GmanLives: Remembering Raven Software's First Person Shooters


Gold Member
i miss raven



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Does the video skip on Heretic II? :goog_relieved:

edit: lol nevermind, it only covers the first person shooters.
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Activision turning Raven into a fucking Call of Duty support studio still pisses me off to this day.

The Hexen and Heretic games were based as fuck. Singularity is still easily better than 70% of all Call of Duty games and the Jedi Knight games are still among the best Star Wars games. Quake 4 was mediocre, yes... but it had cool moments.


Gold Member
The original soldier of fortune especially online was my go to game at the time.

That Death Match was just so good because of how varied and awesome the weapons where. Like the HMG had an alt fire that shot a posperus grenade so you could bounce is round corners and kill like 3 people you had no idea where there.

The slug thrower was awesome, the microwave gun was just lol people evaporated, but honestly my fav weapon was the knife. Insane RoF, insta kill headshot, you could just hold down mouse1 and walk through people killing them instantly. Add in the insane movement speed of the player and it was my go to weapon for flag defence in CTF.

God I loved that game.
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The original soldier of fortune especially online was my go to game at the time.

That Death Match was just so good because of how varied and awesome the weapons where. Like the HMG had an alt fire that shot a posperus grenade so you could bounce is round corners and kill like 3 people you had no idea where there.

The slug thrower was awesome, the microwave gun was just lol people evaporated, but honestly my fav weapon was the knife. Insane RoF, insta kill headshot, you could just hold down mouse1 and walk through people killing them instantly. Add in the insane movement speed of the player and it was my go to weapon for flag defence in CTF.

God I loved that game.

I feel like we had the exact same experience back in 2000, maybe we were in the same clan haha

If they remastered this at a budget price, I would be there day one.
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Black ops Cold War is a Raven Campaign if anyone is interested and its great, it's not a top tier Raven game probably because they are confined within the COD framework but its one of the best recent COD campaigns IMO. Also they are doing Black ops 6 campaign so I am really excited for that one.
Its a travesty what Activision did to this studio. Went from a pretty solid and imaginative FPS developer to an assembly line support wheel for the yearly CoD.

Waste of talent. Could've been delivering a brand new FPS IP instead.
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