venti ready to fight a monster in inazumaVenti got a huge nerf when enemies got fat.

venti ready to fight a monster in inazumaVenti got a huge nerf when enemies got fat.
2.6 Dain? Oh no... My gems...That's what leaks are saying (another guy tho is talking about Yoi + Aya in 2.6, so who knows?)
I think they only meant Dain will appear in story.2.6 Dain? Oh no... My gems...
Also, DAT 2.5 weapon banner OMG ahah . DONUT and 1 trick Baal spear. Ultimate troll banner...
Interesting thanks for taking time to explain stuffs. BTW do you consider Ganyu still solid without Amos.
Ganyu is good no matter which weapon you use. Blackcliff is a F2P accessible non-gacha option that a lot of people use with her. You can also build her as an off-field cryo applicator with her Burst for perma-freeze comps. She's very very versatile.Interesting thanks for taking time to explain stuffs. BTW do you consider Ganyu still solid without Amos.
I know about Venti nerf, but i still want him specially after playing his quest. Kazuha is great too, will consider about him.
This is exactly it.venti ready to fight a monster in inazuma
Yeah, she's not terrible for starters xDbut Ganyu does have a lot of additional value compared to someone like Kokomi.
Reminds me of this vid.Only Inazuma first day players will know the pain of Inazuma foes without the nerf.
Ganyu is pretty versatile (charged shot, skill, and burst are valuable; can be used on and off-field) and easy to build without a ton of resources. I use her charged shot, so she's got a 4 piece Wanderer's Troupe (which you should have ton of if you've been farming bosses) and the craftable Prototype Crescent bow (apparently the Inazuma craftable bow also works well on her).
I understand not liking the aimed shot play style, but Ganyu does have a lot of additional value compared to someone like Kokomi.
Ganyu is good no matter which weapon you use. Blackcliff is a F2P accessible non-gacha option that a lot of people use with her. You can also build her as an off-field cryo applicator with her Burst for perma-freeze comps. She's very very versatile.
I get liking Venti, but I haven't touched mine since Inazuma, which sucks. For a while I would just roam the overworld and look for a group of small enemies because he's so fun to use when he can succ them all, but he just can't anymore. Kaz's elemental skill has the mega succ, it provides good particles, low cooldown, and his Burst is great for reactions and increasing overall elemental damage. He's the perfect Viridescent Venerer user too.
This is exactly it.
I see, one of the part i like about this game is aren't force to pull for weapons to make it work.
Main reason i also want a DPS Cryo if for those Shild guys in abyss, they aren't that strong but their shield waste too much time, Chongyun helped me a bit in one level but i need another Cryo damage character.
No Diluc? Fortunately, it's a pretty universal weapon that works on a bunch of claymore characters. The attack boost passive for all characters is pretty handy.Got a 5 star on the standard wish early at 40-ish wishes in. Wolf's Gravestone. Don't really have anyone to give it to and I think it's ugly as sin, but good to have I guess. Still would've preferred Mona or Jean or virtually any other weapon, but beggars can't be choosers.
if mihoyo wants to power creep/nerf kazuha they just need to make alot of enemies that take only physical damage, physical specters?
what about monsters that have a lot of bombs and throw them on the ground, when kazuha uses his e and attracts all the bombs under him he could die instantly.
the possibilities are endless.
I don't use that potato face. But yeah, seems decent even for supporting characters.No Diluc? Fortunately, it's a pretty universal weapon that works on a bunch of claymore characters. The attack boost passive for all characters is pretty handy.
You forgot Kaz at launch, he actually took the same amount of damage he would dish out from multi element Swirl reactions like Overload and Electro charged and it would kill him every time he used his elemental skill with multiple elements. It was pretty funny.if mihoyo wants to power creep/nerf kazuha they just need to make alot of enemies that take only physical damage, physical specters?
what about monsters that have a lot of bombs and throw them on the ground, when kazuha uses his e and attracts all the bombs under him he could die instantly.
the possibilities are endless.
Sayu surprisingly makes good use of it if you time it right when you have an enemy at low health for a party buff. Also, Eula, Beidou, Chongus all make good use of it. It's a pretty universally good weapon.I don't use that potato face. But yeah, seems decent even for supporting characters.
My dumbass clicks. Choked on my water.Cursed Keqing.
Got a 5 star on the standard wish early at 40-ish wishes in. Wolf's Gravestone. Don't really have anyone to give it to and I think it's ugly as sin, but good to have I guess. Still would've preferred Mona or Jean or virtually any other weapon, but beggars can't be choosers.
I'm using more crystal than I'm farming right now.why do you guys farm ore? I have thousands and thousands of those minerals sending expeditions.
