He's right on one thing though: He's no Hideo Kojima

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He's right on one thing though: He's no Hideo Kojima![]()
toucheDefinitely. Unlike Kojima, he has some talent.
Look, I personally haven't owned a game console for some time and is gaming on PC for now. But I am realistic about how tough third party development can get. It isn't all flowers and roses. And 1st party can offer a secure working environment where you could ignore microtransactions, because your mission is to sell consoles and profit comes second.Definitely. Unlike Kojima, he has some talent.
Which is a different statement from "PC is a Microsoft platform".
Your thesis:
Now point to where in that statement did you mention the number of Windows users.
Like I said, even if I were to follow your pedantic rules, your statement of the PC being a "Microsoft platform" isn't true. If I can play a "Windows-only" game on Linux via Proton, then is that game really "Microsoft" exclusive if I can play it on a different operating system?
The other problems of your "PC is a Microsoft platform" assertion is that you can get Windows for free with the caveat of not being able to change your wallpaper and if I were to buy a game from Steam, for instance, none of that money goes to Microsoft unless the game is Microsoft-published. So even if I were to concede to your assertion, due to the other issues of the "argument" I just pointed out, it's a rather meaningless point.
It doesn't take being a genius. It's called common sense and the learning curve isn't even that steep to run games on Proton. But hey, let's arbitrarily set a standard that has little to do with the subject matter because reasons...
Do you know what your original thesis is? Apparently, you have such a short memory that you can't even remember your own comments.What a dolt. Do you know what context means?
Er no. Your assertion was that PC is a "Microsoft" platform. And then, you moved the goalposts to how many people use Windows which is an entirely different point.The guy is referencing what Kojima did, and what he did was to plan a release for Windows, which is a Microsoft platform. Get over it.
Ah, the old ad hominem. Too bad that (1) it's a fallacy and (2) it's not even true.Being able to get Windows for free is irrelevant. I’m guessing it’s a big deal for you because you’re poor?
[X] DoubtI make six figures so price doesn’t phase me.
Appeal to Authority fallacy. I don't care what your "professional" experience is if I have the ability to play games on Linux even if those games are not made natively for the OS.Referencing my professional experience developing for Linux and Windows platforms is not irrelevant. You’re a fan, you’re not a developer and you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t even know what platform means.
...except all the people that don't...Yeah, and people game on Windows.
What I wouldn't mind is if PlayStation had their own launcher with trophies supported and all the other stuff, like parties and communities. But you need to have a PlayStation with a digital copy of the game and the PC just connects to the PS4 and authenticates so you can then Play the game on PC at any setting.
Paying PS+ allows you to play any digital games on PC.
Something like that...
...except all the people that don't...
PS Now has been on PC for 3 years, and it includes God of War.When will people understand that PC wont necessarily make the game look like real life or even more bombastic. than it is..……...The game has to play on a PS4 and 750ti too.....The two people who own 2080ti's may not even use it for gaming either........Crysis is simply an anomaly...…….The other guy who has tried is Star Citizen, it's been in the pan for almost a decade......And by the time it comes out, Barlog's next console game will make it look like Pong...
Somebody asked Barlog if there is a chance of a PC version, of course he will say 'he'd love that, so as not to alienate them". but everybody knows that SWWS games go to no other platform......Only PC ports I'm seeing are from third party developed IP's Sony's funded..........to maximize the ROI.....(especially for the devs)...
Good guy Sony huh!
Streaming based service.PS Now has been on PC for 3 years, and it includes God of War.
Well they're all in the clear then, because morons find Linux too confusing and think you can only game on Windows.Morons don’t count.
Can you change settings, play at 4k at 120fps, like you can do other PC games?PS Now has been on PC for 3 years, and it includes God of War.
Well they're all in the clear then, because morons find Linux too confusing and think you can only game on Windows.
By the looks of it no. But how many PC gamers play games at 4k at 120 fps anyway? Probably none.Can you change settings, play at 4k at 120fps, like you can do other PC games?
