Following disaster they invented the pre recorded conference after the E3 2010 Skyward Sword and E3 2008 Wii Music embarassments
Instead of the E3 blow out we started getting trickles of information, highly curated, no crowds.
Obviously saved a bunch of money in the trade off but we will never have a Twilight Princess reveal moment again.
Sony copied all of this but took it a step further and then stopped attending E3 altogether
For Sony this seems like little more than cost cutting. They were arguably the blueprint on how to do E3 correctly throughout the PS4 years. We will never get the E3 of dreams again
Konami is credited with the worst, most embarassing, cringe E3 of all time.
There is an argument to be made that this E3 led to the death of Konami as a AAA gaming company. Did it also lead to the death of E3 14 years later? I'll leave that to gaming scholars to debate
Geoff Keighley
Follow the money... Geoff Keighley is now richer than the Catholic church. Who has profited more from the death of E3 than Geoff Keighley? It may take a million Doritos to make a Dorito Pope. But only one Dorito Pope to kill E3
Geoff Keighley: "I may have unimaginable riches but I'd trade it all for a little more"
Mr. Caffeine
Who was Mr Caffeine? Did he conspire with Ubisoft to kill E3? What did he have to gain by doing so?
Phil Spencer
Phil Spencer once claimed he isn't giving up on E3
It is awfully convenient that E3 is now dead?
Coming from the man who claimed to be excited to work with Tango Gameworks befor brutally closing them
Did Phil Spencer use the influence of Microsoft to secretly close E3 while portraying himself as the hero?
Following disaster they invented the pre recorded conference after the E3 2010 Skyward Sword and E3 2008 Wii Music embarassments
Instead of the E3 blow out we started getting trickles of information, highly curated, no crowds.
Obviously saved a bunch of money in the trade off but we will never have a Twilight Princess reveal moment again.

Sony copied all of this but took it a step further and then stopped attending E3 altogether
For Sony this seems like little more than cost cutting. They were arguably the blueprint on how to do E3 correctly throughout the PS4 years. We will never get the E3 of dreams again
Konami is credited with the worst, most embarassing, cringe E3 of all time.
There is an argument to be made that this E3 led to the death of Konami as a AAA gaming company. Did it also lead to the death of E3 14 years later? I'll leave that to gaming scholars to debate
Geoff Keighley

Follow the money... Geoff Keighley is now richer than the Catholic church. Who has profited more from the death of E3 than Geoff Keighley? It may take a million Doritos to make a Dorito Pope. But only one Dorito Pope to kill E3
Geoff Keighley: "I may have unimaginable riches but I'd trade it all for a little more"
Mr. Caffeine
Who was Mr Caffeine? Did he conspire with Ubisoft to kill E3? What did he have to gain by doing so?
Phil Spencer
Phil Spencer once claimed he isn't giving up on E3

It is awfully convenient that E3 is now dead?

Did Phil Spencer use the influence of Microsoft to secretly close E3 while portraying himself as the hero?