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What parts would you remove from your favorite games, to make them better?


I would say removing QTE's from RE4 and not having to escort Ashley around.

For Bayonetta, removing any and all on-rail shooting sections (i.e. the highway motorcycle mission, the missile mission, etc.), QTE's, and getting rid of repeat boss fights.

For Kingdom Hearts getting rid of 100 Acre Woods and Atlantis.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I'd love to remove the QTE final boss from Dying Light. That's a real disappointment. They did much better with The Following though, and as that's a direct sequel to the main campaign, the game was given a much stronger ending.

I might remove the mini-colossi from Shadow of the Colossus. Those two weren't much fun for me.

In Dragon's Dogma I'd probably remove those enemies that can only be affected by magic. Magic classes play very slowly, and I think are best assigned to pawns, so whenever I encounter these enemies I just have to wait around while the pawns do all the fighting.

Let's take away the PSP exclusivity for Battlefront: Renegade Squadron & Elite Squadron. Get rid of Fuel's GFWL integration. Hell yeah.


I’d take interactive interviews out of any sports game, Fifa being the biggest guilty party. Even F1 has them, but thankfully you can now turn them off. Such a complete waste of time.


Neo Member
IVs in Pokemon games. I know it's easier now to get perfect IVs but I've never bothered to do PvP in Pokemon since Red and Blue because of them.


I’d take interactive interviews out of any sports game, Fifa being the biggest guilty party. Even F1 has them, but thankfully you can now turn them off. Such a complete waste of time.
Oh yeah this too.. actually i hate the whole become-a-pro storyline in recent madden/nba/whatever games.. I'm really, i mean anyone would know I'm not against inclusion in games but i carefully make my pro look just like me and then he has a dialogue/voice talent that's clearly designed for a black dude? An option would be great... And yeah the faux drama, set piece rivalries, the too-serious delivery trying to look like HBO with crap graphics... it's all really lame
The replays in FIFA/PES.

When you just want some casual online fun, the immersive broadcast presentation is hella obnoxious and inconvenient. You spend more time skipping and waiting for the replays/cutscenes and their screen wipes to end than actually playing the game.

Fare thee well

Siege maps from Total War, Warhammer 2. Lucky for me, they are fixing them for TW Warhammer 3. I hope they really made them a lot more fun, akin to older TW sieges.
I'd remove chapter 7 from Mother 3. Instead I'd take the basic idea and expand it greatly. Should have been more hubbed out. Instead it feels rushed
The time limit in Super Mario 3D World. I think it was such a creative and fun game, only to be ruined by that timer. I often died trying to find all secrets and stuff, which made the game more stressful than enjoyable. Sure, the older classics also had a timer, but I don't think I've ever run out of time in Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World.


I would say removing QTE's from RE4,,,
Yeah, that's a good one right there.

For me, it wouldn't be so much taking something away so much as changing something, and that would be improving the framerate of FFT: War of the Lions (PSP). Other than that, it's damn near perfect.


Gold Member
i would remove GWENT from witcher3
it's a mini game that is pretty much optional. alright there are few gwent related quests but it's not a major part of the game.

i was coming in here to say that the entire Novigrad section of the game (which took me about 30-40 hours) needs reworked but yeah sure....gwent.


Gold Member
it's a mini game that is pretty much optional. alright there are few gwent related quests but it's not a major part of the game.

i was coming in here to say that the entire Novigrad section of the game (which took me about 30-40 hours) needs reworked but yeah sure....gwent.
it may be optional but you get experience points doing those gwent related quests and i dont like a failed quest in my journal


Gold Member
In general:
-timed missions
-escort missions
-all QTE

I know this is "in general" so there will always be exceptions to the rule, but anyone that's done an Escort Duty on Deep Rock Galactic will tell you, it's not Escort missions that are bad but how devs implement them.

I don't understand how developers can consistently get something so wrong that a single game made into one of the highlights of there game. Every time I see that mission icon next to an Escort Duty a big smile creeps on my face in DRG, other devs need to try harder.
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Gold Member
Ace Combat games - Escort missions or those ones where you got to fly within boundaries or you get insta-killed (I think it had to do with being outside missile radar or something)

HoMM3 - CPU cheats. Starting resource boosts, monster boosts, city building boosts, no fog of war effect (they can explore efficiently knowing every inch of the map)

Any shooter (especially the 360 days) - P2P lobbies. The host leaves and the entire match disconnects to the lobby

All games - QTEs (COD 3 has to be the worst one ever.... turn the analog stick like you're rowing a boat)

All games - Unskippable cut scenes

Mass Effect - Those god awful moon buggy mining tasks
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Blood Vials farming in Bloodborne. Just replenish them when respawning.
Totally agree. It's so incredibly annoying. I don't understand the point of it. It's not even a difficult thing to do. It's just so very tedious. I ended up save-scumming at many boss fights because I hated it so much. Literally everything else about the game is amazing.


The time limit in Super Mario 3D World. I think it was such a creative and fun game, only to be ruined by that timer. I often died trying to find all secrets and stuff, which made the game more stressful than enjoyable. Sure, the older classics also had a timer, but I don't think I've ever run out of time in Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World.

Maybe they just should have just added more time. Sonic, a game about going fast, gave you ten minutes.


Knights of the Old Republic, never played it but the fact that it has combat some-what akin to turn-based, turns me off, I would replace it with real-time combat a.k.a Mass Effect..


Ninja Gaiden Black - the few platforming sections.

Street Fighter 4 (all versions) - remove El Fuerte and Rufus.


