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Starfield - Official Gameplay Trailer Reveal (2023)

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Fafracer forever
I was surprised that the framerate was under 30fps the majority of the time, which was disappointing, however one silver lining to that is that because it had sub 30fps its likely its down to code issues rather then compute, because if compute was an issue they could of just ran it on a 3090 and brute force it.
If a 12900X can't brute-force a curated trailer to 30fps, things are in pretty dire straits less than 12 months from launch date.
But more likely they simply had a directive to show actual console footage(multiple videos specifically called out XBox footage, not sure if this one did), which - shock and horror - developers actually prefer over faking things on a high-spec PC.

Anyway - I am tempted for the spaceship-construction kit, and likely outpost-building - the latter is what got me through Fallout 4 in the first place.
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Lots of good stuff, big space RPG with NPC’s is my kinda of thing. But the gameplay looks janky af to me, like pretty terrible. Looked kinda fake or 15fps.
We’ll see, needed that delay for sure
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I'm actually dumbfounded they are basically repacking no mans sky and claiming it as their own idea. It really does look like that, from this trailer.

I wouldn't say that. Outside of planet exploration it doesn't look that much like NMS. It looks more like Skyrim or Fallout in space actually. My fear is we get procedurally generated planets and it gets boring walking on them.

I love the idea of exploring planets, but it's incredibly hard to make it really fun and interesting on the long run. Todd Howard's part about "making your own story" makes me afraid we're left alone too often in procedurally generated worlds.

I hope they managed to make it fun and engaging, with an interesting story and a lot of handcrafted content. And tons of interesting side quests. I hope you can join factions fighting against other factions too.
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How did all these haters go from crying "we don't know anything about this game... all we have is concept art...it won't look like the in-engine teaser, etc" for an entire year to saying "I expected more."

Watching you all act like you expected the scope to be that big, look that good and have that kind of customization is just hilarious. Stay salty!


Grateful for the new avatar.

Introducing Craig 2.0 :


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Thought it was overkill. This is starting to feel like a dick measuring contest.

Also, I'd feel guilty playing a game this size. One because I don't have the time in the first place. And second, I'd rather someone poured that money into Somalia or something.
Im mean there is nothign wrong with wanting amazing graphics, but it seems some people honeslty want that over everything else. I mean just look at how Indies and AA games are scoffed at on here, and its Indie and AA games that have all the innovation these days really.
Elden ring is my favorite game ever and it okay graphically. Art style always matters more to me and I think graphics currently are good enough. I want more games to expand on gameplay and not just graphics .


I don't think that's true, since you can land everywhere on the planets or moons (just like Star Citizen), so it wouldn't make any sense to have that part scripted.

All planets and moons in Star Citizen are procedural generated, but have a lot of handcrafted assets.
They didnt show landing or taking off, but they did show a small cutscene for it, which i imagine would be able to be used in any location.

When he said that you can land anywhere it showed a button saying "land" (or something like that). It looked that you would press that and it would let you land where you selected. I dont believe they would overlook showing you that you can fly from space directly on to the planet if it was possible.


If a 12900X can't brute-force a curated trailer to 30fps, things are in pretty dire straits less than 12 months from launch date.
But more likely they simply had a directive to show actual console footage(multiple videos specifically called out XBox footage, not sure if this one did), which - shock and horror - developers actually prefer over faking things on a high-spec PC.

Anyway - I am tempted for the spaceship-construction kit, and likely outpost-building - the latter is what got me through Fallout 4 in the first place.
Wasn't this running on Xbox Series X? 30FPS on 12900K would mean 15FPS on Xbox SX.


How did all these haters go from crying "we don't know anything about this game... all we have is concept art...it won't look like the in-engine teaser, etc" for an entire year to saying "I expected more."

Watching you all act like you expected the scope to be that big, look that good and have that kind of customization is just hilarious. Stay salty!

