Gold Member

Things have been radically changed so please read the entire post first!
Welcome to the neoGAF 2017 GOTY voting thread!! As we all know there have been some dramatic changes over the last couple of months so this is my first time attempting to change things up. Hopefully it will all work out. I think whatever other divisions there are, we can all agree this has been a really outstanding year for games.
Deadline: As per countdown timer above;
Minimum votes: You must vote at least three times;
Validation: You must post in this thread to validate your vote. The survey asks for your username last and marries the lists together, to ensure only GAF members votes count;
A game I want to vote for isn't listed
I tried to include the most common games. But if there is one you really want added let me know. It takes an hour to refresh after being added. I'll be honest I don't have a huge amount of spare time and this took some effort on it's own. As a result there will definitely be titles that I've missed off. So just drop them here or PM me and I'll add them.
They will appear at the end of the list prefixed by an 'X'. Games added so far:
X - Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris
X - Battlechasers
X - Slime Rancher
X - Hob
X - XCOM2: War of the Chosen
X - Ruiner
Can I post my list in the thread?
Certainly. I've hosted it like this mainly for the automation. It makes the demands on my time less. But also, I feel it might actually throw up more authentic results without people getting a flavour for the 2/3 titles that are leading. Having said that, please do share your list or partial list if so inclined, with your thoughts on the games. Also, with the software upgrade looming from reading round, it's probably a safer bet hosting it like this anyway.
Why the three words?
It's hard when picking out an individual quote to really capture an entire communities thoughts, so I'm going to try and capture the most common thoughts from everyone to paint a broader picture.
- Playable content released this year is eligible. This includes new games, remasters, ports, and so on.
- DLC, including expansion packs, are eligible to be voted on as long as it's playable. Destiny 2: The curse of osiris is eligible.
- Episodes of games released this year are eligible.
Isn't it a bit early?
Slightly earlier than previous years, but again, I'm limited by my free time so it's either this or nothing sadly. I don't want to be doing this on christmas eve when I've got family round etc.
Are Early Access games eligible?
No, Early Access, beta, demo, and Greenlight games are not eligible. PC games must reach full release, or version 1.0 in order to be eligible. I've already included PUBG on the presumption that the XBox One release counts as official release status.
Can I update my vote?
As it's form based, no. You need to put your votes in one sitting. However, if you have a change of heart. Post again in this thread and I'll black mark your earlier vote.
Happy voting. Look forward to the results!
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