Ubisoft India Explains Why Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake Looks the Way It Does


This remake is going to cost $40 and it looks worse, much worse than any other remake from a big publisher. Just contrast this game with ...

- Shadow of the Colossus (Sony)
- Demon's Souls (Sony)
- Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2 (Activision)
- Crash Bandicoot trilogy (Activision)
- Spyro the Dragon trilogy (Activision)
- Resident Evil 2 Remake (Capcom)
- Resident Evil 3 Remake (Capcom)
- Nier Replicant (SE)
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (SE)
And Mafia Definitive Edition. Full Remake, same price, mind blowing art direction and best in class visuals.


Gold Member
Oh my..
People keep saying it looks like a PS3 game but i swear things like Uncharted 3 technically and visually piss all over this, while being much bigger/more complex games developed from scratch by less people in less time.

This legit mobile game presentation is just sad for a damn Prince of Persia Remake.

Yep, I'm usually quick to call out hyperbole when people say something looks "last gen", but this legitimately looks like some 2006-7 game outside from the fact it will probably run at higher resolutions

Uncharted 2 and 3 shit all over this. This are some Uncharted 1 tier 3D models except they'll probably have worse animations:

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Gold Member
This game actually looks okay to me - judging by some of the comments in this thread you’d think this game was the worst looking thing ever created. It’s actually better looking than most B-titles.

The hatred of all things Ubisoft is pretty strong at this forum - and possibly getting out of hand?

I’m a little worried, because I loved Odyssey, and I really enjoy posting about games while playing them - but it’s a drag when the haters show up and continually disrupts threads by posting vitriol. It’s even worse when the angry people don’t own the game and have no intention of playing it.

I feel that posting about Valhalla is going to be... rough.
To me it's the new sportsgame that comes out every year. But worse, because they could do fundamental changes, but they didn't. I am happy that you enjoy the games but they are, objectively, light reading material.


Well, the leaked screenshot looked better at least of the Prince and Farah.

Saying the stylistic choice is why it looks bad is just ridiculous though. It can still have a "Cartoonish" look and not have flat ass textures.


To me it's the new sportsgame that comes out every year. But worse, because they could do fundamental changes, but they didn't. I am happy that you enjoy the games but they are, objectively, light reading material.

I’m not a huge Ubisoft fan - but I thought that Odyssey actually was a pretty big jump forward for the series.


Looks like shit, recycles background characters like I haven't seen in a long time in a super linear not that long game. There is no excuse that it looks this trash.


You'd think it would be impossible to regress a game that could basically make itself with minimal effort.. But here we are 2.5 years later, 170 people putting work into it and this is the motherfucking result. Lol
The fact that the original was created from the ground up in the same amount of time and by less than half the people doesn't make it prettier.
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Well...I mean... technically making it look like an early Ps3/360 game is one way of making it look "unique" and stand out from other games (in a negative way...but It still stands out).

The most hilarious part is that they've had up to 170 people working on this. When we've seen stuff like that Wukong game being worked on by 30 people, Kena being made by a small studio that I think is just a couple dozen people, Scorn which is made by a bit more than 20 people, Bright Memory made by 1 person.

And Ubisoft is like "170 people!!!":

and this... which was made by 1 person:


Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Are you for real? They've just "remade" one of the most popular titles of all time & made it look like a complete joke. Imagine if someone gave Resident Evil 4 this treatment? There would be riots. It's not a free title, they still want our money, so a little decorum & perspective is welcome here (namely, stop with the "rich corporation is a victim, boohoo" schtick).
Have you seen any of the recent Nintendo Switch "remasters"?


and this... which was made by 1 person:

Well technically the original Bright Memory was made by one person.It was still very impressive but Bright Memory Infinite is made by a studio now with that one developer and it looks much better.Still...i would like for that one developer to make PoP SoT Remake honestly.I will reserve my judgement till january tho.


Stylistic choice my arse, this looks like a mobile port.

Even the artstyle itself looks cheap, lazy and generic.

PoP 2008 was far more heavily stylised and original, while looking infinitely better than this bollocks.





Make it cel-shaded I was going to say.


