Tears of Nintendo
First a little bit of history. The first time I encountered TEKKEN was in the late 90s at the "arcade" which is Russia's equivalent of a place with a bunch of consoles you can play for an hour with friends or alone after paying the owner. It was TEKKEN 3 which was my first 3D fighting game, I haven't played much of it but it was new cuz before that I only played MK and SF on NES and Mega Drive. The issue was that I just couldn't afford PS1 and later PS2 to get into the TEKKEN more and the only thing I had to remind me of its existence was VHS tape with the old TEKKEN anime and it wasn't very good in comparison to SF stuff.
Here's the thing, I remembered how TEKKEN 3 was to play, how it worked and after playing SF and MK for years, they were was much more approachable and easy to get into, not to mention a lot more fast, with all those flashy moves, combos, easy to execute attacks, jump attacks and so forth, but I remembered TEKKEN as a much slower, stiff and clunky version of all this and... well I guess it was the reason why I just never bought and played TEKKEN 6 when I had the PS3. I mean, TEKKEN is way different than SF and MK and I'm yet to find out what they did with TEKKEN 8 (reviews on steam are not the most flattering and positive so there's definitely something they did and people don't like it, but whatever, I'll see for myself when the time comes, the game is bought and just waiting to be played), so it's not easy to get into something you've played almost 30 years ago. But I decided that fuck it, it's now or never cuz I started to think that I'm missing something important.
First thing I want to say after playing TEKKEN 7 is that even though there's obviously a lot they did since TEKKEN 3 with mechanics and stuff, the core gameplay is almost exactly the same though and just like I remembered it. It was a pain in the butt to get into, I won't lie, not to mention that after opening the move list of just one character my jaw dropped to the center of the earth cuz of the amount of moves you can do and stuff. It's just ridiculously overwhelming and after that I knew that I just will never learn all this stuff to be even remotely competitive to play online, which is something I can't say about SF and especially MK. TEKKEN has a lot of complex stuff in it and... I just don't think that I'll manage to get good with even one character, let alone 4 or 5, but certainly not cuz of the lack of trying
The thing about TEKKEN is that beneath all this slow, stiff and dare I say it more tactical combat than in SF and MK, there's so much complexity and learning curve that I don't think any other and for sure Capcom and NR games ever had and I've played most of their fighting games over the years. Now, again, Idk yet what exactly they did with TEKKEN 8 cuz I want to find out on my own, but TEKKEN 7 is an effin' beast of a fighting game the likes of which I honestly never played before and I honestly don't remember TEKKEN 3 being so complex to learn and master. The games aside though and since I haven't played the rest of them but 3, i decided to go and watch the story recap after finishing TEKKEN 7's story (not the fights of individual characters - oh, but I'll get to that in a sec).
Honestly? I never laughed so hard in Idk how long. To say it's ridiculous, hilariously over the top and extremely serious at the same time is to say nothing and I EFFIN' LOVE IT! Like, who would that that underneath all this super serious story about world domination, evil corporations, massacres around the world and destruction hide a very complex fighting game where you can play as Panda or watch a cutscene where a J Pop start (which also happens to know martial arts) teaching Eddy Gordo how to properly say her name, how to dance and move? It's just hilarious and there was even more of this in the past games and I wish I was there to see and experience it as so many other people did, uh, but oh well, it's better late than never I guess.
Cool thing about TEKKEN 7 though is that it looks like they've gone as far as to recreate some of the stuff they did in the past games on the new engine, but CGI cutscenes were left as is, so I guess I sort of also got a chance to experience what I missed, not entirely cuz a lot of stuff related to characters and their stories are not in the game, but still. Do I think the story is good, hahah, FUCK NO
I don't like what they did in TEKKEN 7 when it comes to the story and the reporter stuff - it's just plain bad and awful approach to storytelling, the story itself is more like a 20 min pilot of a the TV show than a well told story with well written and realized characters with well written, delivered motivations etc. and there's a lot of room for improvement here for sure, cuz I trully think that the story in TEKKEN has an enormous potential to be something more, it's just the way they decided to approach story telling in all games is not the way it should be done cuz it's a surface stuff at best which is not realizing the full potential.
So here's hoping that at some point they'll finally deliver a well developed story campaign and at the same time stay true to what TEKKEN is. But even as it is right now which is in "so bad it's good" territory, it's a really fun time still and again, I LOVE it for what it is, you can just turn off your brain and embrace all the stupidity, hilariousness and ridiculousness of everything that is happening, which is fine by me for now. And those character stories and cutscenes in TEKKEN 7 are on the whole other level
, I just wish there was more than just 1 fight and 1 cutscenes though, but I guess it was a cost saving thing for them cuz TEKKEN 7 has A LOT of other shit to play around with and is super content rich. I haven't watched the new anime yet (maye I will) to see if it's better than 1998 movie, so I can't say anything about it.