In Dragon's Dogma:
1)All the escort quests
2)All the fetch quests
3)The loot system in BBI
4)The crafting system


Fix the Mako segments from the original Mass Effect.
We already tried removing them. It's called Mass Effect 2 and the replacement sucks even harder.
Also, gentle reminder that OG Mass Effect is the best game in the series.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Director's Cut. Restore the gold filter and make The Missing Link optional again. I mean, it's good but it kills the pacing of the game when you're forced to play it as part of the campaign.

Alien: Isolation. FUCK THE CHECKPOINT SAVE SYSTEM. Remove it altogether. Give me a manual save and auto save.

Resident Evil 4. The island. All of it... except the regenerators and Iron Maidens. Move them to the castle.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Take out the remote hacking. It's so OP it actually breaks the game, making it a lot easier.

XCOM: Enemy Within. Tell RNGsus to chill the fuck out.

And finally, for something that did actually happen. Konami yeeting Kojima's ass from Silent Hill. He's the last person I want developing a new game in the series.

Old Retro

For Bayonetta, removing any and all on-rail shooting sections (i.e. the highway motorcycle mission, the missile mission, etc.), QTE's, and getting rid of repeat boss fights.

I love those motorcycle/missle stages because they're a great throwback to Sega coin ops.


Half-Life - Remove the entire "On A Rail" chapter so after the "Power Up" chapter the player reaches the rocket launch area almost immediately. Start the "Apprehension" chapter as normal. Also remove most of the platform jumping from Xen, especially at the beginning.
Maybe they just should have just added more time. Sonic, a game about going fast, gave you ten minutes.
Sure, that would work. As long as you can explore the level thoroughly without problems. I absolutely don't mind going through levels multiple times to find everything, but I hate the stress factor.


The turret sections that would appear in pretty much every action/adventure game in the last decade or so. I would make those burn in hell with the force of thousand sins.
Every mini-game, including Blitzball, from Final Fantasy X. Let me earn the ultimate weapons doing things that made me want to play FFX in the first place, not absolutely horribly designed and controlled mini-games.


present day garbage from all assassins creed games, it's retarded, uninteresting and gets in the way of the actual game.


ChatGPT 0.001
Everyone wants the dog parts in Twilight Princess gone and it was a controversial decision to transform Link at the time but I thought it made the game unique plus Midna made the dog better with her powers.


FFVII Remake - Remove all the bloat and garbage side quests.

Trails of Cold Steel IV - Remove Pom Pom Party, or at least not make it a trophy requirement.

Watch Dogs Legion - Remove the drone platforming sections.

Arkham Knight - Remove the Bat Tank stuff.


Blood Vials farming in Bloodborne. Just replenish them when respawning.
Totally agree. It's so incredibly annoying. I don't understand the point of it. It's not even a difficult thing to do. It's just so very tedious. I ended up save-scumming at many boss fights because I hated it so much. Literally everything else about the game is amazing.

Hard agree (on vials). I'm usually weighing Bloodborne and DS3 against each other when considering my favorite FromSoftware title and came to the conclusion the dealbreaker is the need, ever, to blood vial farm. There was a point deep in a chalice dungeon where I decided that I would just farm hundreds of vials and force the entire notion of farming out of my head to focus on the game and the boss I was trying to beat, and for a brief moment it became crystal clear to me that BB would clearly be the better game if this one thing was not in the game. I think what needs to be made clear to anyone who doesn't understand where we're coming from is how much we (well, me, anyway) value just being able to go again, immediately. And to use whatever flasks vials I have on me in a fight without worrying about depleting a stock. It's not that this is prohibitively difficult at all, but that the experience of playing these games is so involving that you don't want anything pulling you out of it for some bullshit. I want my mind focused wholly on whatever is in front of me, and needing to farm blood vials, at any point for any reason, no matter how inconsequential, draws me away from that and lessens the experience.

Small aside: Disagree on everything else in the game being amazing. There's a few issues I have with Bloodborne and most of them are very minor (by comparison). The biggest one off the top of my head is variety in boss design. This is an area where DS3 beats it handily; Bloodborne has too many large, flailing enemies who fill more than the whole screen up close as bosses. The game needed a few more really distinctive fights like the Shadows of Yharnam and Rom the Vacuous Spider. To Bloodborne's credit, most of these giant beast fights are also very fun, so this is really just a minor demerit. --- Only other thing off the top of my head is... some of the shortcuts being weird/dumb? Why is there a shortcut to Old Yharnam after Darkbeast Paarl? The best shortcuts too are the ones you don't see coming, like some of the ones in Cairnhurst and the "oh shit" shortcut from the Forbidden Woods back to Central Yharnam. --- Oh, duh, and obviously the game being 30fps.

Dude that puzzle was super easy, if there's gonna be any change to it, it should be to make it more difficult.

There's a fair number of people that have complained about it actually. I made a map guide on gamefaqs and have gotten nothing but positive feedback - Allot of the comments go out of their way to call the puzzle itself tedious while commenting on my map. I'm not a huge contributor though so I don't have a point of comparison.

Every mini-game, including Blitzball, from Final Fantasy X. Let me earn the ultimate weapons doing things that made me want to play FFX in the first place, not absolutely horribly designed and controlled mini-games.

I disagree. All the mini-games are very video gamey, especially blitzball, but the experience of playing them is fun. I like the progression system in blitzball and the consideration of builds and status effects in fielding players, and getting yourself into a dominating position in the league is fun. Heck, I even like the lightning bolt dodging. If there's anything I don't like... it's probably some of the last races in the calm lands? I thought some of them are a little too difficult.
The Abby parts of lou2

story could of concentrated on the fractured relationship between Joel and Ellie and you could use Abby as a big baddy hunting Joel instead of trying to get us to like her which they clearly fucked up
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