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Fredrick Schreiber from Slipgate Ironworks and 3D Realms (spotted by our pals at AVPGalaxy) mentioned on Twitter that his team had been working a co-op Aliens game called Aliens: Hadley’s Hope that was killed
He was responding to news the Boss Key Productions had been in talks with Fox to make an Aliens game of their own featuring a playable adult Newt before the merger ended that opportunity.
"SCHRIBER: “This is crazy… we were in the talk about the exact same thing. New Aliens FPS, taking place at Hadleys Hope (4-player coop). Almost went through. Happened right around the time at the Disney acquisition, and when that happened, it all fell to the ground.”
“Game was called Aliens: Hadleys Hope. We went quite far into pre-production before the Disney/Fox acquisition, and then we had to cancel it, and move on with something else.”"
Here’s a rundown of what Aliens: Hadley’s Hope would have looked like via Fredrick.

Here are some of the details about the other game from Boss Key via Cliff Bleszinski which sounds like it might have been connected to Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 or at least inspired by it. Blomkamp’s film would have introduced audiences to an adult Newt and hinted to wanting that character to take over the franchise from Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley.

Disney/Fox Acquisition Killed Two ‘Alien’ Games In The Works Including ‘Aliens: Hadley’s Hope’ �
After The Walt Disney Company completed its acquisition of 21 Century Fox last March, plenty of big studio movies were