Use, administer and maintain? Lol no. Not if you're one of the 99.9%. Most people don't "administer and maintain" Windows. They turn their PC on and use it. Most people don't touch regedit or the command prompt. Most people don't even bother to uninstall the bloatware Windows 10 ships with. I'll give you this though. If you're part of the 0.1% who actually does bother removing the bloatware, killing Cortana, telemetry, auto-reboot for updates, re-enabling exclusive fullscreen, etc, then yeah, it might be a little more difficult...but even that is a one time thing (mostly)...Linux is actually simpler to use, administer, and maintain than Windows is. By orders of magnitude, actually.
Shifting to .NET Core was a god send for my team because we can completely eliminate Windows from the deployment pipeline and containerization on windows is literally a hack job.
However, you use the right tools for the right job. Gaming on Linux is stupid. You're a moron if you game on Linux.
I love how you don't directly address any rebuttals. It's all ad hominems, moving the goalposts, and Appeals to Authority with absolutely no elaboration beyond your assertions. Too bad that your alleged salary cannot and will not substitute for making sound points.
Why are these people obsessed with seeing exclusives on PC? The whole point of a console exclusive is to encourage people invest in the hardware. If you want to play, for example, Horizon Zero Dawn, then you need to buy a PS4. That there is no other way to play this game compels people to buy the console. Remember how people went wild for Gears of War on the Xbox 360? There were people buying a 360 for that game.
Putting console exclusives on PC gives people fewer reasons to buy the console hardware.
Use, administer and maintain? Lol no. Not if you're one of the 99.9%. Most people don't "administer and maintain" Windows. They turn their PC on and use it. Most people don't touch regedit or the command prompt.
They're the lowest common denominator...they struggle to "use" Windows and are actively fearful of trying Linux. I think you wildly overestimate the capability of the layman. Surely you've heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Well right now you're exhibiting its opposite, Imposter syndrome. Just as laymen often overestimate their abilities, you're downplaying your own.Why is your standard the ignorant masses? Most people can't do basic arithmetic, so am I supposed to delude myself into thinking I'm a genius just because I took Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations in college? I'm not, lots of people can solve differential equations. You seem to think you're smart because you can use Linux, lots of people use Linux. It's nothing special.
All games should be on all platforms that can run them. This exclusive crap is nonsense in this day and age.
Gaming is a huge medium now we should all be able to play no matter what box you put under your TV.
Imagine a Sony Studios Blu Ray not working on a Panasonic player.
You simply don't understand; the whole POINT that Sony pay for 1st party games to be made, is to support the console. It is NOT to make a profit. Making a profit, if it does, is just a nice side effect of making a good game.As an owner of both consoles, I wouldn’t mind for their games to be on PC too.
I don’t know why some here thinks that having a particular console’s first party titles on PC would invalidate that console. Not everyone wants to game on a damn PC. I highly doubt Sony’s reign of dominance will crash and burn if they allowed them on PC and it’s certainly not why Xbox didn’t quite achieve what Sony did this year in terms of consoles.
Are you saying that PSNOW delivers higher framerates than the consoles? Do some research...…..The reason there's a 60fps option for GOW is because PRO has a 60fps option, pro also has a 30fps resolution mode.....By the looks of it no. But how many PC gamers play games at 4k at 120 fps anyway? Probably none.
However, PS Now on PC currently allows 60 fps, which is what the PS4 version of God of War can't do.
How to Play PS4 Games on PC & Mac
Find out how you can easily play PS4 games on your PC or Mac using PS4 Remote Play and PlayStation Now.www.techadvisor.co.uk
System Requirements
Your PC or Mac has to be running one of the following operating systems:
You’ll be able to select from the following resolution and frame rate options, depending on your Internet connection – for 720p/60fps, a minimum internet connection of 15Mb is required.
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10 or later
- OS X Yosemite or later
You'll also be able to use the DualShock 4 controller, though this will have to be connected to your PC or Mac via micro USB.