Can't wait to sit and watch them tell us about stuff we've been discussing in the thread for about a month now. It'd be nice if they held on to a few surprises that they don't put into the beta. Like if they were to ramp up creation and distribution of costumes and reveal them during the stream.2.5 Stream (JP seems to title it: When the Sakura Bloom/Fade) confirmed for the 4th w/ Concert after.
Sucks I feel zero excitement when we know everything, but maybe they'll do the new region concept art or something for Chasm or the Mondstadt area. No hope that any gameplay systems are new with how their beta's work.Can't wait to sit and watch them tell us about stuff we've been discussing in the thread for about a month now. It'd be nice if they held on to a few surprises that they don't put into the beta. Like if they were to ramp up creation and distribution of costumes and reveal them during the stream.
And not that censored shit.
So I was just randomly thinking - how the fuck did Zhongli make a fake dead dragon body?
Are you talking about Exuvia? I remember reading that it was basically like an exoskeleton for him that he can take shape in or manipulate.So I was just randomly thinking - how the fuck did Zhongli make a fake dead dragon body?
But how would it stick around after he exited/transformed to human form? What's it made out of?Are you talking about Exuvia? I remember reading that it was basically like an exoskeleton for him that he can take shape in or manipulate.
Does that mean it's like cutting off an arm?Just flesh and blood. The dragon is just like Zhongli, a vessel. If they really are gods, can easily do that. Remember Signora and Childe conversation? Signora said a snap of the fingers Zhongli would revert and the Water God battle.
The way I interpreted it is it's like what a snake does so it's "him" as Fake said- part of his own body. So he can have it remain for an extended period of time if he wants it to.But how would it stick around after he exited/transformed to human form? What's it made out of?
So like a husk? Interesting. We've never actually seen the Adepti transform in the game, so we still have no idea how they do it. From my understanding, Zhongli is just a beefed up Adepti, so I wonder if they can shed their animal bodies too.The way I interpreted it is it's like what a snake does so it's "him" as Fake said- part of his own body. So he can have it remain for an extended period of time if he wants it to.
Finally. Only took 3 centuries.Also also looks like we're finally getting an Inazuma festival in 2.6.
Yeah. It was implied that he only used Exuvia for formal events so he should be able to have multiple "forms". I'm guessing some were for combat. I kind of wish Zhongli did interrupt the Osial battle so we could see him do it. Maybe the other Adepti also have human forms that are similar to Ganyu in appearance rather than the full extent of what ZL does.So like a husk? Interesting. We've never actually seen the Adepti transform in the game, so we still have no idea how they do it. From my understanding, Zhongli is just a beefed up Adepti, so I wonder if they can shed their animal bodies too.
Does that mean it's like cutting off an arm?
Looks like in 2.6 we get a free Thoma from the Inazuma festival
free Thoma
I like the idea of a Qiqi quest, though I feel like I'm the only one who enjoys her.
There's an interesting theory going around that she's at least part Adepti but lost her memories, instead of a Zombie. It'd be cool if they explored that a bit.The problem with QiQi quest is... you know... she is an undead, almost incapable of doing things for her own... so they gonna rely in the dendro guy, this popular fellow of reddit.
I was genuinely surprised when they showed Ganyu/Shenhe, they didn't seem to know each other at all. That indicates the timeline a bit. Ganyu has been gone from the Adepti for long enough that she never met Shenhe who's been living there since she was a child. Surprising that Cloud Retainer never mentioned Shenhe when Ganyu would come to visit.Final cutscene was really nice. I can't believe they gave me another date with Keq. Still sad Ganyu isn't getting any sort of importance unless it's in one of the side quests of this event, but hope we get to see her form a connection with Shenhe next time. Happy to see more of ZL and Hu Tao together though. I also wish these stories wouldn't bother with Treasure Hoarders every time.
Thank fuck for no lantern crafting.
Yeah, I thought they'd have known each other, but guess not. Probably because Shenhe was added in so late.I was genuinely surprised when they showed Ganyu/Shenhe, they didn't seem to know each other at all. That indicates the timeline a bit. Ganyu has been gone from the Adepti for long enough that she never met Shenhe who's been living there since she was a child. Surprising that Cloud Retainer never mentioned Shenhe when Ganyu would come to visit.
Anyways, apparently there's rumblings that we're either getting an anime short for Genshin, or at least a few anime cutscenes in the next patch.
Not sure what Crunchyroll has to do with it, but...Yeah, I thought they'd have known each other, but guess not. Probably because Shenhe was added in so late.
And cool I hope it's true. They did ask about an anime in one of the survey's and it's closer to what Honkai does.
Adds more credibility I guess? I don't want them anywhere near it though...Not sure what Crunchyroll has to do with it, but...
Not sure what Crunchyroll has to do with it, but...