Well, tbh we did wait literally years to see a trailer that had bad frame pacing and the combat looked below average for a 2010 game. I'm sure it will improve, but Bethesda gonna Bethesda. The combat just looked so dated compared to everything else.


Its like you're forced to just use a playstation console for eternity. First of all, calling oneself a gamer and not having a PC as the first thing ever is the biggest loss you can imagine. After that, Microsoft is now a jugernaut in the gaming space and will have dozens of exclusives going forward. Being devoted to playstation serves nothing but losing you games
That literally makes no sense when all of the 'juggernaut's' games are on PC day one 💩


The scale for this game is unreal!!!!
Why do people keep saying this?

No mans sky, elite dangerous, star citizen...

Hell, even Elite 2 on the commodore amiga has a larger number of systems and planets to visit

How is it "unreal"? Genuinley baffled as to why I keep seeing people say this
I'm actually dumbfounded they are basically repacking no mans sky and claiming it as their own idea. It really does look like that, from this trailer.

Oh wow, so we really doing this? Like these two games are just the same? :messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_tears_of_joy: Repackaging No Man's Sky? Christ all mighty.

So No Man's Sky is as deep an open world RPG and story epic as Starfield is going to be then? Is my understanding correct?


I honestly thought it looked pretty neat, however the on the ground combat looked pretty bland to me. I mean, nothing about that stood out from other games, which was a shame. I'm hoping that changes. It's neat they're really pushing for huge scale. Figured they were, but the clarification is nice.
Skyrim in space with ship building and a massive universe to explore is exactly what I expected and wanted.

Also just to save you disappointment in the future: Elder Scrolls 6 will also be like Skyrim. Fallout 5…will also be like Skyrim.
I'm not disappointed, I quit playing Todd Howard games after Fallout 4. I'm done with that formula, especially after Elden Ring showed me what a superior open world could be like.


Oh wow, so we really doing this? Like these two games are just the same? :messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_tears_of_joy: Repackaging No Man's Sky? Christ all mighty.

So No Man's Sky is as deep an open world RPG and story epic as Starfield is going to be then? Is my understanding correct?
No mans sky allows you to fly seamlessly from planet to planet

This game makes you select a landing spot from a menu and then shows you a cutscene of your ship landing

I'm not sure the two games are really comparable tbh, Starfield seems to be a skyrim / mass effect hybrid, no mans sky is a space exploration game, not an rpg


Gold Member
I really hate crafting, not gonna lie. Grinding to craft is an instant joy kill for me and I'm getting those vibes. That and the tons of first person shooting turned me off. I really hope the story is awesome and you can play entirely in third person.


Can't say I've been blown away from what has been shown... Customization looks cool and I like that kind of stuff, but gameplay and atmosphere looks like run of the mill game we've seen a thousand times.

I have pc gamepass so I'll play it anyway, but I'm not that hyped, it lacked a bit of umph and personality


gunplay and AI need heavy work. if those two can be at least brought into a decent level, its going to be an epic game
graphics looks fantastic, watched it at 4k. it looks unreal, considering its scale. textures looks very detailed, especially the planet/landscape looks very detailed
building outposts on planets seems SO cool to me. i hope it can be detailed as much as possible. assigning story npcs to outposts, maybe having activities there, would be a great deal for me
its almost everything i've imagined how Starfield would be.


Why do people keep saying this?

No mans sky, elite dangerous, star citizen...

Hell, even Elite 2 on the commodore amiga has a larger number of systems and planets to visit

How is it "unreal"? Genuinley baffled as to why I keep seeing people say this

I'm sure you know and can appreciate the difference between on the fly procedurally generated content and hand crafted content that every player is going to experience. NMS and ELITE are fun (to me) games, but the game design in each is quite a bit different than STARFIELD when it comes to content.

SF Kosmo

It didn't blow me away from moment one but as the presentation went on and you gradually get a feel for the scope of what they're doing, it seems like something really special.