- Resolution options: 360p, 540p, 720p
- Default resolution – 540p
- Frame rate: Standard (30fps), High (60fps)
- Default frame rate – Standard (30fps)
You simply don't understand; the whole POINT that Sony pay for 1st party games to be made, is to support the console. It is NOT to make a profit. Making a profit, if it does, is just a nice side effect of making a good game.
Making 1st party games run on PC wouldn't invalidate the console; it would invalidate the 1st party game. it would invalidate the money Sony spends in keeping the studios open and spending so much money on single player titles. It invalidates Sony intentionally not putting microtransactions on GoW or Horizon Zero Dawn.
1st party games are MARKETING tools. They exist to sell the console, and that is why they are allowed to be made with more care and at higher costs, while making less money. Because all that would be worth it if it means more people buy the console. That is why these games are made.
Yes, Playstation will still exist if 1st party games come out on PC; but Sony would simply stop funding them if that's the case, or making them the same as every other game in being for profit, microtransaction, lootbox, Pay To Win junk.
1st party games are only good because they NEED to be good, because they could only function as marketing tools if you love them. If they stop being marketing tools, then there is no reason to make them good anymore.
Is not the same with vitaI like to simply it further; Microsoft genuinely believe that 1st party games exist to make money and for no other reason. Normally there is nothing wrong with that, except it means the console doesn't get the support it is suppose to get.
Even in multiple online game forums, actual real life Xbox customers claim that they believe all it matters is that the games are profitable. They don't understand that game consoles can't survive in a vacuum, or you end up like the PS Vita. The PS Vita is a very good piece of hardware, Sony just doesn't have the means to support it with games while propping up PS3 at the same time. So Sony choose to keep PS3 going, and let Vita go.
A game console without games is just an expensive brick. And without exclusive games people want to play, people would buy the opposition's brick instead.
The point here is that you are promising more money if Sony sell their games on PC. But Sony correctly calculated they they will make more money in the long run by forcing people to buy their console. Because the console isn't just for selling games; it is for them to get 30% rent from third party games and subscription fee from PS+. And both of these require as large an install base as possible.It wouldn’t invalidate their first party support, their software sales would gain more support, more sales, a wider audience. They will still sell millions upon millions in hardware and software. Their first party studios would probably get a boon from it.
You can already stream some of their games on PC via PSNow, don’t be surprise if the ability to download them to PC like you could on the PS4 happens in the near future.
Finally let’s not pretend that Sony has never added mtx’s in their first party games. Them adding games on PC won’t ruin their first party studios, hyperbole much?
He worked at Crytal Dynamics on Tomb Raider, that game was on all platforms and it did not sell anywhere close to GOW......The successive TR games have only done worse in sales.....People always have the idea that, all platforms means more sales......That is not always correct.....Having to develop on more platforms spreads your team thin, the ambition of the game can be compromised, the budget is almost never enough, QA'ing across all these platforms is a nightmare...…..Some versions can be better than others, but then you don't want one version looking like pong and the other looking like a nextgen game.....watch Shadow of Modor on PS3, as what not to do......Having a game look that bad on a platform actually causes people not to purchase a game and can impact how games are seen from that developer or publisher.....People will steer clear and not buy....For third parties, they are not trying to sell hardware, they are trying to make a huge profit...…..They are the least likely to spend huge amounts of cash on game with all the production values and ambition that Sony stipulates for it's games, or they would never give the developer all the support and backing it deserves...…..I mean, if Kojima could get 70 Guerilla employees to work on Death Stranding, perhaps Sony was also instrumental in getting him many celebrity hookups, studio and motion capturing services, how much more do they go out to support their devs at SWWS then....If he really think his games would get wider distribution going third party, he is welcome to try. But historically that had not been the case for others. There are upsides in being 1st party that he would lose if he leaves.
I was going to post this exactly. I'm biased though since pc is my favorite platform. I want everything on it lol
Scalable game engines are not lazy, they are smart. And devs already make their game engines like this today, even when they only target one platform.If you take the barrier away that consoles are devs will be lazy will make every game tailored to pc and just dumbed down to consoles.
