Then why not have fun playing something else...Shocking concept right?
You have 10.000 games out there to play if you want something easy.No need to make Elden Ring the nr. 10.001 easy game.
If it's too hard for you then just play something else instead of ruining the game for people who enjoy hard games.
Imagine if I go to your favourite game and after I whine the devs make the game harder and ruin YOUR experience. Would you still say the same?
Pretty bad solution if I wanna explore one of the most incredible open worlds of all time, isn't it? If I wanna experience the mysterious majesty of the story? If I wanna interact with the literal hundreds of spells, skill, weapons and armour?
Again, you've totally missed the point that difficulty is not the only thing on offer here.
I could easily apply the same (not thought out at all) logic to you. If it's too easy post patch why not go play a harder game? (Feels stupid even suggesting that).
And btw, if you read the patch the game is literally not easier, the curve has simply been changed, rightfully so imo. The final blessing gives you slightly more than it used too, but how many ppl will actually get every blessing? 99% of casuals have no chance. I ain't chasing all those dudes with pots either lol
Don't be a gatekeeper, let ppl play thier own way and let the world's best designer make the best design decisions.
Miyazaki hates hard games, should he stop making them? Or is he thoughtful enough to know that his opinion is not the only one and game design is not that simple.