I wonder if there will be underwater exploration. From the concept art we know that one of the cities is located on top of something like an oil rig in the ocean, so it would be cool if we could dive into the water, preferably with some kind of underwater vehicle. Imagine exploring alien oceans, like in Subnautica. Maybe we can even customize our ship to enable it to dive underwater?

Edit: I’m genuinely baffled that people are complaining about the character models. These are by far the best models Bethesda has ever done; I actually thought they were one of the stronger graphical aspects of the game that we’ve seen so far.
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I'm sure you know and can appreciate the difference between on the fly procedurally generated content and hand crafted content that every player is going to experience. NMS and ELITE are fun (to me) games, but the game design in each is quite a bit different than STARFIELD when it comes to content.
Which is why I don't understand why anybody is trying to compare Starfield to these other games, I'm especially surprised publications like IGN are trying to get peoples hopes up that starfield is going to be like these other games, because it pretty clearly isnt going to be

They ought to be comparing this to something like Mass Effect, not one of these space exploration games like star citizen or no mans sky
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I wonder if there will be underwater exploration. From the concept art we know that one of the cities is located on top of something like an oil rig in the ocean, so it would be cool if we could dive into the water, preferably with some kind of underwater vehicle. Imagine exploring alien oceans like in Subnautica. Maybe we can even customize our ship to enable it to dive underwater?
I remember ages ago there was a rumour about a sub type vehicle. Could of been dropped along the way though.


Writes a lot, says very little
As a massive Elder Scrolls and Fallout fan, let me say....this game looks ugly as fuck, like...it looks so dated, if you told me it was the last PS3 game, I'd believe you.

That being said, I think people need to factor how great this team is at world building and making RPGs, look....they don't make the best looking games, never have and I don't think they've ever put out a game anyone would consider the best looking of that gen or something, just the opposite, but what they do focus on is making a great open world RPG with NPC's that give a shit.

So...this game being ugly is kinda moot point. We know lol The real attraction with this game is this team's ability to craft an amazing world with great NPC interactions. If you showed this same game and simply said it was another team, I'd have doubts lol (CP2077 folks) Difference here, when Bethesda shows you a city and tells you about what you can do in it, its not a fucking claim, its not just marking BS, its not some lie to sell pre--orders, its not telling you some fucking lore shit "mistaken" to be a feature in the game. I think most of us here are hype because WE KNOW they can do this, its not a claim that you'll do those things in this game, they've already done stuff like this before, so I have no doubts on what they can do and what to expect day 1.
This game goes beyond what i was even imagining. I honestly was just thinking Skyrim/Fallout in space, but the scope of this game is just, fuck me lol.

Game of the generation.

This game is actually exactly what I expected, like almost down to the t exactly lol I expected Fallout in space. You find stations, loot them, go to different cites to go on quest etc. So the loop is what I expected, but its what I think many already felt it might be, but thats not to say they are playing it safe or something, this is a day 1 even without flying the ship and doing those battles, that is where this goes beyond Fallout and Skyrim, the rest is expected classic Bethesda and I think it takes those fans to really SEE what its offering that I think many might not really get 100% at first sight. I see the loop, I see how the quest would play out, the settlement stuff, exploring, collecting loot etc.

So its what I expected, but in a good way. Easy fucking day 1.

I've been gaming since the 70s and Starfield looks like the single most ambitious game of all time.


nah lol I love this team and its a day 1 for me, but I can't say all that. This is a game literally doing not a single new feature in gaming. Its doing a collective of features we've already seen before, using their style. I don't know if thats enough for me to say the most ambitious as nothing here even seems like they couldn't do it some past gen in some form or something. It still seems like its the go to place, do mission, kill boss, get loot, go to quest giver and repeat combo. Nothing wrong with that btw as thats probably why I'm more hype as its a grounded thing I'm looking for vs some claim of "never been done before". So they are keeping theses ideas grounded and with reasonability based on what we've seen done, even last gen.
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