This way devs have to actualy make an effort invest a lot of work and come up with some crazy solutions from which they learn and apply that knowledge to future projects.
This is how the industry evolves.
If you make bad points, then your argument is invalid. Fallacies do not substitute for making legit points. Sorry.You seem to be deluded into thinking this website is for academic debate. It's a video-game forum. I am not debating with you, I am making fun of you for talking about things you don't understand.
Moving the goalposts again, I see. If I can play a game on Linux even if it was "Windows-only", then PC is not a Microsoft platform even in the most pedantic sense. And the performance penalty currently tends to only be around 5% at best to 10% at worst.Have you ever developed a wrapper? I have. Wrappers don't change the platform the original implementation was developed for and the performance is never the same as a native solution.
Bro...I hate to break it to you...that was only true back when the hardware was proprietary or at the very least exotic. At their core the consoles today are not just equivalent to PC hardware...they are PC hardware. You can run Linux on the PS4 with graphics drivers...and you can play PC games on it. These games are already tailored to PC and "dumbed down" to consoles (as evidenced by the fact that base PS4 / Xbox One games don't immediately break on the Pro / X, I.E. they're not using any hardware specific hacks to get more out of the hardware). Aside from the OS and API support there's really nothing stopping todays console games running natively on PC. They're not running on some alien architecture, it's x86 with, for all intents and purposes, an off the shelf GPU.If you take the barrier away that consoles are devs will be lazy will make every game tailored to pc and just dumbed down to consoles.
This way devs have to actualy make an effort invest a lot of work and come up with some crazy solutions from which they learn and apply that knowledge to future projects.
This is how the industry evolves.
No i understand.Bro...I hate to break it to you...that was only true back when the hardware was proprietary or at the very least exotic. At their core the consoles today are not just equivalent to PC hardware...they are PC hardware. You can run Linux on the PS4 with graphics drivers...and you can play PC games on it. These games are already tailored to PC and "dumbed down" to consoles (as evidenced by the fact that base PS4 / Xbox One games don't immediately break on the Pro / X, I.E. they're not using any hardware specific hacks to get more out of the hardware). Aside from the OS and API support there's really nothing stopping todays console games running natively on PC. They're not running on some alien architecture, it's x86 with, for all intents and purposes, an off the shelf GPU.
they are PC hardware
These games are already tailored to PC
Aside from the OS and API support there's really nothing stopping todays console games running natively on PC.
You realize that the PS4 and Xbox One both use drivers and APIs too right? That's why games which never got an enhancement patch even work on the enhanced consoles, which have different GPUs. They're not bare metal anymore, that argument is about a decade out of date. Sony's graphics API is proprietary and Microsoft quite literally uses DX12. In fact the Xbox One is running Windows 10. There's very little stopping Xbox One games running on PC as is and adding support for Sony's proprietary graphics API to NVIDIA and AMD's driver packages wouldn't be a big deal.That's a huge amount of code.
Nvidia driver has almost 100mb of executable code, it's a huge fat binary that hides all the real GPU performance from programmer under layers of abstractions.
On top of that you have DirectX12 which is also huge fat and not only hides how hardware behaves but also how AMD cards are different from Nvidia.
PCs are totally ineffective as a gaming platform, they "win" only by brute force and lazy development, where people use ready-made abstracted components and engines instead of optimizing the performance.
And thats...bro...why PS4 exclusives have such a universal acclaim: the only games where people really care about performance, really care about looking absolute best and it pays off.
So far no game comes even close to Horizon Zero Dawn in graphics. One big robot in HZD has more poygons and animations than the whole visible screen area in Metro Exodus. And yet it runs even on basic PS4.
You realize that the PS4 and Xbox One both use drivers and APIs too right?
Sony's graphics API is proprietary and Microsoft quite literally uses DX12
work on the enhanced consoles
And you just exposed your glaring ignorance. The entire point of hardware abstraction layers is that they are hardware agnostic. The driver is the hardware specific part of the chain, that sits between the hardware and the API.Not really, it's a slimmer version of DX12, that doesn't need to work on different hardware.