Should have been #1, not only due to objective merits but also for its ability provoke this kind of reactions when people simply acknowledge greatness.Also, WTF a tech demo (which is not even a game IGN, guess what) from 2014 is even doing there FFS?
We can actually, a simple look at this legendary Thread to witness people reactions to the game BEFORE anyone knew it was Silent Hill or a Kojima product:I always look forward to what you have to say. You bring up very good points and I agree with many of them.
I still really do feel that had PT not been taken off the PS Store and become increasingly difficult to procure, it probably wouldn't be quite as lionized. But, let's face it- I could be wrong and it could have just ended up being even MORE popular. We'll just never know.

"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store!/en-ca/games/pt/cid=UP4511-CUSA01127_00-PPPPPPPPTTTTTTTT Not sure what an interactive teaser is yet. 1.3 GB download "*Avoid playing if you have a heart condition" EDIT: ITS BEEN...