The 25 Best Horror Games Ever Made (as ranked by IGN)


Also, WTF a tech demo (which is not even a game IGN, guess what) from 2014 is even doing there FFS?
Should have been #1, not only due to objective merits but also for its ability provoke this kind of reactions when people simply acknowledge greatness.

I always look forward to what you have to say. You bring up very good points and I agree with many of them.

I still really do feel that had PT not been taken off the PS Store and become increasingly difficult to procure, it probably wouldn't be quite as lionized. But, let's face it- I could be wrong and it could have just ended up being even MORE popular. We'll just never know.
We can actually, a simple look at this legendary Thread to witness people reactions to the game BEFORE anyone knew it was Silent Hill or a Kojima product:



It's fantastic, but come on. Journalists ain't beating the allegations that they're glorified advertisements for games.


Reminder that this is what IGN gave Alien: Isolation, a game they now put 6th in their list:

Exactly. Never really cared about IGN for a lot of reasons. They've given plenty of reasons why over the years.

SH2 is one of my favorites of all time, always has been, but that's just my opinion. But this list is pretty stupid.

the remake is woke trash (hit detection llc), terrible list overall too.
It's wild to me that people are still saying this. I'm sure they were consulted with regarding mental health and adjacent topics as the game focuses on a lot of that. However, playing the game shows you that it isn't "woke" at all.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
As usual, it's really dumb to make a top games list like this and include something that came out like a week ago. I don't deny that Silent Hill 2's remake is probably excellent (waiting for the PS5 Pro to play it), but you need to give it time to breathe before you can have meaningful insight as to where it sits in the genre as a whole.
Some of those games like Slender and Phasmophobia, ones I've never heard of before, I've already added on my wishlist. I'm always on the look out for a good scare.
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None of the original Silent hill or resident evils are even on here.
They are choosing between Remakes and the OGs, only picking what they found best.
And I personally agree with Dead Space, RE4, and RE2R.

OG Resident Evil 1996 is there by the way, and them picking this version over the 2002 Remake is some kind of extreme connoisseur move imo.
All the most hardcore, to the bone RE fanatics I've ever interacted with prefer 1996 over that masterpiece (and unquestionably Top 3 Remake ever) of 2002.

They are right. I wish RE would go back to its roots and give us something that can unseat SH2.
Not sure RE scare-factor has ever been on par with Silent Hill until RE7 in VR to be honest. Even though RE '96, RE2, RE 2002 all scared me shitless when I first played them, they weren't exactly SH2, SH3 and The Room.

I think Capcom did a phenomenal job with RE2R when it comes to horror though, at least the first third. My first run of RE2R was at Hardcore and has been a truly terrifying experience.

LOL, where is RE7? Wtf.....
Yeah, that game in VR was unparalleled at the time.

Their score for Alien: Isolation is a joke and then they list it that high lol.
An attempt at redemption?
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OG Resident Evil 1996 is there by the way, and them picking this version over the 2002 Remake is some kind of extreme connoisseur move imo.
All the most hardcore, to the bone RE fanatics I've ever interacted with prefer 1996 over that masterpiece (and unquestionably Top 3 Remake ever) of 2002.
Right. I prefer the 96 release over REmake but still, I recognize that REmake is a better game and infinitely more scary.

RE96 at launch was scary, it's not now. REmake is always scary, regardless of how much time passes. IMO that game should be #1. Total masterclass in overall game design and still the best example of a remake.
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My big argument against PT, is that NO ONE knows how they game would've played out beyond the hall simulator. Would it keep all of constant scares or just be RE7 in Silent Hill? How can a demo be so praised?
(I liked it a lot, by the way)


RE96 at launch was scary, it's not now.
Eh, replayed it around last year or soon after it released on PS5, for the first time ever in the Home-Theatre (release has amazing audio!), and the game is still unsettling to me.

There's something about it. Remake, which is one of my all time favorite games bar none, is almost too beautiful. I'm always floored by how utterly gorgeous it visually is everytime I replay it, especially on GC.

I'm attracted to 2002 game, whereas I feel the exact opposite for the wrong and rotten nature of '96 RE instead. OG Mansion has a Shining quality to it that's totally absent in 2002.


Neo Member
It has some of the best atmosphere I have ever experienced in a game, I will give it that.

And to the people against P.T.: It is the only time a video game has ever even come close to scaring me in any way. That has to be worth something.


"Popular new thing is the greatest thing ever"

My wife straight up shut down when she tried Doom3 in VR. She was shaking when I took the headset off and had her eyes closed. But she was wrong because IGN knows better.
While SH2, is a true gem and will be as my top 10 game experiences of all time, the honour goes to SOMA. No horror game or any game for that matter gave me an existential crisis like it. It tackled the idea head-on and you understand knowing full well what you do is just futile and merely extending the inevitable end. From that moment, SH2 took the crown of dread storytelling but it is limited due to themes that are internally based: anger, sexual frustration, etc. SOMA, was the exact opposite, it put the very definition of "life" and reduced it to pure nihilism. Something that will stick with me forever.

Alan Wake

You could also argue that RE4 is more action than horror. Apart from the Ashley section in the remake it's never scary at all. But it's a 10/10 game nevertheless.
P.T. stands for Playable Teaser. Glorify it what you want, it's not a game. It's a demo of a cancelled game, Silent Hills. Being on any list of games it's just stupid and bias.

