'd hope it'd be higher but after what they've been through they are in a decent place now I think, it's a good thing they're in the position they're in now, gives them more reason to try harder.

No one knows XBO exact numbers except MS, the latest estimates I've seen had them at 33m 6 months ago, if those estimates were right they are likely past 35m by now...

'Decent'? This is not some small company we're talking about here it's MSFT. They've pumped literally billions into Xbox and the sum total of that is less than half the sales of their direct rival in this marlet.

It's like Apple entering a market where there are only 2 other competitors and being satisfied with selling less than half of the market leader. In short, it's diabolical.
'Decent'? This is not some small company we're talking about here it's MSFT. They've pumped literally billions into Xbox and the sum total of that is less than half the sales of their direct rival in this marlet.

It's like Apple entering a market where there are only 2 other competitors and being satisfied with selling less than half of the market leader. In short, it's diabolical.

Well you could say it's better than Microsoft effort in mobile phones :D


'Decent'? This is not some small company we're talking about here it's MSFT. They've pumped literally billions into Xbox and the sum total of that is less than half the sales of their direct rival in this marlet.

It's like Apple entering a market where there are only 2 other competitors and being satisfied with selling less than half of the market leader. In short, it's diabolical.

But Macs do sell less than half of the market leader (sorry, Macs are PC's too). As long as they sell enough to stay relevant and have tons of mindshare (which they do), and make alot of money elsewhere (iPhones and iPads) then I would say they aren't struggling in the least bit.


You forget there's more than just the US on this globe. ;) Outside of the US, like Europe and especially Japan the PS4 dominates the console market much more clearly. 35 milion compared to 70 million sold consoles is a big difference.
Nothwithstanding the only real console presence in places like India, Africa et al..... are pretty much all playstation as well...

New Zealand might be a different story however ;)......
You cannot forget the slumping Xbox One sales in the months leading up to November. You had a couple of months that were just over 100,000 units in the NPD. There was a narrative this was because of people waiting for the Xbox One X. I am surprised that pent up hype, and the waiting for the One X with all those preorders, led to still coming up short against the PS4/PS4Pro.


Hey people will say what they want to see.....I still remember all the stories of pre-orders and how heavy they were and how it broke records etc.....Yet, we don't even know or may never the breakdown of XBOX-S vs X come NPD.....I think that will be the figure most would want to see, to properly gauge how gamers see the two xbox units on the market.....
I still dont know how anyone can spin this gen as a success for microsoft in their eyes, theyve lost a huge chunk of the market they had last gen. Its not a wii u type fail, theyve recovered enough from their launch debacle to be relevant, but i feel pretty confident that off the record they would look you in the eye and tell you this gen is a huge disappointment both in poor sales worldwide and losing the us domination they had with the 360. In my eyes its all about building positivity towards trying again fresh next gen at this point.
Xbone and PS4 sold for $200 vs Switch at $300 during black Friday. Not surprising to me. Nintendo better start rolling those prices next year.


Neo Member
70-30M for the ps/xbox is worrying, switch will do just fine.

They are on Target.

Switch is a complete unknwown at this point. It could gain a lot of steam, or it could be core ninty fans just buying fast. Switch being on stock on most markets (bar Japan and some US retailers) and not being the #1 selling console during its first year is not that cool.

At 75-79 millions for this fiscal year (which is what Sony wad hoping for) and being the market leader with an upcoming price cut to 199, ps4 is already a success.


Xbox One X had had a very strange PR cycle. Twice as long as fully new platform likes Xbox One and PS4, but seemingly at the cost of monthly Xbox One sales. Now it is out, Xbox One S is super affordable, and they're still getting outsold. The push to 4K as a mainstream viewing option is slow as molasses compared to 1080p. I have a 4K TV and Comcast doesn't seem like they're going to upgrade over 1080p very soon. 4K movie selection in stores is pretty modest. The prices on TVs have become great, but its like the attending content push is ultra half assed at this point. It isn't 3D TV levels of WTF, but it has never seemed like the smartest thing to hitch your wagon to, either.

