7th Anniversary of Gravity Rush 2. 🎂🎂🎂🎂


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member

Gravity Rush 2, known in Japan as Gravity Daze 2, is the sequel to Gravity Rush. The game was developed by SIE Japan Studio and Project Siren (also known as Team Gravity) and is published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4. This cult classic adventure featured considerably more content than its predecessor, with a larger map and new gravity styles for enhanced navigation.The universe containing Hekseville, initially explored and developed in Gravity Rush, more than doubles in size and content in the sequel, as several new cities and exotic environments enhance the game's diversity. This amplification in space and activity also extends to the rift planes, as various surrealistic locations are added to complement an increasingly complex story. Also new to the rift planes is a challenge mode unique to the Gravity Rush franchise: the dungeon-style Delvool Trench Mine, unlockable by advancing through the main story. New characters are introduced in the game, and in addition to the 28 story missions, optional side missions have greater prominence (as opposed to being relegated to DLC), and they give the minor characters greater depth.


A cult work and for me the best magnum opus in the entire history of video games that I have tried in my life.

Time flies very fast.

Without a doubt the best franchise and the most adorable in every aspect.

It reflects beauty, altruism, action and emotional scenes.

This franchise has a lot of emotional meaning for me.

His entire universe and Kat is the most impressive and beautiful.



Thank you Keiichiro Toyama for giving the most unique and unrepeatable experience, may it continue more.


Thank you for existing Gravity rush.

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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I have tried many video games in my life, but the Ending of Gravity rush 1 and 2 are the most emotional, I even cried when I saw the Ending of Gravity rush 2.

Awww, every time I see the concert I have tears in my eyes...

I would like to one day go to a symphony concert where they play Gravity Rush songs.


Gold Member
Gravity Rush 2 was pretty good except for the stupid stealth sections.

I swear any do devs try to shove them into games. They are inevitably terrible unless the game is designed around them. Hey Spider-Man.

Anyways, I also liked the first game better, but the second one was still good.


One of the games I want to play the most. I don't own a ps4, and I wouldn't really want to play it at 30 fps, but I want a pc port so much, it's really one of my most wanted gaming wishes.
I played the demo for multiple hours on a friend's ps4, and it was such an amazing time. I love the art style, the atmosphere, the freedom of movement, all the traversel, it was all really perfect.

My favorite animated movie is Treasure Planet, and I always wanted a game that offered the same type of environment as Crescentia. That vibrant, colorful, aerial futurustic view, I always loved stuff related to flying and floating islands / cities, and Gravity Rush is probably the game that come the closest to that.

There were times when I kept watching videos of the game and I wanted to play it so much I felt it in my stomach lol I really need the adrenaline from the flight in that game. Now I usually try to not think about it too much because it just makes me sad. Please Sony remaster this / port it on PC :messenger_crying:
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Never played Gravity Rush games and probably never will considering how expensive the boxed remasters are and how digital versions don't drop below 15€ these days during sales. It's like Sony doesn't care anymore about selling more copies with the servers being offline.
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One of the games I want to play the most. I don't own a ps4, and I wouldn't really want to play it at 30 fps, but I want a pc port so much, it's really one of my most wanted gaming wishes.
I played the demo for multiple hours on a friend's ps4, and it was such an amazing time. I love the art style, the atmosphere, the freedom of movement, all the traversel, it was all really perfect.

My favorite animated movie is Treasure Planet, and I always wanted a game that offered the same type of environment as Crescentia. That vibrant, colorful, aerial futurustic view, I always loved stuff related to flying and floating islands / cities, and Gravity Rush is probably the game that come the closest to that.

There were times when I kept watching videos of the game and I wanted to play it so much I felt it in my stomach lol I really need the adrenaline from the flight in that game. Now I usually try to not think about it too much because it just makes me sad. Please Sony remaster this / port it on PC :messenger_crying:

Looks like you would like Skies of Arcadia.


Gold Member
Gravity Rush 2 had one of my fav game openings... ever. Excellent world building.

The issue is people had to play it during that launch year, because once the online service was shut off many of the features that enhanced the game and made it special went bye bye with it. Treasure hunts relied on hundreds of people looking for that loan chest and then aiding players by taking a screenshot we all can view and help find it ourselves. Races needed other people ghosts... without the service the game just feels like its lacking so much character compared to what it was that first year.

Sony needed to patch it back online when they added it to their plus catalog.
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The fact Sony is making a Gravity Rush movie gives me hope they'll rerelease the games on PS5/PC at some point.
Agreed, I think with Sony rethinking GaaS and already investing heavily in Trans-media projects I wouldnt be surprised if they take a look again at their back catalogue for new games. Hopefully they’ll realise that not every PS game has to be AAA and sell AAA numbers. A modest budget AA Gravity Rush 3 or other experimental games might be a good way forward.


Looks like you would like Skies of Arcadia.
Well, technically yes, I would like the setting, but I'm actually looking for games that let you really enjoy that type of environment with a lot of freedom, with great traversals. There are plenty of games with that type of world but when it's just a background with invisble walls all around, it's not really the same, I like the promise of sky and freedom, and I would love for more games to deliver on that gameplay wise too.


Gold Member
I loved the original, but the second one I never made it all the way through for some reason. Not completely sure why, it's not that I didn't like it, I just wasn't having as much fun.
Very sad that the gameplay of those games is so shallow and uninteresting. It was OK playing the first game on Vita but on PS4 they should have improved the gameplay a lot.
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Sorry OP, but welcome to the dead IP gang.

First game was amazing on Vita. The implementation of all Vita features seamlessly was amazing.


While I have criticisms I could levy, both games were great and Japan Studio deserved better. And you won't meet a single person who's played the game who isn't a fan of Kat.


I wonder if GR1 emulates well on PC. It uses a lot of Vita-specific features so might be a headache. I am really tempted to replay that masterpiece. It singlehandedly elevated Vita. One of the most amazing handheld games ever made.


Wow, this was a first party Sony game? I didn't realize that as I was enjoying it. WTF happened to Sony? Their first party games now suck so badly I still have not purchased a PS5. No reason to buy their console when their exclusives are just ass. I would love to see a Gravity Rush 3, but I just can't see that happening anymore. And even if they did make one, I imagine any charm from the first two games would be sucked out of it.


Damn, 7 years already... Fantastic title, among my favorite from the PS4 era. Kat is adorable, great graphics, superb art and innovative gameplay. Japan Studio will be always missed.


Sucks that we'll never get a 3rd. What's staggering is how bad these games sold but the marketing was non existent.
I would say that the first game being originally a Vita exclusive was a much bigger problem than the narrative of the non-existent marketing (gotta keep in mind that it was heavily promoted in Asian regions).
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