For some reason this picture inspired me to say there needs to be a Last Supper version of this gag.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Craig is love, holy shit I think MS is definitely giving me so far most entertainment...or better diversity at 343i...
it was nice but honestly the game looked better than it played

it was very easy and combat was lackluster
I'd say that was in many ways a good thing though. As an introduction to the genre, it was very accessible and easy to master, while allowing a greater focus on worldbuilding, story and character. Plus it really was gorgeous in places.

It was a game that had it released this gen, would have received applause and sales enough to have gotten an expanded and refined sequel that would have been amazing, but sadly it was a bright, colourful and sincere fairytale of a game that released in the era of the overly serious, washed out, brown and grey FPS crazy. It never had a chance.


It is hard to pin point whether this is just laziness or lack of talent. Perhaps both because the manpower should be enough to produce better visual.
its Ubisoft India. did anyone really expect top tier graphics from them? on the other hand. people praise 16 bit looking indie games all the time but get mad at this lol you cant win these days with gamers.


If you take the game that was made 17 years ago, there’s definitely room for improvement in terms of graphism and we really wanted to give a unique look to the game because Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is actually is a fantasy story,” says Sylvain-Gires. “The narration, the 40 different levels you have to go through to finish the game are an immersion into the Thief of Baghdad and all these magical environments. So we decided to go for a unique visual treatment to make this game standout from other games. It’s not another Assassin’s Creed, it’s not like the same Prince of Persia from 2008. It has to be unique. This magic, this fantasy is shown through the saturation, through the light, so it also a challenge to redefine the visual identity of the game with this remake.”

Congratulations, you've succeeded. It stands out because it looks like liquid dogshit.
The funniest twist in this disaster was someone on Era suggesting that it is racism and privilege to criticise the graphics created by an Indian team.

Which to me sounds like a pretty racist, belittling take, because Indian people are capable of doing way better, world class material.
I was about to ask if "the other forum" was crying racism... why am I not surprised. :messenger_grinning_smiling:


I was about to ask if "the other forum" was crying racism... why am I not surprised. :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Well, there are a lot a racist posts about the team on Gaf and elsewhere that attribute the game's failures to the mere fact that the team was Indian instead of the apparent lack of talent which probably has little to do with them being Indian per se, but one must question the hiring practices when the result was so lackluster. Certainly there are very talented people in India but any person from there will tell you that corruption runs rampant and getting a job is very much about who you know more so than what you know. I hope Ubisoft is examining what went wrong here and why there was such an apparent lack of talent; to whom and how were the positions/contracts given? Given the time taken to make this remaster (which should be easier than a whole new game from scratch) and the max size of 170 for the team, the game's poor graphics in comparison to other remakes and just other non-remastered games in general, is terrible. Why didn't the people running this project hire people with real talent? Probably a stupid question because it would only get some nicely worded substance-free response.


Stylistic choice my arse, this looks like a mobile port.

Even the artstyle itself looks cheap, lazy and generic.

PoP 2008 was far more heavily stylised and original, while looking infinitely better than this bollocks.





This game always reminded me of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and Vanquish. 3 great games that deserved another iteration.
At first I figured it was another exaggerated reaction... It can't look that bad, usually Ubisoft games look pretty good... Well, not this one, it looks both dated and ugly (fugly even).

Their explanation is horrible, nobody makes that choice, unless they are on a shoe string budget... Which is why they have a studio over there.

They should call 343 studios for help, this is that bad.


I was never interested in the original or the 2008 version. This recent remaster looks great to me though. I know I'm the minority opinion here, but horses for courses. I hope they keep the art style and don't give in to the uproar. Also, smh when people mention Uncharted, the most generic character and art design in existence. Game uses like 3 colors to boot.


Why are they even replying? The response made it worst and I fell insulted. Fuck this game, review bomb at release, mediocre greedy liers.


An Absolute Desaster
Well I guess every excuse is better than Microsofts first excuse after the Halo gameplay, where they said it was run on a PC not optimized for gaming...


This is a classic example of beware what you wish for. People have been begging for this and Splinter Cell to return in some fashion. This type of effort may make you think twice. But people should also be great-full that it was made in the first place. Maybe it plays amazingly well?

Bitter pill to swallow, especially after such good remakes like Tony Hawk recently came out. Ubisoft put their D team on this, shows how much they care.
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