Was lucky enough to secure 2 ps5s on launch (one for me and 1 for my son) and while i realise there are many of you who are yet to get a ps5
when you do you are going to experience probably the worst build quality since the old Atari 2600 rattle joysticks for the dualsense
Now before we get people jumping in and defending the not having a go about the dual-sense functionality
this is a discussion about the build quality of these controls
So far im up to 6 broken controllers and the only way of pro-longing the life of the control is to turn off the dualsense functions which is completely stupid
and we should not be expecting controllers to last only a couple of months using them the way they were designed
Sons ps5
1st dead control (3 months after launch) Stick drift on right stick and Right trigger stuck on always on unless you physically hold it out
2nd - (2 months after the replacement) X button stuck...both L2 and R2 triggers loose and remain on
3rd - This one has lasted about 6 months as he turned off dual sense on all games but now we have the same issues as the last 2
2 out of my controls lasted 3 months..and i only game for maybe 1 or 2 hours a day and i take pretty good care of my stuff
The third controller i turned off dual sense functions as well (like my sons) and its also lasted much longer but once again im staring down the barrel of having to replace
2 controllers within a short amount of time as this control has also given up
The main issue seems to be the cheap springs that are used in the trigger any google search you will come up with hundreds of topics about broken controllers or loose triggers
and while many of you are happy to just take them back to the store and replace we should not still be dealing with issues like this after countless class actions against companies
for controller's with defects
i miss the good old days where you could literally demo your drywall in your house and hammer in some nails / bludgeon to death someone and then jump
in and play some Streets of rage with your controller and not miss a beat
These controllers were the Nokias of Gaming
when you do you are going to experience probably the worst build quality since the old Atari 2600 rattle joysticks for the dualsense
Now before we get people jumping in and defending the not having a go about the dual-sense functionality
this is a discussion about the build quality of these controls
So far im up to 6 broken controllers and the only way of pro-longing the life of the control is to turn off the dualsense functions which is completely stupid
and we should not be expecting controllers to last only a couple of months using them the way they were designed
Sons ps5
1st dead control (3 months after launch) Stick drift on right stick and Right trigger stuck on always on unless you physically hold it out
2nd - (2 months after the replacement) X button stuck...both L2 and R2 triggers loose and remain on
3rd - This one has lasted about 6 months as he turned off dual sense on all games but now we have the same issues as the last 2
2 out of my controls lasted 3 months..and i only game for maybe 1 or 2 hours a day and i take pretty good care of my stuff
The third controller i turned off dual sense functions as well (like my sons) and its also lasted much longer but once again im staring down the barrel of having to replace
2 controllers within a short amount of time as this control has also given up
The main issue seems to be the cheap springs that are used in the trigger any google search you will come up with hundreds of topics about broken controllers or loose triggers
and while many of you are happy to just take them back to the store and replace we should not still be dealing with issues like this after countless class actions against companies
for controller's with defects

i miss the good old days where you could literally demo your drywall in your house and hammer in some nails / bludgeon to death someone and then jump
in and play some Streets of rage with your controller and not miss a beat
These controllers were the Nokias of Gaming