Whats steam inventory? Is that seperate from your library? I have been using steam since it's inception and with HL2 and never knew about an inventory page.
Also didn't know lords of shadow had a PC version, thought that was only ps360.
Is lords of shadow any good? I had it but didn't get very far, played an hour or so, and it seemed very much linear and on rails. I was expecting open world exploration in the style of SOTN or at least the ps2 castlevania games but with much better 3d graphics, what it seemed like to me is a more linear god of war and seemed lacking much of the Castlevania style comparied to Iga games.
The closest thing to good 3d castlevania to me is not even castlevania, its games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
From software needs to buy or rent the license to Castlevania from Konami (or Konami needs to hire From) to make a 3d castlevania game. If not from than Tecmo/koei with team ninja, as nioh had good whip mechanics and castle atmosphere, either studio could do the game justice, imo. All they need to do is stick to the lore, and implement rpg mechanics and metroidvania abilities to get you further in the castle, environment.
Its sad as Castlevania should be having tons of games made, instead we get what, a port on to the ps4 of SOTN/Rondo, and nothing for other consoles/pc (that should of hit the switch). I don't understand why Konami is afraid of making money with games. Someone sabotage their pachinko machines

maybe if the public over there looses faith in those Konami will be forced to make a new Castlevania game ( throw in silent hill and suikoden as well ),