The 25 Best Horror Games Ever Made (as ranked by IGN)

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire


25. Stay Out of the House
24. Slender: The Eight Pages
23. The Evil Within
22. Condemned: Criminal Origins
21. Manhunt
20. Inside
19. Visage
18. Phasmophobia
17. Dead by Daylight
16. Until Dawn
15. Alan Wake 2
14. Soma
13. Clock Tower
12. Forbidden Siren 2
11. Resident Evil
10. Five Nights at Freddy’s
9. Resident Evil 4
8. Left 4 Dead 2
7. Outlast
6. Alien: Isolation
5. Dead Space
4. P.T.
3. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
2. Resident Evil 2 (2019)
1. Silent Hill 2


What a trash list.
The REmake beat most of that list. And RE4 is not even a horror game, is more like an action game. Even Bloodborne should be there.

Those list made by sites like IGN and Gamespot are so fukcing joke.
Inside is not horror. P.T. is not even a game. Was this AI generated?
Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN
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Personally, I think so. The remake shows they understood the assignment and modernized how the game made us feel back then.
I'm not denying the quality of the remake, I just doubt that IGN would have had the guts to put a PS1 game at the top of these charts without the hype and the remake.


Gold Member
Slender, Stay out of the House, Manhunt, Inside, FNaF and friggin' L4D. Are you kidding me?!
Obviously lots of people (IGN is not a person) would have very different lists. Surprised?

It's all just subjective anyway. Why would you care about someone's opinion. Make up your own mind and live life.
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They have all the main ones there, but Evil Within should be higher. Lmao @ Dead by Daylight, Visage, and Until Dawn being ranked above it.

Glad to see the Alien Isolation respect from IGN, but it should be higher. Happy to see the Dead Space 1 respect, exactly where it should be. Legit surprised at Manhunt being there, but I'm kind of happy about that.

Signalis, Fatal Frame 2, Little Nightmares 2, Amnesia: The Bunker, Darkwood, Dying Light, and Cry of Fear should all be there. I feel like RE7 should get respect on this list too, but they already have 3 RE's up there. Silent Hill 3 and 4 should be there if we're doing multiple from franchises.

I don't personally agree with Slender and FNAF, but both are super influential games younger generations grew up with. I get it. Inside and Left 4 Dead shouldn't be there period. Never heard of Stay Out of the House.

I get PT is influential and I loved it, but it's not even a full game. It's a haunted house walking simulator tech demo. I'm tired of people putting it as a top 5 horror game. That's a joke.

Overall, not as bad of a list as people ITT are making out. A lot are easily justifiable.
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Obviously lots of people (IGN is not a person) would have very different lists. Surprised?

It's all just subjective anyway. Why would you care about someone's opinion. Make up your own mind and live life.
Why don't you share with us your super amazing list?
Lists like these are meant to spark discussion.

Why are YOU so butthurt that people are discussing this and criticizing some of the choices?


11. Resident Evil
10. Five Nights at Freddy’s

Yeah I laughed out loud when I saw that. We also have a fucking game demo with P.T. in there, along with Left for Dead 2 and Slender. There is not a single instance of any of the Fatal Frame games in the list when two of them easily deserve to be up there. Ordering aside, there are a lot of games missing that shoud be there, and games here that have no reason to be, I will happily take some of whatever the person who made this list was smoking.


My Scary Games Top 10:
  1. Resident Evil 1 Remake
  2. Resident Evil 4
  3. Dead Space
  4. Outlast
  5. Resident Evil Revelations 2
  6. Soma
  7. Little Nightmares 2
  8. The Evil Within
  9. The Evil Within 2
  10. Darkwood


It might not be better "horror", but Clive Barker's Undying is absolutely a better game than most of that list.


That's their list and they can put whatever they want but to me there is a lot of none worthy games there, starting by the two Walking/Running simulators at the bottom. Also I might be in the minority but I find Resident Evil 2 Remake (while very good) to be a little overrated, the original was better and as far as remakes go RE:R and RE4:R did a much better job.


Alien isolation hard mode was terrifying but I think SH2 remake might be scarier. I’ve noticed I’m making excuses to not play it at night.


Gold Member
I don’t agree with like 10 of the games on there. Some are right, others? Not so much. Five Nights is scary to a 10 year old. It’s like they polled a Twitch stream.


Nice to see Isolation so high.

That said, the idea that RE2 remake is a better horror game than the original is honestly laughable.


IGN are so bad, i appreciate putting Amnesia and Alien Isolation high but why the hell is P.T there? thats not even a full game and its a shitty demo that spawned garbage games.
Also Silent Hill 2 placement always seems to stem out of a circlejerk, how is Silent Hill 2 scary? James can single handedly stomp the entire game with his trusty Baseball bat, unless they mean the remake which i haven't played yet, but its not the scariest and definitely not the best considering its gameplay is awful and its level design is mediocre, if anything when it comes to best horror game Remake 2002 is the GOAT.
Where is System Shock 2?
Also some games dont belong here like Left 4 Dead 2 which barely qualifies as one, they exclude Bloodborne for silly reasons but allow zombie co-op funny game into the top 10?

Not impressed with this list, but its IGN so expectations were low anyway lol, its an ok list for someone looking for a recommendation of horror games as a newcomer though.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
How much of a pussy do you have to be to feel terror while playing L4D2? 👀

Anyway, shit list with a lot of recency bias. No System Shock? Come on. Also, VTM: Bloodlines should be there just for the hotel segment, much more scary than most of the stuff on that list.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Resident Evil 7 in VR is one of the best horror experiences I’ve ever had. That was truly scary for me. I literally had to quit playing for like 2 weeks at one point. It’s so good.


It’s fine as a list. I’m not offended by anything in it. It’s missing some FMV horror adventures from the 90s and personally Demon’s Souls 2009 should be in there somewhere.
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