Dude relax. It’s just a 10% difference between ps4 and Xbox one


The sales seem really good but I think that it's best to view them in the context of the three companies involved. Of course, they all want to sell the most but it doesn't necessarily mean that the other two are any less happy with their sales or that they don't feel that they've also won.

Obviously, we'll never actually know what their targets were and they'll all likely say that they're happy with the sales they got.

I always find it interesting that these companies seem to like to include things like the SNES Mini Classic in console sales. Obviously, it is a console but it is a very different beast to the "proper" consoles.


I always find it interesting that these companies seem to like to include things like the SNES Mini Classic in console sales. Obviously, it is a console but it is a very different beast to the "proper" consoles.

The fact that millions of people want a games playing device that hooks up to their TV at a sub-$100 price point is interesting, no?
Particularly in the scenario where neither Sony nor MS seem to want to provide such a device.

If the 360 or PS3 had hit the $99 pricepoint, the transition from last gen to current gen would have gone lot smoother than it actually did. From all accounts that Gamestop "free 360" deal was super popular. Its kind of crazy how eager MS and Sony are to throw 'casual' gamers under the bus and let them just fuck off to mobile.
It'll hurt them in the long run.


Neo Member
XBOX ONE-S was cheaper than PS4 with a UHD bluray player, which many have said is huge...XBONEX also launched after some of the most hype I've seen from Microsoft since ever..."with their most powerful console E3 presentation et al". That system also happens to have a UHD bluray player as well....I've also been reading lots of posts these past weeks which suggested XBONEX would easily outsell everything, so how is the XBOX-S+XBONEX still at a deficit againts Sony in November?
Nope nope nope. The PS4 was on fire sale. Half price at GameStop including the $50 gift card. It should have been expected for Sony to come out on top. Comparing the 1tb PS4 to the 500gb one s shows how desperate you are.


Nope nope nope. The PS4 was on fire sale. Half price at GameStop including the $50 gift card. It should have been expected for Sony to come out on top. Comparing the 1tb PS4 to the 500gb one s shows how desperate you are.
And the 1S wasn’t? Lol


The 500gb One S retails for 250. So it was down $60 or $89 with the Target gift card deal. The 1tb PS4 retails for 299 so was down $100 or $150 with the GS gift card. Not really comparable.
PS4 isn’t staying $299 after the holidays. It was clear Sony didn’t do their usual drop of $50 so they could say $100 off instead of $50. That doesn’t mean much though because on Black Friday it’s about being cheap.


Neo Member
PS4 isn’t staying $299 after the holidays. It was clear Sony didn’t do their usual drop of $50 so they could say $100 off instead of $50. That doesn’t mean much though because on Black Friday it’s about being cheap.
So you're agreeing with me? Relatively PS4 had a much bigger price cut and that is what sells big during Black Friday (or week as Sony had that discounted price for longer than MS). So it shouldn't be a surprise that PS4 sold the most. What Sony intend to do with the price subsequently is completely irrelevant to this discussion.


Nope nope nope. The PS4 was on fire sale. Half price at GameStop including the $50 gift card. It should have been expected for Sony to come out on top. Comparing the 1tb PS4 to the 500gb one s shows how desperate you are.
How cute, you think a parent cares what the previous price was.. no they care about the cheapest price.. the 1S was the cheapest console on Black Friday no matter how you spin it. So with that out the way, what made them choose the $10 more expensive console over the other? Figure that out and you have the list of problems Microsoft is facing.
So you're agreeing with me? Relatively PS4 had a much bigger price cut and that is what sells big during Black Friday (or week as Sony had that discounted price for longer than MS). So it shouldn't be a surprise that PS4 sold the most. What Sony intend to do with the price subsequently is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

Stop bending over backwards to defend Xbox's failure this NPD.

It's their new console launch month for lord's sake, including several months on end of pre-orders COMBINED with Xbox 1/XB1S fire sale this month, and they still get beat by PS4 sales. It's a completely dire result for MS.
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