As for the list we already discussed in the other thread. Lack of games like F.E.A.R., Fatal Frame or even Resident Evil 7 is questionable. And SH2 being the remake i can't agree with that.
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Gold Member
Not sure RE scare-factor has ever been on par with Silent Hill until RE7 in VR to be honest. Even though RE '96, RE2, RE 2002 all scared me shitless when I first played them, they weren't exactly SH2, SH3 and The Room.

I think Capcom did a phenomenal job with RE2R when it comes to horror though, at least the first third. My first run of RE2R was at Hardcore and has been a truly terrifying experience.

Well, I may be biased because I played the original as a teen, but it was scary af playing that at night by myself. Nothing will compare since I am no longer a child. The tank controls and not knowing what was around the corner was crazy in enhancing the scare factor. Then they went to Chris punching boulders, huge ridiculous monsters, suplexes, over the top musculature, beautiful Ada and her grappling hook, etc. RE 7 was a step in the right direction but it still had huge monsters and the fact that it only had one enemy type for the whole game kills its chances at being on this list for me.

I want them to go back to 3rd person and making it more grounded. A remake of 1 would be amazing. And I agree on RE2R, but SH2 is a step above for me. I think the more realistic characters, the screaming as he attacks enemies with a board with nails in it and the stomping while screaming, the sound effects and creepy music, etc. It's just a great overall package.
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Their complete list, for those interested:

1: Silent Hill 2 (2024)
2: Resident Evil 2 (2019)
3: Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010)
4: P.T. (2014)
5: Dead Space (2023)
6: Alien: Isolation (2014)
7: Outlast (2013)
8: Left 4 Dead 2 (2009)
9: Resident Evil 4 (2005)
10: Five Nights at Freddy's (2014)
11: Resident Evil (1996)
12: Forbidden Siren 2 (2006)
13: Clock Tower (1995)
14: Soma (2015)
15: Alan Wake II (2023)
16: Until Dawn (2015)
17: Dead by Daylight (2016)
18: Phasmophobia (2020)
19: Visage (2019)
20: Inside (2016)
21: Manhunt (2003)
22: Condemned: Criminal Origins (2005)
23: The Evil Within (2014)
24: Slender: The Eight Pages (2012)
25: Stay Out of the House (2022)
Amnesia was so boring that I stopped playing, uninstalled, and never went back. How that made it to #3 of any list, especially a modern leaning content exercise like this, is baffling to me.


Moderated wildly
I need to start playing this. I've given them my cash and I've not even booted it up. We are close to Halloween though.....

I'll end up playing luigi mansion 3 as my Halloween game...

I'm double hard
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When it comes to representing real terror and its consequences, it doesn’t get any scarier than Silent Hill 2. It’s an increasingly disturbing and psychological journey into the repressed thoughts of its unassuming protagonist, and the tortured souls he meets along the way. Emotional tragedy, guilt, anger, abuse, and the horrible ways the resulting trauma manifests are handled with a grace and maturity that only strengthens Silent Hill 2’s disturbing subject matter. The mounting feeling that you are fleeing from an inescapable mistake, all leading up to the haunting revelation at the end and a devastating fight against one of video gaming’s most menacing antagonists, makes Silent Hill 2 the scariest game of all time.

The original Silent Hill 2 is perhaps the bleakest, most sombre game ever made and Bloober Team has successfully recreated its miserable magic, ensuring the remake is a deeply effective descent into genuinely uncomfortable terror. With the 2024 remake, Team Silent’s nightmarish vision is preserved. It’s a modern reminder not just of an era where Konami was a master of survival horror, but also of the significant power of Silent Hill 2’s unrelenting misery.

There’s just something about that PS2 version, though, that keeps us coming back to its slightly pixelated fog and uniquely haunting atmosphere. It’s fair to say that we’ve been seeing that restless town in our dreams ever since we first stepped foot in it back in 2001. 23 years later, nothing has been more terrifying.
Is the author 15 years old.

2003 is the oldest game on the list and it also has manhunt which has literally 0 horror, just gore.

Oh wait clocktower, let's be honest though, kids only know that cause it's kind of a meme, a guy with huge scissors.

So what's with the over the top moron PT hate as well? Is this like console wars or something.

Since when does PT get TLOUp2 treatment.
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There always has to be one..

P.T. not being in such a list would invalidate it instantly.

I'll never understand this, if someone's experience with P.T. is YouTube videos (almost always limited to the linear portion until its jumpscare, never showing the core of the game with its potentially infinite and still filled with secrets randomly generated final loop) or dumb incomplete recreations of it, is it really so damn hard trying to fight the urge to downplay literal God-tier material?

Even ignoring its otherworldly quality which is still literally unmatched after 10 years, this "tech demo that fucking wasn't good" is responsible for Resident Evil return to horror, sparked countless good "copies" of it, and its influence is not even limited to games only either as Ari Aster reveres P.T. and gave us the best horror movie since The Exorcist.
How hard can it be to have a little taste or show deserved respect?
I’m not giving it any more respect because it isn’t a game, it’s a short tech demo. It doesn’t deserve to be on any list.
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