This concerns me greatly as it is the impure things in GTA that sell the game.
Maybe the puritans will only add ugly women and remove some of the non-essentials such as prostitutes from the game but they are a staple of the franchise. It’s the details no matter how challenging that make GTA, GTA.
With these changes GTAV may be the last true GTA game we ever see. RIP
Maybe the puritans will only add ugly women and remove some of the non-essentials such as prostitutes from the game but they are a staple of the franchise. It’s the details no matter how challenging that make GTA, GTA.
With these changes GTAV may be the last true GTA game we ever see. RIP
Since the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar has made several major management changes. Last spring, Dan Houser went on a sabbatical that later turned into his departure from the company. Throughout the year, Rockstar replaced studio heads at its San Diego, California and Lincoln, UK offices. The company also booted directors and managers who were said to contribute to cultural issues. Rockstar held meetings about conduct and sexual harassment, and made plans to bring in a coaching organisation called Mindful Talent for management training.
It’s been a slow process, Rockstar developers say, but it’s led to improvements to some people’s lives. “It’s like there’s an operation to get rid of bad eggs,” said one Rockstar employee. “There are still bad eggs around, don’t get me wrong, but it feels like their days are numbered.”

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