Anyway, I realized that behind all this stiffness, slower paced combat etc. is I much deeper and complex game I can actually like despite the fact that I'm used to more approachable and easy to learn fighting games, I don't think I will be anything but casual TEKKEN player based on what TEKKEN 7 is and how it works, but maybe it'll change with TEKKEN 8. I already mentioned the music in the the TEKKEN 8 thread so I won't repeat myself here
So, I'm finally into TEKKEN now after almost 30 years and thank fuck for that

Here's the thing, I remembered how TEKKEN 3 was to play, how it worked and after playing SF and MK for years, they were was much more approachable and easy to get into, not to mention a lot more fast, with all those flashy moves, combos, easy to execute attacks, jump attacks and so forth, but I remembered TEKKEN as a much slower, stiff and clunky version of all this and... well I guess it was the reason why I just never bought and played TEKKEN 6 when I had the PS3. I mean, TEKKEN is way different than SF and MK and I'm yet to find out what they did with TEKKEN 8 (reviews on steam are not the most flattering and positive so there's definitely something they did and people don't like it, but whatever, I'll see for myself when the time comes, the game is bought and just waiting to be played), so it's not easy to get into something you've played almost 30 years ago. But I decided that fuck it, it's now or never cuz I started to think that I'm missing something important.
First thing I want to say after playing TEKKEN 7 is that even though there's obviously a lot they did since TEKKEN 3 with mechanics and stuff, the core gameplay is almost exactly the same though and just like I remembered it. It was a pain in the butt to get into, I won't lie, not to mention that after opening the move list of just one character my jaw dropped to the center of the earth cuz of the amount of moves you can do and stuff. It's just ridiculously overwhelming and after that I knew that I just will never learn all this stuff to be even remotely competitive to play online, which is something I can't say about SF and especially MK. TEKKEN has a lot of complex stuff in it and... I just don't think that I'll manage to get good with even one character, let alone 4 or 5, but certainly not cuz of the lack of trying
The thing about TEKKEN is that beneath all this slow, stiff and dare I say it more tactical combat than in SF and MK, there's so much complexity and learning curve that I don't think any other and for sure Capcom and NR games ever had and I've played most of their fighting games over the years. Now, again, Idk yet what exactly they did with TEKKEN 8 cuz I want to find out on my own, but TEKKEN 7 is an effin' beast of a fighting game the likes of which I honestly never played before and I honestly don't remember TEKKEN 3 being so complex to learn and master. The games aside though and since I haven't played the rest of them but 3, i decided to go and watch the story recap after finishing TEKKEN 7's story (not the fights of individual characters - oh, but I'll get to that in a sec).
Honestly? I never laughed so hard in Idk how long. To say it's ridiculous, hilariously over the top and extremely serious at the same time is to say nothing and I EFFIN' LOVE IT! Like, who would that that underneath all this super serious story about world domination, evil corporations, massacres around the world and destruction hide a very complex fighting game where you can play as Panda or watch a cutscene where a J Pop start (which also happens to know martial arts) teaching Eddy Gordo how to properly say her name, how to dance and move? It's just hilarious and there was even more of this in the past games and I wish I was there to see and experience it as so many other people did, uh, but oh well, it's better late than never I guess.
Cool thing about TEKKEN 7 though is that it looks like they've gone as far as to recreate some of the stuff they did in the past games on the new engine, but CGI cutscenes were left as is, so I guess I sort of also got a chance to experience what I missed, not entirely cuz a lot of stuff related to characters and their stories are not in the game, but still. Do I think the story is good, hahah, FUCK NO
So here's hoping that at some point they'll finally deliver a well developed story campaign and at the same time stay true to what TEKKEN is. But even as it is right now which is in "so bad it's good" territory, it's a really fun time still and again, I LOVE it for what it is, you can just turn off your brain and embrace all the stupidity, hilariousness and ridiculousness of everything that is happening, which is fine by me for now. And those character stories and cutscenes in TEKKEN 7 are on the whole other level
Anyway, I realized that behind all this stiffness, slower paced combat etc. is I much deeper and complex game I can actually like despite the fact that I'm used to more approachable and easy to learn fighting games, I don't think I will be anything but casual TEKKEN player based on what TEKKEN 7 is and how it works, but maybe it'll change with TEKKEN 8. I already mentioned the music in the the TEKKEN 8 thread so I won't repeat myself here
So, I'm finally into TEKKEN now after almost 30 years and thank fuck for that